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Simon Lee Nash hanging out with an old friend

Started by Simon Lee Nash, March 28, 2021, 01:23:05 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash is at the wolfpac gym with Carlos Mithchell in Detroit MI

Simon: SO after you left Anarchy, Mike Flecha Jr took over for a time and did a decent job but he left to head to New York City and now the SEF Management has taking over Anarchy. Now i am the Anarchy champion and now i am heading to wrestle X to fight viper.

Carlos: Dude that is amazing

Simon: What have you been up to Carlos?

Carlos: Well, first off i left and i was looking for a job but i met someone. She is also a wrestler but not from SEF we hit it off and now i am married and two little boys man.

Simon: What?

Carlos nods with approval

Simon: Bro, congrats

Carlos: It's life changing now.

Carlos: I am more of a business guy now, She does the wrestling and i am handing the day to day business. But with everything going on i am glad for the money that i made in SEF and being the Anarchy GM. I save it all up especially with alot of the companies being stop after the covid hit.

Simon: Yeah, SEF was stopped for a little while as well, but we are back and better than ever, They asked us not to leave MI though. We do the shows in Detroit and Flint.

Carlos: But isn't Anarchy in LA?

Simon: Exemption to the rule, We are to go there just for the taping and head back as soon as possible to MI.

Carlos: and it's been working?

Simon: Yeah, Everybody has tested Negative and we have been listening to the doctors and management.

Carlos: good deal.

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