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universal6 star tag team

Evolution 58 {4/1/12}

Started by sopshowtime69, December 02, 2014, 07:14:37 PM

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April 1st, 2012

The first day of April and the day the prankster comes out in all of us, but for those pranksters, it's the one day we take serious! And everyone is packed into the Civic Center here in Amarillo Texas ready for the last Evolution before Wrestle X next Sunday! Pyro blasts off over the ring and "Welcome to the Family" by Avenged Sevenfold plays loud through the pa pumping this crowd up even more as Nick shouts.


After panning around the arena the view drops to Nick at ringside behind the announce table by himself, though surrounded by fans, his people, and he says.

Here we are on the last stop before Wrestle X here in Amarillo and Corez defends the World Title against Cody wannabe Jericho. A very uneven match, though in a hardcore environment odds change, but given history, it would only favor Corez. Cody has proven that he can only feud with his brother Shane and not even do that well. But we also have a fatal four way which will three of those participants go to Wrestle X in a triple threat, so whoever is pinned or submits does not got o the biggest show of the year! The Milan Nightmare looks to avenge his loss last week against Shane while Nykki Delight looks for some revenge against Rick Reynolds who needs some momentum for next Sunday! And we kick off tonight's show with tag team action pitting two guys together for the first time perhaps against two old friends, but two separate rivalries going on!

"You Know My Name" by Chris Cornell plays over the pa bringing the crowd alive with boos for Matlock who walks out arrogantly pumping his fists in the air while Nick makes the announcement!

The following is a tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first from Cape Breton Island Novia Scotia Canada, weighing in at two hundred seventy pounds.........Matt Matlock!

The uncrowned champ comes swaggering down the ramp slapping a few hands of some fans and then hops into the ring. Matt heading up the turnbuckles spreads his arms out while HBK style pyro shoots off behind him. He hops down and "I'm Not A Human Being" plays by Lil Wayne bringing the fans into a rousing round of cheers. Derek walks out with the International Title raised high as Nick introduces Matlock's partner.

Making his way to the ring from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at two hundred two pounds, he is the SEF International Champion..........Derek Helms!

"Rest In Pieces" by Saliva plays and here comes The Resurrector walking out slowly and methodically clad in his leather trenchcoat. A black bandana covers his head and he just walks the aisle letting the fans slap his arms as Nick introduces him.

And their opponents, making his way to the ring first from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at three hundred thirty five pounds, he is the SEF I-con Champion.........The Resurrector!

The big man heads up the steps dropping his coat to the floor, then unsnaps the I-con Title dropping it on the steps. The big man steps in as "The Way I Am" by Eminem plays over the pa and the cheering crowd boos a bit. Xanthus comes out grabbing his nuts and doing crotch chops firing them up more. The X Rated Icon comes down looking smug as Nick introduces The Resurrector's partner.

And now making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at two hundred five pounds.........Xanthus!

He swaggers to the ring sliding in and pops up shoving The Resurrector back, then flies across the ring. Derek ducking a clothesline runs to the ropes while X bounces off the ropes and both men look for a clothesline taking each other down. The Resurrector on the apron sneering and the bell rings bringing this match to an official start. Xanthus and Derek up swinging punches, then X ducks and runs to the ropes springing back into a dropkick. Derek going down and Xanthus heading to the top rope leaps off into senton bomb, but gets knees driven to his back. Derek getting up runs to the ropes springing back into a leg drop across X's throat. Derek ripping Xanthus up nails a suplex on him, then floats over into an armbar grapevining the right arm with his legs. Xanthus screaming pulls himself towards the ropes. He thrashes around trying to get free and drags himself and Derek across the mat reaching out for a tag. The Resurrector makes it and Derek letting go rolls up to his feet, but gets a shoulder tackle knocking him into the ropes. The Resurrector grabs him by the throat and rips Derek up for a chokehold, but the International Champ rakes his eyes and droops to the side leaping to his corner. Matlock with the tag pulls himself up to the top rope springing off into a shoulder tackle taking the big man down. Matt scrambling into a mount unloading with heavy punches to the head, then he pulls The Resurrector up looking for the BFA. The Resurrector blocking rips Matt up into a suplex hanging him for about five seconds, then turns him into a jackhammer smashing Matlock to the canvas. The Resurrector yanks him up into a wristlock backing up the turnbuckles into Walk The Line, then comes crashing down across Matt's back a forearm. The I-con Champ whips Matt to the ropes looking for Impaled, but the Uncrowned Champ baseball slides under and pops up into a chop block to The Resurrector's left leg. Matt starts stomping on the knee and applies a spinning toe hold wrenching down on the knee. He drops a few elbows, pops back up and tries for the Matt Lock when Xanthus flies in off the top rope with a clothesline taking Matt down. Derek charging in tackles Xanthus out to the floor and Matt recovering tries for the Matt Lock again. The Resurrector kicking him back to a corner gets to his feet. Matlock charging out for a spear gets a kick to his chest, then Impaled and The Resurrector rips him up into the Resurrection! Derek and Xanthus are brawling at ringside in a chop contest as The Resurrector crosses Matt's arms making the pin, ONE.........................TWO............................THREE! The bell rings and Nick with the announcement.

