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Mack v. Viper Still Sells, But No One Out Draws The Showsteala

Started by NBD, May 02, 2018, 03:40:00 PM

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(So its Mack and Viper one more time for the ages. In 2018 we get to see the Dominant Player go toe to toe with The Showsteala. Two men who had their first battle twenty four years ago in a small promotion in England called XWF. Eight years after that they would bring their war to wage in SEF and now, sixteen years later on WAR we kick the night off with Viper versus Mack. Nearly a quarter of a century these two have been wrestling each other through over six promotions around the world and we have seen the better part of it right here in SEF. Mack and Viper built SEF on their rivalry setting the precedent for all future and current SEF talent.)

(So today Mack doesn't even go by Mack, he goes by The Showsteala, although he is getting laxxed about that since we all call him Mack anyways. Viper though, he has gone deeper into the depths of darkness, consumed by his own lust for greed that he is nothing like he was, and that may be an advantage if he stayed active in the ring, but he has not. Viper can still go, he has the mind for this, the experience to carry himself, and he does have his resources to back him up. Mack however has his own resources and as anyone can attest to, Mack has not lost a f'n step in the ring, as a matter of fact, he may have gained one or two. The Showsteala is appropriate for him these days because NO ONE has outperformed or out wrestled Mack in the past decade and he missed three and a half years of the last decade. No doubt that Mack is going to have the upperhand in this match, but being ol' buddies, ol' war buddies indeed, Viper is going to be out to kill by any means necessary.)

(Mack could care less about any of it, especially some ol' war that he believes he won a long time ago. Viper isn't the threat, not in the ring, but his partner as of later could be, and if you don't know who that it is, well, you aren't watching this right now. Mack is watching the back of his eyelids on a sofa in ANA's office where the big man of IXF sits at a desk playing on a cheap silver laptop computer. ANA wears the usual and Mack not much different except his feet are bare, and of course he is snoozing, the snores not too loud. ANA pays no attention to anything except whatever is on his screen, but then we see SEF President Frank Malone walk in wearing a cheap grey suit with a white undershirt and black tie. He sports the Detroit ballcap and carries a cellphone and appears to be a bit miffed when he glances at Mack, but looks at ANA who looks up.)

"So ANA, Mack is here as I figured, just making sure his ass ain't no showing WAR!"

(ANA smirking arrogantly and says.)

"You really thought he wouldn't be here when I am already here?! C'mon Frank, Mack don't no show, he steals the show and he will do it against Viper for the millionth time or whatever it is they have fought. And Mack has Viper's number cause eighty percent of those matches saw Mack winning. Hell, it wasn't until about ten years ago at Wrestle X that Viper got his first victory over Mack, you remember!?"

(Frank nodding and he does remember and he says.)

"Yea, yea, I was there, well backstage, but of course I remember. Mack never gave his all because he didn't want to retire. Anyways, that isn't the real reason I came in here. Tonight on WAR I am naming a GM as we talked about, but I feel like WAR needs a Commissioner and I have a guy in mind that can run the whole show, or he can name his own GM if he needs one."

(ANA shrugging like he don't care and says.)

"Then do it Frank, I ain't even allowed to make decisions like that, so why come to me!? I made you SEF Commissioner because my contract states that I have no executive authority at live events. You are my boss right now Frank, so get out before I spray paint loser on your face!"

(ANA smiles like he is joking, but snarls a little showing he may do it and Frank nodding his head now and just says.)

"Ok, well, f--- you ANA."

(Frank turns to walk out now and ANA goes back to whatever he was doing on his laptop when Mack stirs to look around and ask.)

"We at the strip club yet boss?"

(ANA laughing and says.)

"Naw Mack, we got a few more miles until we stop."

(Mack already snoozing before ANA can finish and fade away to darkness...

(Into the darkness we go to find the other half of WAR's opening contest and sitting indian style in a dim lit room somewhere beneath the arena is Viper. A candle in every corner casting a faint glow over his shaved head and his eyes too dark to see, but we know its Viper, who else could it be!?)

"Mack...this war has went on a long time...this war has taken its toll...and then some. As long as we are both alive...this war never ends Mack. I will die before I stop killing you...I will haunt you from the afterlife...my will to make sure you suffer is too strong to hold me down. No one...mortal or immortal...can hold me back from you. Mack...its over..."


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