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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Evolution 59 {4/22/12}

Started by sopshowtime69, December 02, 2014, 07:39:48 PM

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April 22nd, 2012

The Freeman Coliseum is sold out tonight in San Antonio Texas with a rowdy red hot southern crowd amped up for Evolution presented by SEF! Pyro blasts off over the ring and "Welcome To The Family" by Avenged Sevenfold blares over the pa as the voice of SEF says.

Welcome to Evolution everyone, Nick Miller here and with me is Richard Dangerously otherwise known as Fate. Two weeks ago was Wrestle X, and we witnessed a brutal scaffolding match and a showstealing DOGG Fight with the return of Daddy Mack to the SEF ring. Tonight is a new night and we got a huge main event with the four men who closed off Wrestle X battling in a fatal four way! Matlock and The Resurrector fought to a non contest, but if they do that again tonight we could still see a winner as Nick Torres and Corez are involved. Those two in a hell of a match with Corez losing the World Title, though he did have a malfunction with the harness he wore to drop to the ring by a cable!

Fate chiming in now.

A mistake he made and paid for.

Nick nodding yea with a shrug says.

That he did, but he has a rematch coming as well if he chooses to use it! Tonight he has three men to contend with, but first up we got-

"Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd plays and the crowd booing quite a bit, though the Owner gets some cheers as he steps out on stage. A mic in his right hand as he lifts his left hand closed into a fist high in the air. Sporting blue jeans and a green and white Hawaiian type shirt with brown hemp sandals he stands on the stage looking around at the crowd with a smirk. They cheer him a bit more, though heavily mixed and Norm smirking just lifts the mic saying.

Ok, ok, settle down, I ain't gonna be out here long as I ain't even supposed to be out here after Wrestle X, but I have an announcement to make concerning who will be running the show. And I thought hey, why not mix it up a little bit by hiring a guy who came to me after that cheap ass OCW apparently booted him out. Now, this person will be the General Manager of, oh yea, by the way, tonight is the last Evolution!!!

The crowd watching in a bit of shock buzz loud, then the Owner says.

In the beginning it was RAW and we Smacked the competition Down, then we Sacrificed and Evolved leaving Carnage in our wake to embrace the real Extreme all in the name of...WAR!!!

A bit of a cheer for that as the crowd love it and Norm hyped up says.

So on May Second two Thousand Twelve we will bring back WAR, but right here, right now, here is the new General Manager!

Silence hits the Freeman Coliseum, albeit for a brief but drawn-out moment. Perhaps for added hype to this announcement. Just then Green and gold spotlights scatter through the arena and "Chinese Democracy" by Guns and Rose blasts through the SEF P.A. System. This gives off a signal that Mike Mazzarone is making his way to the ring. Accompanied by local police escorts and carrying the OCW Hardcore Championship Mike raises his free arm up in the air and pyro goes off as he makes his way out to the ring to a loud series of boos and jeers with the hired police waiting and willing to take down anyone that potentially try and harm Mr. Mazzarone. "The Mazz" brushes them off knowing that he is in every way better then the public that go pay to see him. The Owner just nods him to the ring while heading to the back, but Mazz surprisingly extends a hand to him. Norm just shakes his hands and says.

Don't make me regret this!

Then walks off to the back as Nick Miller says.

Oh my gawd! Is that? I cannot believe my eyes. Fate do you know who that is?!

No, Nick I can't honestly say that I do.

That's Mike Mazzarone! The current Hardcore Champion of Online Championship Wrestling, the former chairman of the company...what is he doing here? Is he really the GM?! If so what a coup by Norm here as Mike Mazzarone would be the last person I would expect to ever grace a SEF ring. I gotta say he looks much different though from what I remember.

Fate saying.

Still have no clue who this man is.

And Julie with the official introduction for the new GM.

Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring and hailing from the heart of America also known as Washington DC, HE IS..."THE MOST HATED MAN IN THE HISTORY OF OUR SPORT!" MIKE MAZZZZZZZZZARONE

Julie a pro at announcing sits down unimpressed as Mazzarone climbs the steel steps in the corner of the ring and steps between the top and middle ropes. With Mazzarone successfully in the ring the hired escorts make their way to the back as Mike goes to the side of the ring getting handed a microphone while the lights return to the state they once were. Nick Miller says.

