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Anarchy 31

Started by Simon Lee Nash, April 28, 2018, 10:52:03 AM

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Simon Lee Nash

Promo Deadline
11:59:59 PM EST on May 11th 2018
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Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-14!

Anarchy Dome in Los Angeles CA

Theme Music
Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil

Main Event
Anarchy Battle Royal
To Crown First ever Anarchy Champion
Everybody in SEF are welcome to fight

Card Is Subject To Change



May 11th, 2018

Live in the Anarchy Dome in Los Angelos California is the SEF stage set to showcase the stars on Friday night Anarchy. Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil plays over with Nick Miller shouting out to kick the show off.

"Welcome to Anarchy everyone. Tonight is the Anarchy Championship Battle Royal to crown a first ever Anarchy Champion. This is a huge night and we have had a decent turnout for the event with Tina hot and heavy on Jade West to make sure The Devil's Princess does not walk out of here as champion. Joining me to call the action is the SEFWUN owner himself and big man of Imnpact X Facta, A Natigve Americano, plus he is the Icon Iron Champion of SEF."

ANA says.

"Almost forgot to mention that last one Nick, but its ok cause I can admit I have not been the best II Champion in SEF history, however, my reign is still young yet and I will keep this title prestigious as ever, hell, I would have defend it tonight had I been booked."

Nick asking.

"How come you didn't enter the battle royal to try and become a double champion and first ever Anarchy Champion?!?"

ANA says.

"Because I am not really here to be a regular on Anarchy. Yes I am on the main roster, for now, and yes I am a champion, but I don't belong there. If anyone wants to come out here and challenge me to a match I will gladly accept, but otherwise, I am happy in my spot, who knows, maybe I'll take over your spot!?"

Nick says.

"Well I hope not cause I like my spot here every night calling the action for SEF and this battle royal is looking to be action packed from the tough hellcat Tina who is hellbent on having things go her way to Chris Orton who has been chmping at the bit to be a champion in SEF again, this could be his night."

ANA says.

"No doubt there. Jade West said something about this being her time, a perfect set up for her to become champ, or something like that, but I believe this is the perfect opportunity for Chris Orton, Anarchy could be his home. The guy can still go, he has it, but he just cannot compete at the higher level he once did. This could be his last shot to reinvent himself as a top contender to the World Championship!"

Nick says.

"I can't argue against that, but it is everybody for themselves in this battle royal, so we will see who wants it the most later tonight."

Best Of You by Foo Fighters plays over the pa bringing out The Showsteala to a rousing ovation here in LA. He wears his ring tights and a old Impact X shirt with the World Title draped over his right shoulder and Mack dances on out as usual getting the crowd all hyped up like no one else can. Mack hopping on the apron to dance in the ring as Nick Miller asks.

"Wonder what The Showsteala is doing out here on Anarchy? You know anything about ANA?"

ANA says.

"No clue Nick. I don't keep Mack on a leash. I just make sure his ass gets to the arena, so he can do whatever it is he wants to do because I know without him we have no show!"

In the ring we see Mack with the title up on his shoulder again and a microphone in his right hands and of course that trademark sarcastic grin of his just a twitching to say.

"Whhassssss uuuupppp alll yya alll crazy ass mofos up here in LA tonight!?!?!?!?!"

A echoing response from the crowd who love the plug and Mack just a grinning as he says.

"Dat right, we be in LA inside this Anarchy Dome with a hot, hardcore crowd of wrestling fans who came to see their favorite in action, plus ya all get to see a new Anarchy Champion crowned later tonight. But hey, ya wanna see yours truly stomp some sucka into the mat to get this show kicked off right!?!"

The crowd responds with a loud.


And Mack shrugging as if he needs not say another word, but he does.

"Well then, whoever wants a crack at the man of SEF, come on out here in the Anarchy Dome ane let's go one on one, chump!"

Mack dropping the mic and leans back to a corner like a boss just chilling as he waits. The wait is not long at all when the sound of Halestorm's I Miss The Misery plays over the pa. Tina stepping out with a grin of her own looking down at Mack in the ring who nods ok and the Golden Gal not missing a step in her entrance to the ring. She skips on down to slide in the ring and pops up doing a crotch chop, then spreads her arms out wide. Mack letting the title down to lay under the turnbuckles, strips off his shirt to toss to the crowd nearly starting riot, and steps to the middle of the ring staring down Tina.

