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Simon Lee Nash enters Anarchy Rumble

Started by Simon Lee Nash, May 11, 2018, 06:31:35 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash has been working hard in the SEF for a number of years now. He has many success and alot of failures in his short career however one thing he would love to become is the first ever Anarchy Champion. Well he will get his chance in the Anarchy Rumble tonight in the Anarchy Dome.

Simon walks into the dome and see the championship belt in the glass case that is at one side of the rampway where the stage announce table is at.

Simon: Tonight could be something massive for myself, I know that it was open up to anybody in the entire wrestling world to come in and try to win this championship. All i have to do is become the last person standing n that very ring and i make history. The first ever Anarchy Champion in the history of the show.

Simon: I know what i need to do. However getting to the end will be more tougher cause i have to deal with my own friend and sometimes enemy in the past Tina.

Simon: Tina Andrews (sighs) you bring the best in me and you have brought a different side of me in my day. What ever the case maybe now we will most likely be running into each other in the rumble. Now i know that this is every person for themselves. However i know that the wolfpac signal will be thrown up and maybe we can work together.

Simon: All i know is that tonight i am going to be the last man standing. I am going to make history and become the first ever Anarchy Champion in history.

Simon: Now don't act like you don't know.

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