Here are your winners..........The Resurrector and Xanthus!

"Rest in Pieces" plays and the big man is up and gets his title just smirking while Xanthus and Derek get broken up by security. The Resurrector leaving slaps a few hands as the other two are dragged out and Nick Miller says.

Pretty good match, but the war between the two hardcore icons spilled outside the ring leading to The Resurrector putting away Matt and looking forward, to Wrestle X, to wherever he may roam!?! We look to see if Moretti can get a win in SEF when he faces Shane next!

"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'N Roses plays bringing out Moretti to not much of a reaction. He comes down the ramp waving his hands up and slapping some hands as Nick makes the announcement.

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first from Milan Italy, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds.......Michael Moretti!

The Milan Nightmare rolls in the ring and stands up waving his hands around to the crowd. "Voices" by Chris Young plays bringing Shane out and most are filing out to the bathroom or concession stands. Shane by himself just heads for the ring as Nick introduces him.

And now making his way to the ring from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds.......Shane!

He gets to the ring heading up the steps and gets in standing in a corner. The bell rings and both men come into a lock up with Shane winning, but he gets shoved to the ropes. Shane springing back shoulder blocks Moretti to the mat, then drops an elbow to his chest and applies an armbar. He brings Moretti up whipping him to the ropes and Shane looks for a clothesline. Moretti ducking it spins around for a roundhouse kick, but Shane ducks and drops him with a neckbreaker. Shane gets up running to the ropes leaping to the middle one and springs back into a moonsault. Moretti rolling out of the way and Shane lands on his feet stumbling a bit. Moretti coming at him for a spinning heel kick misses when Shane ducks past his challenger. Both men get up and Shane first nails the Jericho Pride on Moretti, then crawls in for a pin hooking a leg, ONE........................TWO............................THREE! The bell rings and he kneels up as Nick makes the announcement.

Here is your winner............Shane!

And he gets up when the lights go down and the tron shows Corez in a dark room with Brandy and Billy Gibson tied up back to back on chairs, gags over their mouths and tears streaming down Brandy's face. Corez in his gear just smirks deviously as Shane is out on the ramp wide eyed and crazed yelling.


Corez speaking up now as the crowd buzzing and cheering.

Silence! First of all, congratulations on the win, but it was not impressive and it will be your last! Second, your two friends here, they are about to enjoy some peace and quiet, then Shane, your next and your brother is last!

And the tron fades to live feed as as the lights come on and Shane is running into the back frantically as the crowd cheers his departure. The fans settling down some as Nick says.

Whoa, hat was crazy, but Corez is making good on what he promised to do, take out the Jericho Army! Wonder how is match tonight in the main event will turn out or where he even is right now? We got a couple matches to go before then though and next is the fatal four way to see who goes to Wrestle X!?!

"E.T." by Katy Perry plays now and here comes Jenom strutting sexually to the ring bearing a lot of cleavage as usual from her top. The fans cheer, mostly the men drooling and Jenom even gives a few a lucky face rub in her tits while Nick makes the introduction.

The following is a fatal four way set for one fall and whoever loses that fall will not go to Wrestle X while the other will compete in a triple threat match next Sunday! Introducing first from St Louis Missouri, weighing one hundred forty pounds.........Jenom!

The Desired One crawls into the ring doing the splits a little and pops up to her feet seductively rubbing her body, licking her lips. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin plays and here comes Jason strutting out arrogantly. His arms spread as he heads down the ramp being introduced by Nick.

Making his way to the ring from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds.........Jason Stratus!

He comes rolling into the ring and pops up eyeing Jenom who winks at him. The two checking one another out and Jason flexes a bit, shows off his abs, then "Bad Girlfriend" by Theory of a Deadman plays. Ashley struts out waving her arms high flashing the rock on sign to the cheering crowd as Nick introduces her.

Making her way to the ring from Houston Texas, weighing in at one hundred twenty pounds........Ashley Pearson!

The pride of Houston takes her time, slaps a few hands, even signs an autograph for some fanatic. Ashley heads up the steps now as Jason and Jenom lower their flirting a bit to eye the competition! Ashley taking a corner leans back watching them both now and "Foxy, Foxy" by Rob Zombie plays over the pa. The crowd really loud now, but some boos mixed into a lot of cheers as Tina walks out flashing the rock on sign, then she does a crotch chop smirking. The crowd popping and she just walks down a bit arrogant as Nick introduces her.

