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Your Mistake (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, March 30, 2023, 09:03:08 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:21/02/2009 8:48 PMCopy HTML

(So The Resurrector was targeting Whitney Marret to get to Mack and now he has him. The two will do battle inside a steel cage at Total anarchy tomorrow night for the World Title. Should be a hell of a match. The man who made SEF versus the man who is currently dominating SEF. Can the showsteala steal the title or will the large, seemly invincible Tor cement his legacy in SEF?)
(Mack is hanging out in the IX locker room by himself, just sitting on the sofa with a Guinness on the in front of him. He sports an IX shirt and blue jeans, his hair down and his eyes staring, expression serious.)
MACK:  I've faced a lot of people in my career, a lot, and many of them have bene the so called dark wannabes, stand around in darkness rattling off nonsense, appearing in the dark to attack people, trying to be some walking dead, well Tor, you'll truly be dead after tomorrow night. Ya see, ya may have gotten me surprised and shocked, maybe I seemed scared in the moment last week, but I wasn't. I only backed off, IX only only backed off because we wanted to save you for Total Anarchy, I wanted you for myself. I want you one on one in that cage, so I can tear you a new one and put that World Title on a well deserving star. Your not anything to me, IX, or anyone else, your nothing special, just a phony, a fake, a wannabe, oooh, so ya can roll your eyes up in your head.
(Mack tries rolling his eyes up, but it don't work, so he shakes his head and grabs hi sbeer taking a swig, then sets it down.)
MACK: Whatever, I wan't even trying anyways. Tor, you don't know what your getting into. You wanted to face me, well son, you gonna get the opportunity, but too bad for you its gonna be your last match. Stepping in the ring with me is like stepping in the ring with a god...a greek god perhaps!
(Mack smirks at that reference, heh, damn egomaniac.)
MACK: Ya can call me Jesus H Mack...boy! I am your lord and savior, but ya know what Tor, I ain't gonna let myself be crucified for your sins, for anyone's sins. I'm a god who's not out to help you or anyone, I'm just simply a god living the highlife like only I can, untouchable and most definitely unbeatable. You, Orton, whoever else it is, ya can't beat me, ya don't stand a chance against Mack, so suck my kiss bitch!
(He does a one handed crotch chop, then grabs his beer taking another swig and sets it down.)
MACK: On WAR your not gonna exist, you'll be kicked back down to the depths of hell or wherever the fuck ya come from. Me, I'll be teaming with my brow, with my fellow god Viper and kicking the shit outta some lowlife tag team, Jay and Mesa, heh. Couple a burnouts and well I got nothing against that, ya all know me!
(He grins.)
MACK: Anyways, fuck them boys and Tor, fuck you too. I'm a steal the show yet again and I'm a steal that title once again, I'm a own your ass Tor, ain't no one crazy enough to this or any gig except for the HardCore Kid...ain't no one can step to the plate like me. You gonna lose, tomorrow night I end your streak, your title reign, and Tor, I will end you, its all over for ya son...Da Shows Ova!
(Mack leaps up off the sofa doing a crotch chop, then falls back on it and smirks. He reaches forward grabbing his beer and downs the rest, then stands up and heads for the door walking out as the scene fades to black.)

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