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Lets Revisit Ol' School (Hardcore Haz)

Started by Da Gangstas, March 30, 2023, 05:36:02 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:31/01/2009 4:13 PMCopy HTML

So Haz is back and on Monday he faces off with another man who returned to SEF for the reopening, a man he knows well, a man he looked up to, a man who actually helped him, D-Von Dudley. He and Bubba, and so many others in ECW tossed Haz around teaching him the basics while Haz learned to take some viscious bumps. Now Haz gets to show D-Von the experience he has gained over the years, he gets to prove himself against one of the ECW originals and if he could beat him, well, that would be something. Haz isn't looking that far ahead, he just wants to prove himself, win or lose, he needs to prove himself, prove he can survive against one of the ol' ECW's elite. We find him now drinking up much like his idol does, just pounding beers. Empties lay around his locker room and Haz takes a drag from a cigarette. He sits on a steel chair and his singapore cane layss at his feet. He lifts a beer taking a slug, then wipes his mouth with his arms and wipes his arm on his pants.
Haz: Man, this is fucking crazy. Of all people I get to face in SEF I find my ass booked against D-Von Dudley, woooo, what a fucking rush!
He tosses down the rest of his beer and drops the empty can, then takes a drag from his cig.
Haz: You were heavy on my career, you and Bubba, ya two are great. Taz and Raven, fuck man, who else am I missing? Douglas was great on the mic and he could hang in th ehardcore world, the Funk as well man, he helped make ECW, but that was before I came in to train, still, gotta show respect. Dreamer, the heart of ECW, all them guys were insane and of course The Sandman. I will never disrespect any of ya all, but my nickname is no bullshit, I am his uktimate fan and will always be such and so I look to him the most. I've been called a rip off and all that shit so much. It always used to make me mad, but now its just fucking old and pathetic.
He grabs a new beer from a cooler beside him and pops it open, then takes a swig followed by a drag from his cig.
Haz: I hope ya don't go that route and I feel ya won't, but I don't know if ya remember me D-Von. I wish it would be so, but ya met so many people its cool if ya don't. We never really hung out or shit, just got in the ring sparring, an experience that a young kid would remember the most. Just like Monday, its an experience I'll never forget and I know I still got a lot to learn. I look forward to learning from you, but D-Von, I have learned some tricks, so be ready to go to the limit. I only wish this match between us could be hardcore, no rules like ECW, but I guess we gotta take what we get, better than no match at all.
He takes a swig a beer and looks at cig burned out and tosses it down.
Haz: Not much else I can think of to say to ya D-Von, so I guess man, brother, lets go tear it up and I feel this as much as I say, may the better man win, here's to ya.
Haz raises his beer to the camera and tosses it back emptying the can as the scene fades away to black.

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