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Ronda Rousey Plans To Change Her Look As An Homage To Roddy Piper And John Carpe

Started by Liz, October 09, 2022, 09:49:01 AM

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Speaking on the most recent episode of The Baddest Stream on The Planet, Ronda Rousey indicated she plans to change her costuming in a referential homage to Roddy Piper's film work (per Wrestling Inc). Piper appeared in the lead role for the John Carpenter film They Live in 1988, and Rousey stated she intends to alter her wardrobe from last month's SmackDown as a nod to his work. You can read her statement and watch the complete episode below.
On the changed Rousey plans to make and why she decided to do so: "I wanted to do all the subliminal messaging from John Carpenter's 'They Live,' but everything's black on black except for 'submit' is in white. That's what I'm trying to do. But I'm going to not use my regular shorts and top, I'm going to take the tights and the top that I was wearing that day I dumped all the money out. I'm going to cut those tights into shorts and see how they look as shorts, so hopefully, they don't suck."

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