Opening Contest
The Showsteala v. Tina

An epic match between these two that comes down to the last few seconds with Tina on fire after a superkick to Mack. She soars off the top rope with a frog splash nailing it and hooks a leg for the pin,





kickout. Tina on her feet to protest to the ref who holds his hands up showing it was only two. Mack stirring up to ready for Da Shows Ova when Tina turns and NO, she ducks it and springs off the ropes into a flying roundhouse kick to Mack's head. Tina pulling herself up as does Mack and the Golden Gal running into a sto taking Mack down for the T & A. Mack keeping it from being locked and rolls through to leap up with a foot to the back of Tina's head. Mack backing off to a corner as Tina pushes herself up on her knees, then the World Champ steps out to leap on to her back and bring a foot down to the back of her head for the SHOWSTOMPA. Mack pulling Tina up to kick her in the midsection, then nails the SHOWSTUNNA and makes the pin to win it.

Winner: The Showsteala @ 37 Minutes 48 Seconds

Best of You by Foo Fighters plays over the pa bringing Mack to his feet as he gets his hand raised and handed the Undisputed World Championship belt. Mack dancing around a bit cocky after that legendary performance and extends a hand to Tina helping her up as Nick Miller says.

"Whew, what a way to open Anarchy on such a huge, historic night and during the match I got word that my partner here with me now, A Native Americano, is going to be in action, next."

ANA asking.

"Uh, ok, who am I facing?"

Nick says.

"No word on that, just that its a hardcore rules match."

ANA nods ok and takes off the headset to stand up and step in front of the table staring into the now empty ring. He wears his combat boots, jeans, and Impact X shirt and holds his arms in a X as Mack and Tina do the same on top of the stage, then all threw drop their arms in a crotch chop. ANA remains at ringside after his IXF partners leave the stage, then American Bad Ass by Kid Rock plays over the pa. The crowd a bit confused when Dean Moxley comes out, but Dean just walks down the ramp with his head up. He marches to the ring and stops to search underneath and begins dragging tables out, then throws a trash can, kendo sticks, and a stop sign in the ring. ANA turning to grab a steel chair and tosses that in the ring, then Dean slides a table in and himself. ANA sliding in now and both stands up to go nose to nose ready to get this started, so the bell is rung.

Hardcore Match
Dean Moxley v. A Native Americano

Dean shoving ANA backwards and unloads with right hands, then looks for a irish whip, but gets reversed. Dean off the ropes with a flying forearm smash staggering ANA backwards, then Dean grabs a kendo stick and begins lighting up the big man with shots to the chest and back. Dean getting ANA to his knees, then goes behind him to use the stick to choke ANA out with it. ANA trying to push the stick away from his throat and fights up to his feet pulling Dean on to his back and runs forward into a corner slamming Dean facefirst into the top turnbuckle. Dean staggering to his knees resting on the trash can as ANA holds his throat and turns to go for his opponent. Dean getting up with the trash can to turn and bash ANA in the face with it, then dumps it over his head trapping him inside of it. Dean grabbing a steel chair to slam it into the trash can knocking ANA down inside of it and just wails on the can denting it into ANA's body. Dean going for the pin,




kickout. Dean pulling the can off ANA and slams it into his head, then lays it on top of his body and heads to the top rope for a elbow drop crushing the can into ANA. Dean pulling him up for the Moxley Drop, but gets backed into a corner. ANA backing away and Dean charges out for a clothesline, but ANA meeting him with a superman punch flooring the Moxley. ANA grabbing the table and sets it up in the middle of the ring, then pulls Dean up to roll him on top of it. ANA heads to the turnbuckles, but Dean rolling off to clobber him in the back, then back suplexes ANA. Dean getting up to pull ANA up on to the table now and hammers him in the head a few times. He grabs a steel chair and lays it on top of ANA< then heads out to the apron and up to the top turnbuckle. ANA throwing the chair into Dean's face and climbs off the table to head up the turnbuckles and hook Dean for a superplex sending him crashing through the table. ANA hitting the back of his head on the table a bit and suffers a bit of damage causing him to be slow to get up, but he is up first and pulls Dean into a running powerslam and makes the pin,




kickout. ANA kneels up snarling at the ref, then pulls Dean up into a bearhug wrenching his body a bit like a ragdoll, then just squeezes him as tight as he can. Dean screaming in pain, but tries boxing ANA's head, then bites at his head. ANA letting go to back off and Dean running for a clothesline, but ANA ducks and both come off the ropes with ANA hitting Justice and makes the pin to win it.

