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Sandman your not!(War Rp 1)

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Date Posted:16/02/2009 6:52 PMCopy HTML

Elizabeth sat there on the couch with Viper and just blinked as Haz's promo got done. She did a gagging motion with her finger and Viper just laughed.

"I can see why you did that babe. Him saying he wants to tap that fine beautiful ass is gross."

Liz shakes her head, trying to get the horrible image out of her head of Haz wanting to screw her. She then spoke.

" I have one man that I rather have sex with and that is you baby. Besides, you take baths and  smell good, him...like ewwww! I would spread my legs for him if his shlong was painted gold and had a million dollar check stapled to it. My standards on men are better then that. Plus baby, your damn sexy and he is...well...nevermind."

She then turns around and softly kisses him and then gets up from the couch. She then adjust her sexy outfit while Viper stares and admire her cute bubble butt. Liz turns to him and seductively smiles at him as she then faces the camera while folding her arms to speak.

"Let's get one thing straight Haz...your not Sandman. Sandman is a better wrestler then you and trust me, your a walking identity crisis on alcohol. The only reason you want to act like him cause your seriously gay and won't admit you want to screw your idol. Face facts hunny, I am going to beat you and then I am going to go after a title of my choosing. Which title will be up to me. As far as you wanting to "Tap that ass", you have no chance at all hunny. My man over here  Viper, will break you in half if you touch me at all in any sexual manner. Besides that, I don't have sex with nasty, gross alcoholics with speech impediments. I only go out with real men and men who are way better then your standard. Trust me wannabe, your not worth anything but being a low class low carder the rest of your life. Look at you, you look like you got dragged out of a dumpster and dragged into dogshit and then dipped more shit after that. You probably have some disease. Pleas for the love of GOD, get tested before me and you wrestle on WAR."

Viper gets up and then wraps his arms around her neck and kisses it gently before pointing and winking at the camera. He then flips the camera off.  Liz chuckles before she continues.

"Well, you got your answer from my man. Now stick that up your ass. No wait a minute, nevermind that. Don't feel like having to fish out my boyfriend's finger out of your deep hole of a butt. That would not be cool."

Both of them make a rather disgusting face and then chuckle some.

" So in closing wannabe, get a new gimmick and stop taking someone's classic ECW career and making it look bad. And please shower and get checked for diseases before we fight. I am not about to catch something you have hunny. Peace!"

The scene fades out a bit while both Liz and Viper romantically kiss.


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