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Jade Wants The World Title Anarchry RP

Started by The Perry Family, August 20, 2019, 12:52:26 AM

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The Perry Family

jade is in the ring she looks around and begin to talk.

jade hey finally i get a title match tonight there is a world title match happening and i m going to get a chance at it so why not it said everyone is available iam going enter and walk out with the world championship around my waist i can not wait i mean i need to thank managment for this oppertunity thanks you so much.

jade i mean jake voss you don't even show up here to defend your championship so why you even champion let me say this i got nothing against u personally this is just buisness, you know we need to defend our championships i would if i ever had one so if anyone says i can not fight for my right to be a champion is wrong so let's get this going this means a lot to me so let's get going

she wait for reply
Jade West

Jake Voss

Jade's wait is over when the sound of the Scorpions echos through the arena blaring Rock You Like A Hurricane firing this crowd up. "The Phoenix" Jake Voss walks out wearing blue jeans and sneakers with a IX shirt and a backwards black ballcap and the Anarchy Championship belt around his waist. A pair of black sunglasses cover his eyes as The Phoenix swaggers down the aisle with a confident stride of a man who has proudly defended his title every chance he gets. Jake Voss enters the ring via the steps and gets a microphone, then stands in front Jade to say.

"I'm not sure if I dropped you too hard or too quick two weeks ago on WAR when I defended my Anarchy Title successfully against you, and oh yea, I won. Now Jade, you do have the opportunity to get a another Anarchy Title shot on Anarchy this time in a battle royal that yours truly is in and defending my title in it. I look forward to beating you once again to successfully defend my Anarchy Championship. If it wasn't for me threatening to drop this title and kill Anarchy, there would be no battle royal to defend my title in, there would be no show this Friday to compete on. So yes, I look forward to defending this title on Friday and I will be in the Anarchy Dome every two weeks on Friday unless we start airing every week!?!"

Jake lowering the mic and looks at Jade who...

The Perry Family

Jade west looks right at jake voss with her group by her side and she then begin to talk.

Jade.yeah u did win last week didnt/ya i give you that but i was going to move on but then anarchry commishinor mr Michael Felcha gave me the confidiance i needed to go on this battle royal and next week iam going straight for the vacant womans championship i will become a double champion and nobody is ever going to take that away from me,this is a chance of a life time and if you expect me to walk away just because i might get a little hurt,then you don't know me do you,

Jade wrestling and being a champion is my entire life and not a lazy ass champion like yourself is going to take that away from me i going elimeniate everyone i see over the top rope or by pin and if it comes down to me and you so be it il be more then happy to beat the tarr out of you in front of a hundred thousand people in audiance and do what ever it takes to become anarchry world champion! and also bitch the biggest paycheck of my entire life!

she takes a deep breath and begin to talk again.

Jade i waited my hole life for a match like this ever since the last company i was in closed on me i moved on this is all i got in life u see i had to fight my entire life to suriave to get where i came today and if going through you again is going be a road block in life then hell ibe more then happy to jump over that road block and keep driving down the devil island of life,i need to also make a great example for my group here if i loose they are not happy.

{she point to her group the devil playground wolf is holding on to the ring ropes for leverage due to her legs issues jade then begin to talk again.

jade and if i got be a fighting champion defend this every single fucking friday then hell il defend it if i loose it i loose but at least i can say i was a champion for once in my damm life i want to say i was a champion in sefuw that makes u mad don't it

she looks right in his face and begin to talk again right at jake voss face /

jade i said it makes you mad dont't it you scared to loose to me aint you admit it losing your world title to a woman is going to how i say destroy your man hode and u cant admit it that it could happen you know im so excited about tonight i got nothing to loose to this place is all i got what about you.?

she wait for reply
Jade West

Jake Voss

(Jake amused by Jade's accusation that he is mad and The Phoenix just nods his head no, then lifts his mic to say.)

