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Jade Need See Somebody About A Match.

Started by The Perry Family, August 09, 2018, 12:33:34 AM

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The Perry Family

jade is walking backstage and need see somebody about a match,she dont care which match she going be in long as it challanging and she can win,she knows mr blue is busy so she walks in the office carlos the commish of war carlos and she then begin to talk.

jade carlos what the hell ru going put me in a match soon im up for anything il even do a one n one who knows,

jade i see im number one contender for the ovw hardcore championship held by jx clash id love to be hardcore champion

she clears her throat and she then begin to talk again.

jade sounds exciting right the devil approves ido anything for this company

jade im ready to get down and be hardcore nobody in this company can do what devil playground does in this ring,il do it all,

jade notices they looking at her strange she then begin to talk

jade why u looking at me like that,freaking me out.i can beat jx clash i can what u want me to do to prove it to you all the hardcore title is going be mine.!!

she stay quiet for a minute n wait
Jade West

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