And now making her way to the ring from Sacramento California, weighing in at one hundred thirty pounds.........Tina!

The Golden Gal moves down the ramp full of fire and spunk slapping a few hands, then hops to the apron leaping over the top rope and into a charge for Ashley. The T & A leaping into a splash as the bell rings and Ashley ducking out of the corner. Tina landing on the second turnbuckle hops to the top rope and leaps back into a moonsault taking Ashley down into a pin, ONE...Jason with a kick to the back of Tina's head yanks her up into a jumping reverse bulldog. Jenom catching Jason with the Sunset tries to lock him in So Hott. Ashley getting up springs off the ropes with a shining wizard to Tina, then she runs back to the ropes springing off into a dropkick to Jenom's back. Jenom twisting awkwardly to the mat rolls out to the floor grabbing her left ankle. Ashley pulling Jason up delivers the Southern Comfort, then turns him over and heads to the top turnbuckle hitting a shooting star press on him. She pops up and then drops into a pin, but Tina with a kick to her head yanks Ashley up into a snap suplex. Tina flipping backwards into a pount hammers Ashley with punches, then grabs her right arm snapping down to the mat grapevining the arm with her legs. Tina letting go rolls up to her feet and runs to the ropes springing off into a baseball slide dropkick to Ashley's head. Tina popping up drops an elbow to her chest, then hammers her with punches and pops up pulling Jason up into a piledriver. Tina heads to the top turnbuckle nailing a senton bomb on him, then pulls Ashley up, whips her to the ropes and leaps up for a hurricanrana. Ashley blocking it counters with a powerbomb, then flips into a jacknife pin, ONE.....................TWO......Tina grabbing Ashley around her ribs pulls herself up off the mat and twists around looking for a powerbomb. Ashley keeps herself on the mat and then Jason gets up nailing a superkick on Tina. The Golden Gal rolls near the ropes hanging half out as Jenom is being carried off with her left ankle in a brace. Jason looks for a dragon sleeper on Ashley, but the pride of Houston twists out and into the Lone Star Driver dropping Jason on his head. She turns him over hooking a leg for the pin, ONE..................TWO...................THREE! The bell rings the crowd cheers as Nick announces.

Here is your winner................Ashley Pearson!

"Bad Girlfriend" plays and Ashley gets to her feet raising her arms in the air while Tina gets on the floor holding her jaw. She looks in the ring nodding in respect to Ashley and yells.


And she spreads her arms arrogantly inciting cheers, then flashes the rock on sign heading to the back. Ashley smirking just rolls her eyes and heads up the turnbuckles pointing to herself and flashing the rock son sign too. The crowd cheering loud for both women and Nick says.

A hell of a match, but Jenom taken out early and perhaps will miss Wrestle X!? We'll keep ya updated on her situation, but it looks like it may be Ashley and Tina locking up one on one at the biggest show of the year and they have the potential to steal th-, I got word Shane has found Corez outside and were going there now!

And via the tron we see Shane of the Jericho Army rushing outside where Corez stands near a dumpster. Shane rushes over to him looking to bum rush him and Corez doesn't move, just spreads his arms out, then Xanthus leaps out of the dumpster tackling Shane to the pavement. Xanthus hammers him in the head, then rips Shane up to Corez who grabs Shane turning into a hard spinebuster to the ground. Corez and Xanthus drag him to an old Buick LeSabre with the trunk open and toss him in, then shut the trunk. Xanthus slaps Corez on his shoulder saying.

Take care of Cody and were finally rid of the trash!

Then X gets into the drivers seat of the car starting it up driving off into the darkness. Corez turning back to the arena with a smirk just heads back inside while we go to ringside and the crowd is cheering loud.


And Nick Miller says.

Corez has eradicated three of the four, now it just remains he and Cody in tonight's main event for the World Title and its hardcore, no rules but two, pin or submission! Before that though we have Nykki Delight going one on one with Rick Reynolds!

"New Model No 15" by Marilyn Manson plays and here comes Nykki skipping out flashing the rock on sign to a bit of boos. She heads down the ramp shrugging and smirking as Nick makes the announcement.

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at one hundred forty pounds..........Nykki Delight!

The red haired fox struts on up the steps and into the ring climbing the turnbuckles. She pumps her fists in the air and hops down stretching her arms as "King of the Hole by Skrew plays. The crowd booing loud now, the whole arena up in arms and some trash even thrown on the stage, but no sign of Reynolds. The crowd fairly hostile and then Nick makes the introduction.

