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Time For Ms Marret To Once Again Wear Gold (((WAR)))

Started by Liz, August 22, 2019, 01:14:09 AM

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Its been a long time coming for this moment, but Elizabeth Marret is ready, she is ready to take that Women's Championship from lil miss Tina and show the world, the universe who the true dominant woman of the ring is....PERIOD.

Elizabeth Marret sits behind a desk in her office wearing a silver necklace with a cross and pearl necklace matching her white blouse she wears which is unbuttoned enough to show of her ample cleavage. Her hair straight back and styled nice with a pair of wire frame glasses on her face and Ms Marret sits at her desk with her hands together. Her rings on her fingers sparkling as she her brights eyes do the same.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret:
Tina, you may have been the original chosen one, but you are not bigger than I. Sitting before you and the whole world is the most dominant woman in the history of this business. I have worked for too long and too damn hard to just sit back any longer, to let SEFWUN drown. No one else wants to step up as my chosen one to save this company. They all abandoned us, they left, so now I have to do it myself, I will go out to that ring and put you down myself. The Golden Gal is no match for the bluegrass bombshell, baby! I eat and sleep this business, and if it wasn't for this sport, I wouldn't want to breath any more air for this is what completes me. The dream of holding that gold above my head after I beat you on WAR makes living worth it. I am coming for you Tina, for your title, for your career as well. You may make it out of WAR to fight another match, but you will carry less gold and you will be reduced to a lesser form of yourself when I am done with you. No one will stop me from getting what I want, no one will stop my Deadly Alliance. SEFWUN will be mine, this is my house, and its time to get rid of the less desirables cluttering my house up. In other words, its time to take out the trash!

Elizabeth unclasping her hands and pushes herself back to stand up revealing a short black skirt and clomps her high heels around the desk to sit on the edge of it crossing her arms just under her cleavage to allow us a good shot of her round breasts.

Jenom Elizabeth Marret:
You lost along time ago Tina and now I pick up the pieces to send you packing. This is my house, this is my show, this is my company, and I will get it all back. I will save SEFWUN from the likes of you and IX, from everyone who stands in my way of ruling with my fist, with the fist of the true dominant woman of the ring...PERIOD.

Elizabeth standing up off the desk to walk forward past the view disappearing as we get ready for WAR only at SEFWUN.com

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