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No White Rabbit on Smackdown, but next clue leads to Raw in Edmonton

Started by Liz, September 25, 2022, 11:17:57 AM

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The White Rabbit didn't come to Smackdown and instead offered another clue via another QR code.
The scanned QR code led to yet another teaser, a maze game where you have to lead a white rabbit to a door. When completing the game, the word Patricide and coordinates 53°32'49.5″N, 113°29'51.3″W show up. Inputting the coordinates into Google Maps gives you the Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the site of next week's Monday Night Raw.
The word patricide is a person who kills their own father, so this will be interesting in how it plays out to the overall mystery of who this White Rabbit is.
Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit song was once again played during a commercial break at Smackdown with the fans popping big when the red lights came on, but unfortunately for them, the expected Bray Wyatt was not in sight.
Fans also posted photos from the parking lots showing a paper with the coordinates and a white rabbit left on their windshield.

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