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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

WAR 191

Started by mack420, May 28, 2018, 12:52:25 AM

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Event Date
8 PM EST on Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Promo Deadline
24 Hours Before The Event Date
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Promo Board
Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-PG with a caution for Violence!

Toyota Center in Houston, Texas

Theme Music
Mayhem by Halestorm

Opening Contest
SEFWUN Icon Iron Championship Match

Rick Reynolds v. A Native Americano(c)

Mid Card Bout
Singles Match

Nick Torres v. Carter Thompson

Mid Card Bout
SEFWUN World Championship Semi Finals Tournament Match

J X Cash v. Jake Voss

Mid Card Bout
SEFWUN World Championship Semi Finals Tournament Match

Bill Roberts v. Troy Storms


Main Event

Card Is Subject To Change



Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Mayhem by Halestorm plays over the pa of the Toyota Center in Houston Texas as the sold out crowd eagerly awaits some action. Its loud in there as Nick Miller says.

"Welcome to WAR everyone and what a night we have leading up to our big SEF TV event this Sunday. Two semi finals matches in a small tournament that actually began at a House Show this past Saturday. Last time on WAR we saw Tina throw the World Title down in honor of Mack and stating that they were leaving, so a tournament was immediately started and will culminate this Sunday. Tonight though we also have a Icon Iron Championship match with Rick Reynolds facing A Native Americano. This match was originally slated for SEF TV, but a First Blood match between Chris Orton and Viper took their spot."

Bill McLane chimes in.

"Which honestly this is going to be a better match, but why not do it on WAR, so we get to see two real warriors. Chris Orton and Viper is a good match for SEF TV because it will be the bloody destruction of the CKO!"

Nick says.

"That is how the first blood match came about was Viper brutalizing Chris with a chair at the end of a House Show event. That is this Sunday though and tonight have the II Title match to kick off the show, plus we see Nick Torres in action and find out which SEF diva is returning to enter the Anarchy Women's Championship battle royal on the next episode of Anarchy."

Opening Contest
SEFWUN Icon Iron Championship Match
Rick Reynolds v. A Native Americano(c)

A good back and forth match with Rick using dirty tactics to gain advantages, but ANA showing his heart won't let him stop, or stay down. Both men come close to winning this one and around twenty minutes we finally see Rick come off the ropes to leapfrog ANA's attempt at Justice. Rick with a superkick to the back of his head and quickly grabs him for a german suplex into a bridge, a combo move he calls SIN, for the win.

Winner and NEW Icon Iron Champion: Rick Reynolds @ 21 Minutes 16 Seconds

King Of The Hole by Skrew plays over the pa as Rick gets awarded the belt and he accepts with a snide look towards the official as well as the crowd, but that is usual. Rick holds the title up like it was a forgone conclusion that he would win as Nick Miller says.

"Not the first time these two have met and not the first time Rick Reynolds has taken a title from A Native Americano. Rick won the World Title eight years ago on an episode of Sacrifice, of course back then ANA was calling himself Shane Daddy Mack, a gimmick of ripping off a legend that led to his moniker of Marijuana Mack being born."

Mid Card Bout
Singles Match
Nick Torres v. Carter Thompson

Winner via Pinfall:
Nick Torres @ 3 Minutes 28 Seconds

Viper comes from the crowd to slide in the ring and hit Nick Torres with a spear, then pulls him up to hit the Unforgiven and rolls out heading to the back as Nick Miller says.

"What the hell was that all about? Why did Viper attack Torres after the match?"

Bill McLane says.

"I don't know? Maybe Viper is coming back with a vengeance to destroy anyone en route to the top!?!"

Mid Card Bout
SEFWUN World Championship Semi Finals Tournament Match
J X Cash v. Jake Voss

Bit of a fast paced match with Jake really taking the fight to X. No clear advantage for either man after about fifteen minutes and both looking ready to go twice that when Jenom runs out to jump on the apron. Viper comes from the crowd when the ref deals with Jenom allowing the Dominant Player to spear Jake Voss. Viper out of the ring and X off the top rope with the Gangsta Splash for the win.

Winner: J X Cash @ 16 Minutes 39 Seconds

Viper slides in the ring to pull up Jake hooking his arms for the Unforgiven, but Walk by Pantera plays over the pa bringing Nick Torres and he's running. Jenom getting out of the way as Nick slides in the ring to chase Viper out, then turns to nail X with a big boot. Nick getting a microphone and helps Jake up, then says.

"Hey Viper, you and I, tonight in the main event, and I will show you why the Dominant Player is no match for The Westside!"

Nick tosses the mic down and raises a hand in the air displaying the gangsta sign, then makes a fist and drops it to Jake who bumps his fist with the bigger man in black while Nick Miller says.

"J X Cash advances in the World Title tournament, but with a little help from Viper who just got called out by Nick Torres to a match tonight in the main event. Love to see those two go one on one and tonight on WAR, what a treat. Curious about that fist bump between Torres and Voss."

Bill Mclane says.

"Looks like a bit of an alliance forming perhaps, or just battling a common enemy. Viper versus Nick Torres tonight is epic, needs to happen."

Mid Card Bout
SEFWUN World Championship Semi Finals Tournament Match
Bill Roberts v. Troy Storms

Troy dominating for most of the match with Bill showing his resiliency to come back and bring the fight to the bigger man. Bill seemed to always have an answer when Troy looked to end the match, but Hal Havoc getting involved would finally allow Troy to hit the Resurrection and make the pin to end it.