This is without a doubt one of the most shocking moments in the history of our sport. Not even a month ago these two were bitter enemies and now Mike Mazzarone, the former General Manager of MayheM is now the General Manager of WAR?! I cannot wait to hear what he has to say.

Fate saying.

Doesn't look like you have to wait too long because the guy just got a microphone.

Nick says.

The arena has come apart! It's all boos!

Mazz lifting the mic up in his free hand, the Hardcore Title from OCW on his shoulder as he says.

I can take it from that response that I am not very popular in the SEF community.

The crowd then responds with another series of loud booes and obscene chants.

The main question I have gotten within the past couple of weeks is, "Why Mike? Why did you leave Online Championship Wrestling? You were Hardcore Champion and had it "nice" in the company, on the main event of MayheM...blah blah blah". I'll tell all of you here and all of those watching exactly why I left OCW. It was because my motivation in Online Championship Wrestling dwindled down to nothingness. I was mis-used during my tenure and I am not ashamed of saying that. As other faux Hall of Famers such as Owen Stevenson were given the royal treatment I was treated like a second class citizen. And why? Because it all came down to fear.

Mazzarone pauses a bit while the fans start a chant of "No One Cares".

I suggested the idea of bringing back OCW Insider, they denied me because "no one would go on", I started my own hockey league and it gets little promotion. I become one of the most highest paid superstars on the roster and get stuck tag teaming with Chris fucking Mendryk and put in matches against Natalie Foxx? I was one of the best on OCW's pay roll until...and here is an "inside story" for you all I was blatantly screwed over by the "higher ups" in a match on MayheM against Evan Pierce. When you lose to a guy who cannot speak properly during a promo you should know something is up. I was tired of being under-utlized and tired of people living in the past. As one of the longest reigning tag team champions and general managers in company I knew I deserved better. Not being screwed over in my pay-per-view match against Evan Pierce by Joe E. Legend or whatever has been they decide is more important then the true "Champion of Champions". Oops...

Nick Miller says.

It appears Mazzarone is letting all the secrets out.

Mazz contrinues.

So it took one phone call and at first Norm was hesitant, but I told him all about my ideas and what I could do to make SEF better and he surprisingly liked them. However before I share any of them with you there is one thing that I have to take care of.

With that Mazzarone makes a quick exit out of the ring and makes his way near the announcers booth where he spots a trash can. He then takes a look at the crowd before he takes the OCW Hardcore championship and throws it in the trash bin.

That, that is what I think of Online Championship Wrestling and the Hardcore title. Back in 2005 it was once thrown in the trash and declared a "waste" and now? I am doing the exact same thing. Screw the OCW Hardcore division and trying to bring legitimacy back to it, screw trying to bring back Online Championship back to it's controversial roots because it will never happen. I don't care if they try and use a body double to "bury me" on their future shows because it's time to for us to put a nail in the coffin that is OCW. It's officially irrelevant. Ladies and Gentlemen, fuck OCW, it's time to make SEF the premier wrestling promotion around.

Surprisingly the crowd then delivers a big round of cheers. Something that MJM is not used to for sure. As Mazzarone gets back into the ring he continues to address the rowdy Freeman Coliseum crowd.

Now onto my plans for SEF, after all you can't have a grand debut without making some sort of impact. Here is what's going to happen. I realize this the last Evolution and I am the new "sheriff" if you will of WAR. However, let's end this show with a bang. I am here to deliver two major announcements.

Mazzarone then pauses for a brief moment.

The first announcement? Well, after consulting with new buddy I think it's time we do something to "shake up" SEF. Correct me if I'm wrong but SEF used to have a major tournament within the company. The King of SEF was it?

Of course the SEF faithful cheer at the name and at the prospect of the return.

Well as my first order as General Manager we are not only going to bring back the tournament but we are going to going to add a little something extra. This time? As well as getting the crown, trophy and belt the winner of this intergender ten person tournament will get a title shot at the SEF World Heavyweight Championship! That's right. Everyone on the roster outside of the World Heavyweight Champion gets a shot at the title.

Fate with a.


And Mazz says.

