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Time To Step Up (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, March 30, 2023, 09:09:00 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:21/02/2009 10:28 PMCopy HTML

(That time of year for the Rumble, an opportunity for one of thirty wrestlers to headline one of the biggest events in the industry, Wrestle X. A longshot maybe for Joe Dumar, but then again, maybe not. The rumble is unpredictable, its anything goes, everyone for themselves, so winning is all about surviving. Joe is standing by now in front of a backdrop, SEF shirt and black jeans, arms hanging at his sides.)
Joe Dumar: What a dream that is, Wrestle X, that would make my day. To do it I gotta go through twenty nine other people, that line will be said by many before the rumble takes place and its true. Each one of us has twenty nine opponents to deal with and the challenge is worth it, especially if you win. I can imagine it, anyone wioth the desire to be a wrestler can imagine themselves headlining Wrestle X. I want it bad, I would kill to win and if that's what I have to do in the ring tomorrow night, then so be it!
(He breaths kinda heavy now, eyes grow intense.)
Joe Dumar: I will do anything in my power to win the rumble. For a guy like me it may be seem impossible, I mean hell, I ain't dumb, I know I ain't as big a star as say Viper or Whitney Marret or even Michael McMoney. I've been called a shitty wrestler with no talent, a fan who got lucky to get a contract. I know I'm not a bigshot, just a struggling wrestler trying to make it in the big sea that is this business. Winning the rumble would be a huge step for me, headlining Wrestle X would be another, win or lose, but winning the big one, the World Hevayweight Championship, well obviously that would make me! I have been looking forward to the rumble since MCW merged with SEF. I am ready to step it up and win, so I am ready for the challenge that is in front of me.
(He pauses for a few seconds.)
Joe Dumar: Tomorrow night is the debut of Midnight, a lucky break for her debuting in the rumble, one I hope she does not waste. I hold nothing against her, she just happened to sign at the right time, when SEF needed more talent and I welcome her, but that aside, I will welcome her to SEF properly. If not tomorrow night, then most definitely Monday when she debuts in a singles match against myself. If all goes well for me, we will meet in the rumble Midnight, but if it all goes well I will be going on to winning and you will be going out to the floor. Now on WAR, its just us one on one, no matter what happens in the rumble we still meet one on one. Don't think I'll be underestimating one bit, don't think I'm some pushover, don't think I believe ya for one second either, the rumble has me hyped up...pumped up. I'm ready to step up and its time I did, I am stepping up and shooting for the top of SEF, I have to, its been a longtime coming!
(Joe raises his arms in a crucifix pose and gets a crazy face, screams phsychotically, then slowly lets his arms drop and the view fades away to black.)

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