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Jade Talks To The Owner Mr Boone

Started by The Perry Family, August 18, 2018, 06:28:44 PM

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The Perry Family

jade is shown walking in to mr greg boone office wearing her leather jacket blue torn jeans not amused look on her face she want to make a hell of a inpact soon and does not know what to do she is tired of sitting on th side lines and not getting the title shots that she knows she well deserves she tried to go to see the commish and the general managers nobody has answerd her call so she going to go visit the owner mr greg boone she has nowhere to turn to she walks to his office knocks first' hears something she walks in his office she got quite a lot to say but she want mr boone to know she is quite serious as she alway's is she sit down on his leather chair that is by his desk and she then begin to talk.

Jade hey there mr boone im sure you know who iam jade west im number one contender for the ovw hardcore champion held by JX Crash i have made more then one call out to that champion but yet i got no call no answer i get nothing

jade i also made numerious visits and calls to your managment lazy asses you call your General Managers who did u hire little kids i get no answer from anyone so you are my last hope

: she clears her throat takes a drink of what ever she got in the bottle she is holding and begin to talk again.}

Jade so as you can tell im a bit frustrated right now i got a lot on my mind but seeing you are a busy man running a milliondollor company im sure you can hear me out again as you already are i apologice if iam wasting your time but damm it my voice schould be quiet nomore!1

{ She Drinks Her cold beer once again and not sure where else to turn to she then looks at the owner and begin to talk.}

jade i mean why don;t people do their jobs around here you know it not really that hard mr boone i need some matches i do not care what i need to do im here to make a hell of a damm inpression by any means necessery. im the leader of the devil playground but we also need matches to help pay the bills and keep us from being homeless again!

{ she get up from her desk slams her hand on the desk want the owner to know that she means buisness there she then begin to talk again.

Jade west iam tired of sitting around i know you got shows every few weeks that is fine im willing to do both shows i will do it all i don't care look please talk to the gms u got here im sure you can help me out,please

{she reaches in her purse throws a knife to the wall and grabs a pair of sissors stabs a piece of paper and stabs it in the front like she stabbing somebody in the heart she then begin to talk.

Jade u see what i mean mr boone i can not take it anymore im on the verge of self destruction along with my stable we are on the verge of making the biggest statment in the entire world and we not going to sit down and take it anymore!.

she realxes but that is over with she then begin to talk again.

jade look you see this pair of sissors im desprete for a match iam ready to use this on my next oppointent when ever that may be we are fearless we don't care about losing a little bit of hair on our heads we care about making a statment becoming champions and keeping it real You Understand us dude

jade we are the devil playground we will also sacerfice ourselves to prove ourselves. we apperciate what you done for us so far but we need more matches! so please mr boone now that you heard our story what are you going do for us.

she sit on the chair n wait for a reply
Jade West

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