Now more details of this tournament will follow at a later time, but right now? I am still not done. If I'm not mistaken that two ladies are competing for a shot at the international championship. Now, I came from a federation that promoted innovation. That is what I look to bring to SEF. Innovative tactics that will make this company the number one organization within any of the so called "circuits". That's why I am announcing that SEF is going to make history.

Nick Miller asking.

History? What does he mean?

Mazz says.

We are going to make history because starting next week; the International title will cease to exist. I hope you girls enjoy your "International" title shot match because Ashley Pearson and Tina will not be competing for a shot at the International title.

The crowd then shower then new General Manager with boos. After all how dare he abolish a long standing championship within the company? How could Norm allow such a thing?!

Instead you two will be competiting for a shot at...the SEF Interactive International Championship or as I like to call it the SEF I.I. title. What makes this title interactive and different then the so-called International title? Well for starters this title will be defended not only on a weekly basis but it will be defended under Interactive rules. On SEF.com fans and superstars alike will get a chance to vote on the stipulations for each upcoming I.I. title match. Think of it as Cyber Sunday...every week.

Nick Miller exclaiming.

My god Rich! Mike Mazzarone just totally changed the landscape of SEF here tonight. The return of the King of SEF and a brand new title?! What else does the General Manager of WAR have planned?

Fate saying.

Meh, sounds like he just added a another name to an old title.

Mazz finishing up now.

I will be unveiling more plans for SEF as time goes on, especially on the title side of things. Thank you all for coming out and for those competing tonight remember...I'm watching.

With that "Chinese Democracy" hits once again, Norm has long since left the squared circle as he never stepped foot in it tonight, so now Mazzarone grins and rolls out of the ring. He makes his way to the back as we fade out to a commercial break leaving fans to ponder about what we have just witness. What does Mike's presence and these announcements mean for the future of SEF?!

Singles Match
Tina v. Ashley Pearson
Winner Receives An SEF Interactive International Title Shot

Ashley starting off hot has Tina set up for the Lone Star Driver a couple minutes into the match and nails it, but only gets a two count. She tries for it again, but Tina sends her to the ropes and hits an sto into the T & A, wears her down, but Ashley making it to the ropes. Tina stays on her though applying a side headlock for a while, hits a bulldog and keeps the hold clamped on. Tina relentless on the neck uses a rear chinlock as while on Ashley and a reverse ddt, goes to the air with a senton bomb and moonsault, then tries for the T &A. Ashley keeping free ends up hitting Southern Comfort, then goes for a shooting star press, but gets knees to her ribs. Tina with a baseball slide dropkick to her ribs and then a whip to the ropes and the T & A is locked in tight with body scissors and Ashley taps @ 9 minutes 49 seconds.

Winner: Tina

Singles Match
John Carter v. Xanthus

Xanthus starting off with a running dropkick to John goes full on assault off the ropes with clotheslines to moonsaults, then takes him to the mat with a front facelock. Xanthus trying to wear the new guy down with knees, but gets back body dropped to the mat. John off the ropes with a shining wizard pops up into a stomp to the face of Xanthus. He goes on the assault with a bulldog followed by a flying elbow drop and tries wearing Xanthus down with elbows drops and a grapevine to his right leg. Xanthus fighting away kicks John out to the edge of the ring. He gets up and X flies through the ropes with a spear tackling him out to the floor. Xanthus tearing into John with punches rips him up for some chops against the rail, but gets ripped up into a flapjack across the rail. John pulling Xanthus up running him to the steps gets whipped him into them and Xanthus runs into a front dropkick to the face. He kneels up as the ref counts them both out, so X fishes a singapore cane from under the ring looking to use it. John with a tackle to X though and lays in some punches him on, then gets up grabbing the cane cracking X over his head. He yanks Xanthus up into a white russian leg sweep, then starts wailing Xanthus in the ribs with the cane bringing security out to pull him off. @ 12 minutes 32 seconds.