Winner: Troy Storms @ 12 Minutes 57 Seconds

Rest In Pieces by Saliva plays over the pa as Troy Storms just stands up to raise his hands in the air, then the lights go out and flash back to see no trace of the big man. Hal Havoc gone as well, so Nick Miller says.

"Just like that Troy Storms is gone and next time we see him will be at SEF TV this Sunday where he meets J X Cash to determine who will become the new SEFWUN World Champion. Coming up later tonight though we have a hell of a main event as it has been confirmed by SEF Commissioner, Frank Malone, and Viper will face Nick Torres one on one."

Bill McLane says.

"Yes. What a way to end WAR."

Nick says.

"Should be a great match, but we are about to find out who the returning diva is that will enter the Anarchy Women's Battle Royal being held on Anarchy in sixteen nights."

Open Eyes by Saliva plays over the pa and out struts Sammy in her ring gear looking ready for a fight tonight. She heads to the ring full of confidence and hops in to get a microphone and say with a smile.

"It is only me boys and girls, it is I, it is Sammy, and I will be entering the Anarchy Women's battle Royal to win the Anarchy Women's Championship and reign over all women in not only the Anarchy division, but in all of SEFWUN."

Some love for Sammy who smiles at the cheers, then says.

"I have spent quite a few years in SEF and have never held the women's title or the world title. I am proud to be a former Revolution Champion and first ever RXF Champion, but I want to represent the women. I am a strong female competitor who has busted her ass in SEF for years and have proven that I will bust my ass for SEFWUN for years to come. I will represent every woman around the wrold that dreams of competing in this ring and for every little girl watching that dreams of growing up to be a champion. The Anarchy Women's Battle Royal will feel the Sammy Slam and I will walk out the brand new Anarchy Women's Champion!"

Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson plays over the pa to bring out Stacy and Nykky Dee in their ring gear as well and they strut their way to the ring looking ready for some action as well. The two dark haired women enter the ring to skip around Sammy who just smirks at both, then all three hug it out and Stacy takes the mic to say.

"Good to see you Sammy and its great that you will be in the Anarchy Women's Battle Royal because so will we and we want competition. We know you will give it to us and we will give it right back and one of us will be taking the Anarchy Women's Championship."

Damaged by Linkin Park plays over the pa bringing Jenom out in her ring gear and her own microphone in hand to say from the stage.

"Girls, girls, please, save your energy for Anarchy when you have to deal with me entering that battle royal to capture the Anarchy Women's Title."

I Miss The Misery by Halestorm plays over the pa bringing the crowd to their feet in a shock to see Tina return so soon after just walking out two weeks ago. The Golden Goddess is indeed back though and the crowd is roaring as she swaggers out with a cocky smirk in a gold dress cut low at her mid thigh. A pair of matching strappy heels to go with her spaghetti strap dress revealing a bit of her curves on her chest and she stands toe to toe with Jenom. The two smirking at each other and Tina taking the microphone to turn and lift it up saying.

"Do I even have to say why I am out here because obviously it is the Anarchy Women's battle Royal because you can bet your sweet assess that the Golden Goddess of professional wrestling would never miss this opportunity. In sixteen nights, I will be on Anarchy and I don't care who I have to toss out of the ring...out of my ring..."

Tina lowering the mic to slowly let it drop at her feet, then turns to look at Jenom one last time, no smirk, then a flash of cocky confidence in her bright eyes before Tina walks to the back and Nick Miller says.

"Wow, Tina is back and this crowd is still in awe over her return to compete in the Anarchy Women's Battle Royal, just like Jenom, Nykky Dee, Stacy, and Sammy all announced they were here for, to enter for a chance to win the Anarchy Women's Championship."

Bill McLane says.

"Tina is going to win. Just wonder how long she will actually stick around?"

Nick says.

"Does seem early for her to return, but she did do this early in the year, so who knows!?"

Main Event
Singles Match
Nick Torres v. Viper

Viper clearly outmatched in the early part of the match and resorts to playing dirty whenever he can, even going low after distracting the ref. Nick Torres seems to be at peak performance and takes what he can from Viper to keep fighting. Viper not the man he used to be and ends up getting Nick out of the ring to slam his head off the ring bell, then grabs a chair and slams him across the back.

Winner via DQ: Nick Torres @ 14 Minutes 17 Seconds

Viper looking to wear Nick out with the chair when Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions plays over the pa. Jake Voss runs out to rush around the ring and ducks a chair swing to nail Viper with a superkick. Jake checking on Nick when J X Cash runs out with Jenom and Fate following. X rushing Jake tackling him over the announce table as Jenom rolls Nick into the ring and Fate helps Viper up. Fate grabbing the chair to nail Jake across the back allowing X to roll him into the ring and follow him in with Viper and Jenom. Jenom grabbing Jake to hook his arms when Lounge Act by Nirvana plays over the pa. Cliff O Clink runs out with a chair in his hand, slides in the ring and slams X over his head with the chair. Nick Torres hits a big boot on Viper and Cliff nails Jenom across the back with the chair. She rolls from the ring with X and Jake picks up Viper and slaps Cliff in the chest to motion a big finish. Jake looking at Nick and raises a fist in front of him to get bumped, then Jake and Cliff lift Viper to Nick and help powerbomb the Dominant Player to the mat with a thunderous slam. The crowd loving it and Walk by Pantera plays over the pa as Jake and Nick extends fists out to bump, then Cliff shoots his fist in showing the formation of something that has been a longtime coming.

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