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Tonight I make history!

Started by SEF_ChrisOrton, May 11, 2018, 07:58:26 PM

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Backstage, Chris Orton is laying back against the wall, and he look ready and focus on Anarchy Rumble become first ever Anarchy Champion. Chris Orton moves his body around getting himself ready, so he looks at the camera started speaking.

Tonight I make history! No more losing! No more disrespectful comments about me! No more people telling me to walk away. Let me tell you people something I came back to unfinished business reclaim my glory when I started this company. I know it wasn't going to be easy new fresh young talent coming in here make statement, but I don't care about that crap. I only care on one thing throwing every single person who gets in my way until I am last man standing in that ring holding Anarchy Championship

Chris Orton stop talking hearing mix reaction from fans, so he continue on speaking.

How am I going to win Anarchy Rumble answer is simple that wrestle everyone and throwing them out of the ring. History will be made where I Chris Orton become new Anarchy Champion tonight.

Chris Orton stop talking suddenly "Chris Orton" chant begins scene faded black.

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