Double Countout

Singles Match
Jason Stratus v. Derek Helms

Jason wins a lock up putting Derek in a corner, then a thumb to the eye and Jason soon takes him down with a jumping reverse bulldog. He gets a side headlock on Derek wrenching it on hard, but Derek gets free coming back a bit with a clothesline after shoving Jason to the ropes. Derek missing an elbow drop off the top rope and Jason going for a rocker dropper, but Derek moving out of the way. The International Champ going for the Silencer, but Jason getting free nailing a superkick to Derek. Tina running down slides in the ring and meets Jason with a thesz press laying in punches to his head, then pulls him up nailing a ddt She rolls out and the ref disqualifies Derek. Tina backing up the aisle with a grin @ 7 minutes 15 seconds.

Winner: Jason Stratus

Singles Match
Jenom v. Michael Moretti

Moretti starting the match by offering to lay down for Jenom gets an elbow drop to the chest and the Hardcore Desired One applies a side headlock on him. Moretti fighting up, but Jenom holding on thim gets ripped up for a back suplex, but she shifts her weight landing on him in a bit of a splash for a two count. Jenom pulling Moretti up into russian leg sweep, but forward driving his face to the mat. Jenom turning him over leaps up into a leg drop across Moretti's throat, then she heads to the top rope. Moretti getting up and Jenom flies off with a hurricanrana whipping him down to his back on the mat. Jenom pulling Moretti up delivers a swinging neckbreaker, then heads back up top flying off with an elbow drop to the chest. She pulls Moretti up nailing The Flasher and hooks a leg for the pin @ 8 minutes 35 seconds.

Winner: Jenom

Nykki Delight walking out of a locker room in her referee gear heads down the hall passing a trash can, then stops and stares down into it. She carefully reaches in pulling the OCW Hardcore Title out and smirks lifting it to her shoulder saying.

Guess I'm the new, what's that say, OCW Hardcore Champion, meh, its a title and now to find that bitch!

Nykki in pursuit of someone heads down the hall so naturally we stay on her and follow the referee into Tina's dressing room. The Golden Gal in a pair of blue jeans and a black push up bra gets insane cheers as, but Nykki presenting the title she found says.

Look here honey, I got my own Hardcore Title, have a look!

She tosses it at Tina and spears her to the floor, kneels up and slams Tina's head to the floor, yanks her up for the Delightful Drop, but lands on her ass. Tina with a kick to her chest, then her back and another to the chest yanks Nykki up into an sto locking on the T & A and screaming.


Nykki screaming in pain does tap out and Smokey comes in seeing this and sees both titles looking confused. He scratches his head and sees Nykki tapping, then shrugs saying.

Tina wins the title, both of them, and it looks like I gotta do the main event, damn, maybe next week Nykki!?!

He heads off and Tina getting up grabs up Nykki tossing her out of the room, then picks up the OCW Title looking strangely at it saying.

Didn't that Mutt guy who is the GM throw this away earlier? Why would you want this?

Nykki sitting up in the hall yells.

To kick your ass for the SEF Hardcore Title!

Tina laughing just tosses the title over by the SEF Hardcore Title on her bag. The Golden Gal says.

Looks like I got them both now and without even trying, and come next week on WAR, I take back my title, no matter what its called, the Interactive International Title, the II Title, come WAR, Derek Helms finds out what you and Ashley both learned tonight, everyone taps out!

Then Tina smirks rubbing her stomach sexually, but just kicks the door shut and Nykki sits there looking down.

Main Event
Non Title Fatal Four Way Match
The Resurrector v. Matt Matlock v. Corez v. Nick Torres

Corez enters first from the rafters without a problem and then Matlock makes his way out with both men holding off, until The Resurrector comes out. Matlock diving through the ropes colliding with the big man in a suicide dive headbutt. Corez comes out sending Matlock into the ringpost, then the steel steps and nails the Insanity Driver on the floor. Corez taking The Resurrector into the ring after whipping him into it first. He drops knees to the big mans head and clamps him in a side headlock for a while, Matlock trying to get up on the outside and no sign of the World Champ yet! Corez with a running bulldog on The Resurrector keeps him grounded, then Torres comes running out bashing Matlock in the back of his head with the title. He slides in the ring bashing Corez in the back of his head, then rips him up and delivers the Gangstas Edge. Torres rolling out grabs his belt as The Resurrector gets up looking at him confused. Torres flashing the gangstas sign and The Resurrector rips Corez up hitting the Gangsta Bomb, then drops down hooking a leg for the pin @ 11 minutes 28 seconds.

Winner: The Resurrector

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