Winner: A Native Americano

Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd plays over the pa bringing this crowd to their feet for ANA. He gets to his own feet celebrating the win with a hand raised in the air by the ref, then heads back to the announce position as Nick Miller says.

"Now that was a hardcore match between a guy with a lot of untapped potential and a guy who may be the Owner, but could be the guy to lead SEF in the ring. Speaking of, he is joining me again. What a match man, how ya feeling!?"

ANA sitting down and putting the headset on breathing a bit heavy, but says.

"I feel like I got a little hardcore in LA tonight, but I feel good knowing I brought my best and brought out something in Dean Moxley. Hopefully next time Deano can bring it a little harder, but we'll see."

Nick says.

"Yea, Dean doesn't make a lot of appearances for SEF despite being a wrestler here and contractually obligated to appear on these events. I wish we could see more of him and more of what you brought out of him. Maybe he has a little left for the battle royal cause it is up next and we got nine others all in this match to fight for the brand new Anarchy Championship."

ANA says.

"Dean has the talent, but his lack of drive holds him back. We saw some talent show up to stake their claim at this new title though and this should be a good brawl for some gold, can't wait."

Dean Moxley remains in the ring after it is cleared out and is joined by his brother Seth, then we see Jade West and The Perry Sisters make their way out followed by newcomer, The Wolf. Jason Stratus saunters on out here and Simon Lee Nash is soon to follow, then Chris Orton makes his way out and of course Tina finds herself in the ring again. We already see Simon and Jason congregate around Tina while Jade, Sierra, and Cruella stick close together across the ring. Chris in a corner by himself as is The Wolf and The Lunatics in the middle of them all as the bell rings.

Main Event
Anarchy Battle Royal To Crown First ever Anarchy Champion

Jade and The Perry's rush The Moxley's to try and take them out in a three on two assault, but Chris Orton going for Jade while Tina leads Simon and Jason to fight The Wolf and soon eliminate the newcomer from the ring as the first elimination. They turn to Jade and Chris leaving The Moxley's battle The Perry's. Chris tossing Jason out of the ring and takes the fight to Simon as Tina tackles Jade taking both of them out of the ring. Seth eliminates Cruella, but Sierra eliminates Seth and Dean dumps Sierra out of the ring. Dean runs across the ring help Simon with Chris, but the CKO fighting for his life and kicks both men away, then nails Dean with Lights Out and kicks Simon in the midsection before tossing him over the top rope. Simon landing on the apron and Chris leaping up with a dropkick to knock him off to the floor. Chris pulling Dean up to send him over the top rope and wins the match.

Winner and NEW Anarchy Champion: Chris Orton

Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park plays over the pa as Chris looks around the Anarchy Dome to see all the fans going crazy for the new Anarchy Champion who gets his hand raised in the air. A native Americano sliding in the ring with a belt tucked under his arm hiding the faceplate, then stands to hand it to Chris who takes with a smile. ANA raising Chris's arm in the air as the new champ lifts his title up, then ANA exits as Chris holds it up by both sides of the strap for all to see.

ANA back at the announce table as Nick Miller says.

"What a huge win for Chris Orton who did indeed need this moment. The match was his perfect opportunity and he seized it, now if he can just keep the belt against this competition here on Anarchy. he made history, but we got a few hungry wrestlers showing up here in the Anarchy Dome who have got to be counting their days before they get a shot at the new champ."

ANA says.

"I hope so. I look forward to seeing it and maybe calling it here every two weeks on Friday with ya Nick, it was fun tonight. I'll even step in the ring here again, but we had enough for tonight."

Nick says.

"Yes, the show is over and we have a new Anarchy Champion and it is Chris Orton, a former SEF World Champion, King of SEF, International Champion, and who knows what else the future holds for this guy!?! We'll have top find out in two weeks when Anarchy returns to the Anarchy Dome here in LA, but maybe we'll see him next week on WAR when we are in St Louis. Until then folks, have a goodnight."

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