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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

WAR 189

Started by mack420, April 23, 2018, 05:17:02 PM

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Event Date
8 PM EST on Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Promo Deadline
11:59:59 PM EST on May 1st, 2018
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Minimum Promo Word Count

Maximum Promo Word Count

Promo Limit Per Match For Each Character

Promo Board
Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-PG with a caution for Violence!

Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois

Theme Music
Mayhem by Halestorm

Opening Contest
The Showsteala v. Viper

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match

The Perry Sisters v. The Lunatics

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match

Simon Lee Nash & Jason Stratus v. Priceless Paine w/Rick Reynolds

Mid Card Bout
Non Title Single Match

A Native Americano v. Chris Orton

Main Event
30 Minute Iron Woman Submission Match

Tina v. Jade West

Card Is Subject To Change



Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

The Allstate Arena in Rosemont Illinois is packed for WAR as Mayhem by Halestorm plays over the pa and Nick Miller says.

"Hello everyone and welcome to Wednesday Night WAR. I am Nick Miller and we have a very big show here tonight, a huge opening contest and a iron woman match in the main event. Bill McLane is with me to call it all, so what do you think Bill!?"

Bill says.

"Mack and Viper is going to set the stage no doubt about it, so its going to be a big night. Jade West may not get the best of the night though and Chris Orton I don't see having much fun."

Nick says.

"Chris Orton faces A Native Americano and last time on WAR we saw the IXF beat down Chris right in that ring. Interesting to see what happens this week."

Bill says.

"It should be just as interesting seeing Jason Stratus and Simon Lee Nash team up to face two thirds of the Triple Tag Team Champions. Jason and Simon renewed a rivalry in SEF that developed some time ago before either came to SEF. It involved Christine Nash and Jason Stratus being involved, but Jason forced her into it or something, intriguing story for sure. Curious to see if they get work together after their paths to get here were spent opposing one another."

Nick says.

"Maybe that could help them work as a team. Now that they are in the SEF they may find it helpful to rely on each other as a team!?!"

Bill says.

"They do seem like this is the next step for them, it feels right almost, but time will tell."

Nick says.

"It will indeed and its now time to get to our epic opening contest."

Opening Contest
The Showsteala v. Viper

Mack leaning in a corner waiting for Viper to enter the ring, but showing little care if he does or not. Viper stands on the ring steps opposite from the Mack and just stares, so Mack stares back and this ensues for a few minutes. Neither man making a first move and the referee demanding Viper to get in the ring only to be ignored. The ref begins to count out Viper who suddenly decides to step in, but slowly, cautiously as he watches Mack. The Showsteala just leaning back letting Viper step in, then suddenly Mack is yanked down and pulled back wishbone style into the ringpost. Mack's eyes go wide as he crotches the post courtesy of J X Cash who slides in the ring to stomp the back of Mack's head smashing his face to the canvas. Viper coming over to lift up Mack and nail the Unforgiven, then a Native Americano and Tina come running out to chase off Viper and X.

Winner via DQ: The Showsteala

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match
The Perry Sisters v. The Lunatics

Dean and Seth no show, so Cruella and Sierra get the win.

Winners via Pinfall: The Perry Sisters

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match
Simon Lee Nash & Jason Stratus v. Priceless Paine w/Rick Reynolds

Rick Reynolds gets involved in this match, though he keeps himself from being seen by the referee when he does so and eventually Tina has enough. The Golden Gal and teammate to Simon Lee Nash in the Impact X Facta runs out to send Rick reeling into the crowd. Tina turning her attention to the ring where Jason has been taken out and Simon is suffering a two one assault, so lil miss Andrews enters to take them both out of the ring, but causes her team to lose.

Winners via DQ: Priceless Paine @ 15 Minutes 26 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Non Title Single Match
A Native Americano v. Chris Orton

Chris shoots across the ring at ANA unloading with right hands to the big man rocking him to a corner. ANA getting a knee into Chris' midsection and turns him into the corner nailing a couple chops to his chest, then looks for a irish whip, but Chris reverses sending ANA crashing hard to the opposite turnbuckle. Chris following up with a clothesline sending ANA down, but the big man bouncing back up to get hit with a nice dropkick from the CKO. Chris standing up to pose for the crowd as ANA tries to collect himself and get back to his feet. Chris pulling him to whip ANA to the ropes and looks for a powerslam, but the big man stopping himself in time to hit a hard uppercut and rips Chris up dropping him with a spinebuster. ANA rolling away to get up to his feet as Chris rolls up to his knees. ANA on his feet to run at Chris just kicking him in the face, then drops down to nail several right hands to his head. ANA pulling Chris up to deliver a powerbomb and makes the pin to win the match.

WINNER: A Native Americano

ANA a bit surprised Chris went down so early and seems disappointed, then stands as the ref raises his arm in the air. Chris stirring to get up and ANA backing off to let him, then charges at him to nail Justice on the CKO. ANA rolling from the ring and drags Chris out with him to walk him near the announce table. He rolls Chris on the table and hammers him in the head, then rolls in the ring to climb to the top turnbuckle and splashes Chris through the table to a familiar chant from the crowd.


Main Event
30 Minute Iron Woman Submission Match
Tina v. Jade West

Jade with a ballbat in hand to start this match and Tina arrogantly rolls out of the ring to get a steel chair, slides back in and tosses it to Jade's feet yelling.


Jade confused and pissed, but Tina with a running dropkick to send her down and begins working her right arm over with a wringer into an armbar. Tina into a front facelock and uses her knees to Jade's head, then gets her up and goes behind into a german suplex releasing Jade on to her stomach. Jade tries to get up, but Tina with a dropkick to her head and gets on her back nailing crossfaces to Jade's head. Tina pulling Jade up into a sto to lock in the T & A and Jade taps out right away to avoid the pain this early on causing Nick Miller to say.

"Jade submitting within the first minute of this thirty minute iron woman submission match and Tina is looking unstoppable."

Bill McLane says.

"Well c'mon, Tina is the Golden Goddess while Jade may be The Devil's Princess, but really isn't in Tina's league!"

Jade grabbing her arm as Tina is on her feet looking cocky, but backs up by bringing the fight right back for the next fall and over the next fifteen minutes we see Tina gain six more falls while Jade remains at zero. It is then that we see J X Cash run from the crowd with a steel chair to bash Tina in the face with the chair, then begins laying waste to her while she is on the mat. Tina earns a fall by DQ for this, but X is not down as he lays the chair on top of her. J X Cash going to the top turnbuckle to launch himself high for the Gangsta Splash driving the chair into Tina, but hurting his own midsection as he rolls off in pain. The Showsteala running out to slide in the ring before X can get back up to keep him down with punches when Jenom and Viper run out with Barry. They all hit the ring and Barry gets Da Shows Ova from Mack who takes on both Viper and Jenom to get beat into a corner. X getting up to kick at Tina some more as The Perry Sisters show up at ringside to yank Jade out of the ring and back off when Simon Lee Nash runs out to slide in the ring. He tackles X into a corner hammering him with punches, but Viper from behind with a chop block to Simon's left knee. X hopping out to stop Simon's face, then flies over helping Jenom with Mack. Viper pulling Simon up to nail the Unforgiven as Jenom and X nail a double russian leg sweep on Mack, then X helps Jenom hit Mack with Fall of A Kingdom.

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