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universal6 star tag team

Looking to win gold tonight

Started by Simon Lee Nash, August 14, 2019, 09:08:28 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash is taping up this wrist and his hands. He takes a deep breath as he knows that tonight could be a huge evening for him. HE is teaming up with Cliff o Clank and A Native Americano as they are going for the Triple Tag team CHampionship standing in their way are Viper, Bill Roberts and Robbie Ruckus and the current champions Hal Havoc, Josh Diabolical and Resurrector

Simon: It's been a long time coming myself fighting for a championship however last week i was ask if i still had the heart and passion to be in this company. Well, tonight i get my chance to prove it.

Simon: Cliff o Clank and A Native Americano are my partners in this battle to become the Triple Tag team champions. However i know that this won't be easy, Viper and Bill Roberts are no joke they are serious chanllenges and i haven't seen Robbie but from some of the stories i heard he is an impact player. WEll i am looking to make an impact tonight and leave a mark in SEF again.

Simon: Then we can't forget about the triple tag team champions. They have been champions for a while now. THe darkness and the chaos that they bring to the table is going to be something else

Simon: However, This is all about IMPACT. and when you talk about Impact you talk about Cliff O Clank, YOu talk about ANA. Tonight you are going to see a well oiled machine working together on the same page and when it's all said and done. The Impact X are going to win gold. We are going to win those Triple tag team championships and don't act like you don't know either.


(Cliff O CLINK comes walking into the ropes going nose to nose with Simon with intensity in eyes showing he is ready to go to fight, but says to his partner.)

"Ya damn right we are going to be a well oiled machine out there because its what the Dogs of War built this resurrection of Impact X on. A Native Americano and I have been working together for years, we crossed paths enough times before working together that we knew who each other was. Now you and I Simon, we got the same attitude, we both rebellious enough to make a stand and win some gold in the process. The Deadly Alliance can't win them titles and gold looks good in my hands."

(Cliff looking down to the RII Title in his left hand and lifts it up to his shoulder with a smirk, then says.)

"I got room to carry more gold and we need you Simon, so let's go out there and win this for Impact X, for ANA, for the rebellion that will never die!!"

(Cliff slapping his right hand to Simon's chest with a brotherly manner to fire him up, then says..)

"I don't even care that ya can't say my name right, well, my last name, maybe its just your east coast accent!?"

(Cliff smirking sarcastically like he don't know nor does he care, he just ready to fight with a brother.)


(A Native Americano walks in wearing blue jeans and a IX shirt with his hair tied back in a ponytail. He faces both men and says.)

"Let's talk about how the three of us are going to go out there and make an impact tonight and mark it with an X!"

(ANA throws up his arms in a X above his head looking to slap hands with his partners which they both return, then the leader of IX turning between Simon and Cliff patting both on the back and grabbing both in loose headlocks getting pumped up for WAR.)

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