And the challenger, from Amarillo Texas weighing in at two hundred nineteen pounds, the Natural Sinner.........Rick Reynolds!

More boos and some more trash thrown, but no one comes out still and then the music is replaced by "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. The crowd cheering as the Owner of SEF swaggers out in his loose blue jeans and SEF Rebel Yell shirt. He raises a mic in his left hand up cutting the music and says.

Rick Reynolds is not here, but he will be in Houston this Sunday and then he will be gone again, but for good, supposedly!

A big grin and eyes going shifty making the crowd mixed, but loud. Mack laughing just says.

As for tonight, miss Nykki Delight, you win by forfeit and if you wanna come on my back, I mean to the back, I think I got an idea for your sweet ass! As for Reynolds, Sunday night son, Wrestle X, your last appearance and my last match, so in closing to you, I only got a few words out mentor liked to say every night in this very ring, Da Shows Ova!

A loud pop now and Mack smirking just says.

Oh yea, I hired Fate as a new color commentator and timekeeper and if anyone attacks him, they will be fired on the spot, but I think Nick Miller deserves the same, for they are voices, listen or leave!

A loud mixed reaction to that and Nykki heading up the ramp to Mack and they make their exit while Fate steps out past them to boos. He heads to the ring and around taking a seat near Nick who says.

Well what a surprise this was! I get a new partner and a hell of a mind to pick every week as Fate joins me at the announce table. All I can say is, well, I gotta ask, why this move?

Fate in his black sweats with the headset on just shows no emotion as usual saying.

My move will be made when I feel like I need to move, until then, I will say what I want, when I want to. You simply need to shut up and do your job!

Nick smirking just says.

I am doing my job, I have several and asking questions is one, digging deep, so ignore me if you must, but why fear the answer!?

Fate not cracking just says.

Ask me anything you wish Miller, I'll answer what I can, but don't we have main event to get to!?

Nick nodding yea says.

That we do my friend, so who will it be walking out the World Champion, Corez or will the kid Cody get a huge upset!?

"Monster" by Skillet plays and the crowd is still on break, people running all over not caring as Cody comes out. He heads down the ramp punching the air, warming up as Nick makes the announcement.

The following is the main event and it is a Hardcore Match set for one fall and is also for the SEF World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at two hundred twenty six pounds.........Cody!

And he comes to the ring heading up the steps and gets inside throwing his arms up with index fingers pointing high. "Floods" by Pantera plays bringing the lights down, then a white spotlight shines down Corez dropping from the rafters with a barbed wire ballbat to the head of Cody. The lights coming on and the crowd cheering loud as Corez gets free of his harness. He picks up the bat as the bell rings and starts smashing Cody across his face and ribs tearing him open. Blood flows from several cuts and Corez chokes him on the mat with the bat, crushing it into his neck. Corez throwing the bat away pulls Cody up into a piledriver, then rolls out of the ring and getting a table from underneath. The World Champ slides it in and rolls back in setting the table up near a corner. He picks up Cody and delivers The Corez Effect on him, then gets up rolling Cody up onto the table. Corez rolls out to the floor grabbing a cookie sheet, then he climbs to the top turnbuckle flying off with an elbow drop holding the cookie sheet under him smashing through Cody and the table. The crowd chanting...


And Corez tossing the sheet away hooks a leg for the pin, ONE......................TWO........................THREE! The bell rings and Corez gets up throwing his right arm up in the air to loud cheers whole Nick makes the announcement.

Here is your winner and still SEF World Heavyweight Champion............Corez!

"Floods" plays over the pa and Corez is handed the World Title, then goes up the turnbuckles raising the belt high. The crowd keeps cheering as "Walk" by Pantera plays and here comes Nick Torres down the ramp. He's in the usual black jeans, sneakers, and an old Gangstas shirt with a toothpick in his mouth. Hair slicked back and he slides on down slapping a few hands, then climbs into the ring eyeing Corez. The two stand a couple feet apart and Torres extends a hand, so Corez extends his, but Torres pulls back wiping his hair. He then throws the toothpick at Corez and unloads with punches to a mix of boos and cheers. Torres with an irish whip looks for a clothesline, but Corez ducks and both men turn. Corez kicking Torres in the stomach looks for the Insanity Driver, but gets twisted around into a ddt. Torres getting stomps at Corez, then pulls him up looking for the Gangstas Edge, but gets shoved to a corner and security runs out as Nick Miller says.

Corez making short work of Cody, but Nick Torres returning to make an impact rather than shake a hand!

Fate chiming in.

Can't blame the guy with Wrestle X in seven nights, its all about the title, nothing else, power or nothing!

Nick smirking says.

Got a point and its gonna be a kick ass match come next Sunday which when we will indeed see all of you next, so until then, have a goodnight!

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