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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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The World is MINE (Evolution)

Started by CoC, December 29, 2020, 08:50:13 PM

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(Sitting on a chair in his dressing room all alone in almost all darkness aside from a light shining on one of the biggest stars in the business today. Cliff o Clink just sits there arched forward on the chair with his elbows on his legs bracing his body. His eyes dark and full of desire to be the man.)

"I returned to SEF a few weeks ago with one goal, one intention, to get a match like I have on Evolution this week, one on one with the World Champion, for the SEF TV World Championship. I beat The Phoenix down when I returned, I made sure King Mack kept away from the Universal Championship, now I take the World Championship and I go into twenty twenty one on top of this business."

(Cliff leans back bringing his right hand up to wipe his bearded chin, then lets it relax on his lap with his other hand looking confident and cool now, but the fire in his eyes not dying.)

"The Phoenix and I are closing this year out, a year that we carried on our backs, main event after maim event, and I will always have his back against the world. But its about the World Championship and that means I pin his back to the mat for three seconds and take the World for my own. But don't worry, come the new year, I will be ready to take more pressure off The Phoenix because I will be coming for that Universal Championship. You need me, Phoenix, SEF needs us to continue carrying this wrestling business through another year, so get ready. I AM!"

(Cliff breaths deep and looks to the floor lost in thought as we cut to a break.)

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