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Chapter 3: Fighting Champion

Started by SEF_ChrisOrton, May 25, 2018, 07:08:36 PM

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Anarchy opens the scene showing Anarchy Champion Chris Orton reading a book. The title of the book is "Book Of Chris Orton". Chris Orton smiles reading the pages, and he started speaking.

I told you did I! Now you are looking at Anarchy Champion! I'm sure what are expecting me to lose this title, but I am ready to start a new chapter in "Book Of Chris Orton" first chapter called "The Beginning" which I started my career in this company fighting becoming a superstar. Chapter two call "Stardom" in which I became biggest superstar in wrestling world everywhere I went people knew exactly who I am. Tonight on Anarchy, Dean Moxley finds out chapter three of "Book Of Chris Orton" is title fighting champion.

Chris Orton puts "Book Of Chris Orton" down continue on speaking.

You see Dean now that I have this championship it's not leaving my shoulder. You see fighting champion I am going to be someone welcome any challenger wants take this away from me, and I will fight showing this company I am WAY better fighting champion than other champions. I am Chris Orton! Anarchy Champion! I am the best far better than the rest! Dean gets "Blackout" tonight!

Chris Orton smiles goes back reading his book.

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