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Jade Enters The Battle Royal.

Started by The Perry Family, May 11, 2018, 11:57:21 AM

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The Perry Family

jade music hits she walks down the ramp ready to make history finally ready to become a champion goes to the steel steps climbes in the ring walks around looks around she then begin to talk.

jade west.all right this is my chance to finally become a champion about time you know

jade west iam born to become a champion this is my life this wrestling is all i got,

jade west in my life i don't care what happens im going elimeniate anyone that happens to be

jade west inside this ring, a champion is what i need to be and im sure my ol friend,tina andrews

takes a deep breath looks around the audiance takes it easy and then begin to talk.

jade west. is going to be in this battel royal i won't think for a minute to make sure

jade west she does not become anarchy champion this match is meant for me to win and that just it.

she looks around the crowd not sure or cared if she cares if they happy with her or not she then talks again.

jade west.i m sure tina is getting tired of facing me actually im tired of her as well but i need this win,

jade west mabye noo when i win mabye il be nice enough and let her face me for the anarchy championship.!

jade west who knows mabye with something on the line yes iam that insaine nobody more crazier then me so

jade west if anyone else going enter this match,if not then a ref get down here and make me the winner!

she wait for reply

Jade West


(I Miss The Misery by Halestorm plays over the pa and so Jade doesn't get a referee, she gets the Golden Goddess herself, Tina, strutting her ass down the ramp like she means business. Of course Tina is smiling and slapping fans hands as she skips to the ring in her pink and white gear looking ready for action as well. Tina slides in under the bottom rope and walks right up to Jade snatching the microphone from her to say.)

"No Jade, no way in hell will you get the Anarchy Championship because walking through hell to get it would be easy compared to facing me in this ring, in the Anarchy Battle Royal which takes place on Anarchy tonight in the Anarchy Dome right here in LA baybay!!!"

(Tina firing herself up now as the crowd is riling up to get rowdy. Tina just smiles and looks at Jade dead serious despite the smirk across her face and the Golden Gal says.)

"First of all sweetheart, we are not old friends because you never befriended me. I befriended you only to have you turn on me sister, don't ever forget that and stop trying to twist it around cause the evidence is on every piece of footage in SEF's network. You can't deny that fact, so at least own up to it and give me a challenge since you wouldn't give me a friend. Only thing I will give you now is an ass kicking everytime we step in this ring and that means you lose tonight. I said it already about this Anarchy Battle Royal, I am not in it to win the title. I am in it because you may have been in it and now we all know you are, so we all know what my intention is, to make sure Jade West never becomes Anarchy Champion. Not tonight Jade, not ever will you be champion until you learn how to be a champion. Champions don't make absurd claims about the most revolutionary group in SEF history. So you are tired of facing me though and I don't blame you, you are not ready for me Jade, you have a long way top go before you are ready for the Golden Goddess. That is why I befriended you in the first place Jade, because I knew I could get you ready to face me one day, but you want to do it on your own. That is fine, it is admirable, hell, I did it all on my own eight years ago Jade and look at me now, I am at the top of the ladder in SEF. I climbed for years to get there and no little girl like you is going to knock me off, especially when you refuse what you really need, help. It is funny though, the ones who need it the most are the ones to refuse it the most, but that is fine. You hang in here Jade and one day you may get a championship to hold, you may climb that ladder, even if it takes you eight years or over a decade to do, you hang in there and don't quit. As for tonight, tonight you can't win because well you may be a champion in the far away future, in the present day you will take a lot of lumps, a lot of losses, and you will take them all and learn to win, learn to be a champion, learn to stand up and be the best because you are going to get beat by the best right here tonight. It appears like this is going to be my battle royal to own because you can't beat me and no one else even seems to care about this brand new Anarchy Championship. A pity really, but at least with me as champion, we will get a true champion that cares about being the best."

(Tina hands the mic back towards Jade who reaches for it, but the Golden Gal letting it drop to the mat before her opponent can take it back. Tina backing up to a corner doing a crotch chop and laughs at Jade who picks up the mic to speak.)

The Perry Family

wolf music hits she one of jade devil worshipers she walks down slowly down the ramp goes to the steel steps climbes under the ring ropes in the ring looks at jade and tina Andrews she be quiet for while get microphone and begin to talk.

the wolf let me say this im entering the battle royal I don't take ordors from anyone I never will I got tired of being under a hood

the wolf while everyone else got all the fun nomore im entering this im going become a first ever anarchy champion and not u or u

looks at the two girls in the ring and whoever else is in there and begin to talk again.

the wolf is going stop me the wolf has spoken if anyone want biten fine come and get me.

she wait for reply
Jade West

The Perry Family

jade west not done with tina andrews she not sure what to think about the wolf she clears her throat and begin to talk.

Jade west. seeing its every person for themself u want try to toss me over you go right ahead try n toss me but you not going to win, your not going try to win wolf but u want make a name for yourself,fine with me now andrews tina on to you.

Jade West u want keep this fued going u go right ahead,we all know u wish u was me this is going be my time every person for themself the next champion is the woman right here in the middle of the ring looking right at you jade west.

jade west you can wish it is going to be you,seeing your already gloating or dreaming you already won this match which u have not and u can face me for the anarchy world championship anytime you want.i got Nothing to loose at all Nothing to loose!!

jade west so good luck anyone who want try to enter and loose at your own stupidey u go right ahead i fear nothing iam the devil princess! so go ahead i always have a plan up my sleeve!! i got nothing to Loose!1

she wait in the ring for a reply
Jade West

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