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Jade Talks To Tina Backstage.

Started by The Perry Family, August 12, 2019, 09:48:53 PM

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The Perry Family

Jade west is roaming around backstage wishing people good luck in their title matches they got going on wanted to remind people just who they are they come by,tina andrews who facing rick reynolds for the universal championship match, she smiles and got her gang by her and she then begin to talk.

jade hey there tina me and you got a hell of a past don't we but i wanted to let  what past is past and we wanted to wish you good luck in your championship match against rick reynolds why because your going need it!.

Jade we was taking bets and we highly doubt u are going to win tonight and retain your universal championship title match and u could walk out without it around your waist.

the wolf so your match is on our betting papers we alway;s win unless you want to make it bigger we love making bets making people cringe their every exciantainse and livlyhood so good luck you are going need it.!

jade least you are out of our hair for now.

she wait for reply
Jade West


(Tina standing alone actually despite Jade's claim that her "gang" was with her, but then A Native Americano strolls over draping an arm around Tina brightening her face up and the two look at each other, then at Jade and her company before ANA says.)

"First things first Jade, you and your crew need to focus on your matches on WAR and not have anything to say about us or to us or you will lose. Sure, Ravenna may be a easy win cause she may no show, again, but your Perry Sisters got more on their plate than they can handle. They don't even know who they are fighting for the Tag Team Titles, THE Tag Team Titles, hell, do they even know the Tag Titles they fight for are THE Tag Team Titles of SEFWUN!?!?!"

(ANA looks at Jade curiously who shrugs and looks back at Sierra and Cruella who shrugs as well and nod ok. ANA smirking a bit arrogantly and just says.)

"As for Tina walking out without the Universal Title and your so called hell of a past with her, you need to stop now and just walk away. I don't even know how to begin to explain to your how inaccurate you are in everything you said!? I remember your past, your debut here, and we both welcomed you to our group, but you began talking shit about us and why!? Why Jade? Why talk shit about two people who genuinely embraced you into SEFWUN, into Impact X?!? Since then all you have done with Tina is get owned by her in the ring. You never beat her. You never went the distance, you never befriended her, you are not some sworn enemy, you are what nobody wants to be in this business, a nobody. So now, we walk away, nothing between us Jade, so keep it that way, for your sake."

(Tina having enough already and ANA turning with her to walk away leaving Jade and her crew to get their heads in the game and focus on who they need to focus on.)

The Perry Family

Jade im all ready for my matches thought i would give you all some good luck ido remember all of that happening,you know but it seems all of you are living in the past,my match is going be so easy,and i been tranning my team all week they are ready trust me! we don't threat i may not be on top yet,but it going take some time,

that proably why you threw the woman's title away you was afraid i would take it from you but im sure we that is is proably long time but not forgotten mabye you right ido need to focus on my matches like the rest of you do, but like i said before i love making Bet's i know we can win we got nothing to loose, we are dominiate,

she wait for reply
Jade West


"You are the one who brought up the past, so maybe its you living there? Or maybe you are just delusional?"

(Cliff O Clink speaking now and smiling cheekily at the devils playground as he says.)

"You should probably keep up with the current events a little better and pay attention to what goes down on WAR or at SEFWUN TV events. Every one of us who make up Impact X have been carrying this company while you run around in a world you aren't ready for. Tina proved that when you first arrived and she has continued to do it everytime you stepped in a ring with her. Jake Voss destroyed you in a don't blink or you'll miss it match last week, but hey, maybe you need more of a reminder of why IX is not your enemy!? Pretty sure I've beaten ya before, but maybe not one on one, so next week sounds good. You doing anything then?"

(Cliff waiting for an answer.)

The Perry Family

jade ido see anarchry is back from the dead,see what is happening yeah i did go up against the anarchry champion jake voss he is one if not they best in the world in this place,im sure you got your hands full this week to with simon nash in a triple tag team title match now that is new,

jade i dont think i want ix as my enemy anymore but if u want face me one on one next week like u asked im free,

she wait
Jade West

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