"First of all Jade, let's back up to what you were saying about me being a lazy champion because if anything got me a little upset, it was that outrageous claim because I have actually done more for Anarchy as champion than you or anyone competing on this show. I kept fighting for months when Anarchy was seemingly dead, I still went out every night and fought for the Anarchy Championship. I even defended it on WAR, hell, just last week against you because I am a fighting champion. Its odd how you can call me lazy when I gave you a title shot simply because you wanted one. That doesn't sound lazy at all. I have beaten better wrestlers than you, I have beaten champions, and I have suffered defeat a time or two, so this battle royal is not going to be some cake walk for you, like you seem to think it is. You have a huge opportunity yet again at your fingertips because you are here when not many others are, so make the most, but most of all, learn from your failures, they will make you stronger and one day you will be a champion."

(Jake pausing for a second and Jade not taking her eyes off him as The Phoenix speaks again.)

"Ok, now for your claim that I am scared to lose to a woman, and I quite honestly don't know what to say. I wasn't scared to lose to the women who beat me in the past. I learned how to beat them because I am not scared to step in this ring with anyone, nor I am scared to lose. I mean, nobody wants to lose, but I know what to do if I lose. I have no worries about losing because like The Phoenix, I will always rise back to the top and be better than I was before. I have reinvented myself time and time again. There is no stopping me from being one of the best in this entire business. You got a lot to learn Jade, so use that excitement you feel to keep you strong when you lose because after everything I fought for to get this show back on the air, I will not lose in this battle royal."

(Jake pats the title around his waist and lowers the mic unsnapping his title to lift high in the air.)


(Bulls on Parade by Rage Against The Machine plays over the pa bringing everyone's attention to the stage where Cliff O Clink walks out marching to the ring in a leather jacket and blue jeans with a pair of leather boots on his feet. His hair a bit of a mess, but a look like he don't care on his face as he gets to the ring stepping in and getting his own microphone to stand between Jake Voss who holds his title in hand, and Jade West who stands with her girlfriends. Cliff backing up a bit to look at both when he says.)

"You may not lose this battle royal to Jade here, but you may lose it to me buddy because guess what, I have to enter this battle royal and try to win that Anarchy Title from you or I wouldn't be a very good person, would I?!"

(Jake shrugs and says.)

"I guess not."

(Cliff smiling and keeps his eyes on everyone as he says.)

"I knew you'd see it my way, besides you need some competition, everyone else on the roster sucks or is in bed with Viper, or JEM, or whoever runs the Deadly Alliance!?! Hell look who we got in the ring with us, the Devil's Playground, a group of gothic chicks, or demons, or whatever, I can never keep track of what they do in their little cult. See, don't get it twisted, I am all for a pact, a brotherhood, a sisterhood in your case, but the devil ain't got shit on me or any of my brothers. We answer to no one, not even each other, well, not all the time."

(Cliff nods to Jake who nods back with a smile like he gets it and Cliff continues.)

"We are alive and well abled to kick ass in this ring anytime we want and we are going to do it on Anarchy and me and by brother, were gonna kick each other's ass while were kicking yours. Its gonna be Anarchy in the Dome, so LA better make sure the power grid can handle the heat we are going to bring to town. Its gonna get hot on Anarchy and don't be surprised to see a new Anarchy Champion, but don't worry Jake, you'll be first in line for a shot at the new champ!"

(Cliff lowering his mic to lift a fist in front of his chest showing its all he needs to punch his way to the winners circle and become Anarchy Champion.)

The Perry Family

jade listens to both sides she then looks at them and begin to talk

jade well well we got lot of strong comeption here what gets me is howcome we only 3 in here this soppose to be a strong ass company where is everyone else dont't they got any guts any balls to step in the ring and come for the richest prize in this industry i guess not well looks like this battle royal became a triple threat match but im sure there going to be others stepping in when the match begins but anyway let me say this i tend to go after the both of you all right this is the biggest night of my life.

jade im sure the biggest match of your lives to if you got any damm lives like ido and jake voss your right it was you who helped get ANarchry back on the mat where it belongs and for that i thank you,

jade you 2 are championship material this need to be the biggest match of your lives,we need to take this seriously you know like iam,im going go through the both of you to make sure i become a champion tonight! if not tonight iam going make sure i become some kind of a champion in this company,

she clears her throat and begin to talk.again

jade i take chances lot of chances risk just like everyone else has in this place, im not going hold anything back at all,this is my dream nothing i would not do to or Risk to become a champion, tonight is going be no differnet.

she wait for reply
Jade West

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