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universal6 star tag team

Are We Ready?

Started by mack420, June 19, 2018, 06:37:08 PM

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Sitting back in his office is A Native Americano resting on the leather sofa with his Triple Tag Team Title belt laying next to him. He wears a black tee and blue jeans with brown sneakers laced up and a black bandanna tied in a headband over his forehead holding back his long brown hair. ANA with his right arm stretched across the back of the sofa and his left hand on his lap just stares blankly, deep in thought, but in walks Bill McLane who asks.

"You wanted to see me?"

ANA hearing Bill and looks him in the eyes to say.

"Yea. Where is Shady?"

Bill shrugging and looking behind him, then says.

"He was with me, want me-"

A full Guinness bottle is thrown in at ANA who catches it to pop the top and take a swig, then says.

"Shady, ya hear me ya little biatch, you the new General Manager of Anarchy, so enjoy your new pay raise and go call a girl for the night, its on me!"

Shady yelling.


And his feet heard as he runs down the hall, the sound growing littler with each step. Bill looks at ANA asking.

"Is that all?"

ANA looks at Bill and stands up to take another swig of his beer, then says.

"No, Bill, you get a raise too cause you are the new GM of WAR!"

Bill shocked and smiling as he likes this, then says.

"Thank you, I will do my best. thank you."

Bill extending a hand to ANA who shakes it, then the new WAR GM walks out. ANA with another swig of beer, then picks up the Triple Tag Team Title belt and slings it over his left shoulder. He looks forward and smiles, pats the title and says.

"Well, WAR has a new GM, but if I can help it, we won't see new Triple Tag Team Champions crowned because I believe in Impact X Facta. I believe Simon Lee Nash can be my buddy and give back the push I been giving him for years. I believe Jason Stratus could be a remember of IXF as he been giving the same and hasn't given much back. Then again, maybe I am wrong to believe in them!?"

ANA guzzling down the rest of his Guinness and sets the bottle on his desk, then says.

"I don't care if I have to carry this match on my back, if I have to carry this title on my back and the two straps my boys hold. I don't give a shit what I have to carry in order to walk out carrying the Triple Tag team Championship. I go nothing bad to say about Robbie Ruckus, Bill Roberts, and Chris Orton. All are former World Champions in SEF, ya all been in the ring with me in some form or another, but I don't see you taking these straps off IXF tonight or any other. Can you even work together? Of course, now I have to ask Simon lee Nash and Jason Stratus if they can evens how up for this match? I may have to go one on three, but somehow I will make sure these titles do not leave IXF, not tonight boys and girl, no way!"

ANA turning tow alk out, but whips around to sit back on the sofa plopping his belt down and pulls a smartphone from a side pocket of his jeans. He begins texting as the view cuts away to commercial.

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