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Were Ready To Rumble (Mack, Viper, Xanthus)

Started by Daddy Mack, March 30, 2023, 09:28:51 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:22/02/2009 8:24 PMCopy HTML

(So what the fuck is going on around here anyways? We hear from a couple guys about the rumble, then Whitney spoke her mind, damn she seems fired up, oh hell, when she gets like that shit usually hits the damn fan. Last times she's been this fired up she became World Champion, beaten an array of icons, man. We heard from some new chick claiming to be a legend yet never heard of by anyone in the halls of SEF. Midnight, heh, another dark knight wannabe, pfft, please, do something before ya claim to be what your not, a legend, until ya do your just a big, fat liar. The only ones currently enployed by SEF who are even close to legendary status are in Impact X and that is a fact. They are not legends, but they are the closest thing around here, accept it, hell, to quote a true legend, like it andl earn to love it cause its the best thing going! Sort of like that, but anyways, Impact X, the closest things to legends here, well the truth yes, but man if they ever heard someone say that about them their egos would be way worse. Least their just kicked back right now, well four of them, Xanthus isn't in the room. In there we just find Mack laying on the sofa with his head on Whitney's laps while Viper and Liz sit on another sofa across from them. The four are just shooting the shit.)
Viper: So yea man, her sister, the poser trying to be a vampire, heh, she actually grabs the cameraman and thinks he's me, what the fuck is that?
(Mack and Whitney are laughing.)
MACK: Damn bro, sounds like another one of those, remember some of them from back in the days in SEF?!
Viper: Yea, funny as hell and Liz here, she was all shocked and shit by what happened I guess she thought it was me who got put down, what ya were thinking babe?
Elizabeth Hyde: My sister always throws me off my guard, been that way a while.
Viper: Well shit, why worry if your around here, around us?
Elizabeth Hyde: You don't know her, she's crazy!
(Viper just laughs and Mack is chuckling, Whitney chuckling and shaking her head.)
Whitney Marret: Keep in mind she doesn't us.
MACK: She ain't got a goddamn clue and if ya see her again, tell her to come on in and have a few drinks with us, there on me, I got plenty to spare. We welcome her to show her ass up in here, trying to act all dark and mysterious, oooh, how fucking scary!
(Mack pretends to be all scared and more laughing is heard.)
Elizabeth Hyde: I guess, forget her right?!
Viper: Hell yea, she's just another little nobody wishing she was somebody. Hell Mack, get this, she's claiming to be legendary!
(Mack looks all confused.)
Whitney Marret: Please, what a fucking joke, I swear to god I'm going to kill her!
(Mack looks at Whitney and puts an arm around her pulling her back against the sofa.)
MACK: Chill ok, don't sweat her lies. So what if she claims it, don't make it true. Many people in this business claim that status, but very few have actually earned it. Midnight, heh, before she showed up here I never heard of her, how about you Whitney, Viper?
(They both shake their heads no.)
MACK: Now Liz here, she knows her, but their sisters, no one in SEF has heard of her before she showed up here, so her little claim is meaningless, so why sweat it? The little girl can keep up her act and go about her business, but if she crosses out path she'll get knocked into place, simple as that. I know I got an ego, I claim I'm this and that all the time, but the difference I been in SEF since the start, she just got here. Viper, Whitney, same with you two, the three of us can back up a claim of being legendary for we have done way more here.
Elizabeth Hyde: Well, my sister has done a lot in her career before SEF.
MACK: So what? I have to before SEF. I was in Japan for years and they loved me there, I was called a legend by some and that's before I ever made it to the states and wrestled, that was back when I was humble and said, no, I ain't no legend. I've been Heavyweight champ many times before SEF. There was XWF and IWF, remember them Viper?!
Viper: Hell yea, though I never got XWF's big one, that always ate at me, if only I coulda been there a little while longer ya know.
MACK: Yea man, but shit, we both got impressive resumes before SEF and in SEF, so why shouldn't we be legends? Were a hell of a lot closer than that posing bitch, were icons of our sport, but a legend is something special. To many people today throw that word around too much, they want to attain it so bad and so quick that they forget the actual meaning to be a legend. Look how long it took Ric Flair...WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
(Mack and Viper smirk at each other as Whitney and Liz just laugh.)
MACK: Flair worked in this business for thirty years before he was a certified legend, thirty years. I'm just a couple years younger than thirty, so from experience of being around that age, I can tell ya its a longtime.
Viper: It is bro, were right there together.
MACK: Yea! So what up ya all, who's gonna take the rumble this year? Whitney, Liz, Viper my brother, which one a ya all gonna do it?
(They all just look at each other and grin.)
Viper: Am I in the rumble?
MACK: I think dude, I don't know for sure, is he Whitney?
Whitney Marret: Yes he is and to answer the question, I will win!
Viper: Oh yea, well not if these twenty four inch pythons got something to say about it brother, so whatcha gonna do when Vipermania wuns wild on you?!
(Viper stands up and points a finger at Whitney, then starts doing Hogan poses. The other three are just laughing.)
Whitney Marret: Kick ya in the nuts and toss your ass to the floor.
(Viper drops his arms and just stares blankly, then drops down on the sofa.)
Viper: Oh, well shit then, I guess I'm fucked.
Elizabeth Hyde: Oh don't worry, I'll help ya, least until the end when I have to eliminate ya!
(Viper looks at Liz now wide eyed, then lowers his head pretending to cry.)
Viper: Damn, ya all got no love for me, damn.
MACK: Its cool bro, I love ya and if I was in there I'd work with ya, but ya know, I'm a be the new World Champ!
Whitney Marret: Least until Wrestle X when I take it from ya.
Elizabeth Hyde: Or I take it from ya?!
MACK: I'll probably end up facing Pung Loa at Wrestle X cause you there will probably eliminate each other, damn egomaniacs! Why can't ya be like me and be all humble, keep it in check, be modest?!
(Whitney looks at Mack and just starts laughing as does Liz and Viper looks up laughing.)
Whitney Marret: Your the worst one of us, damn cocky bastard!
MACK: Whate-
(Mack stops when the door busts open and in flies Xanthus leaping up on the table between the sofas and looks all wild and crazy eyed.)
Xanthus: YYEEEEAAAA! Tonight is the fucking rumble, so ya all reayd to rumble?!
(They look at X and laugh.)
MACK: Hell yea bro, we were just discussing who might win and these fuckers can't agree on who its gonna be, go figure huh?!
(X hops off the table and grabs a steel chair turning backwards and sits on it.)
Xanthus: Well ya know, its cause I wasn't here to be nominated as the winner, it is my time after all.
Whitney Marret: Excuse me, its my time, bitch!
Elizabeth Hyde: I may be new, but I want it just as bad.
Viper: What abou tme, I want to win again?!
Elizabeth Hyde: Your a former rumble winner?
Viper: Yea, me and Mack both.
MACK: Well I won two of them actually, but I'm a god!
Xanthus: Whatever bitch, that was supposed to be my spot in the rumble, but ya stole it from me.
MACK: Ya still sore over that? What's it been now, four years, three?
Xanthus: I forget dawg, been a while I know, we done a lot since then.
MACK: Yea, you been doing a lot elsewhere too man, been getting around, putting your name out there.
Xanthus: Little bit I guess, but hey, that's what ya do right?
Viper: Yea it is, that's what we did, work everywhere we could, get our names known and soon people were begging us to them instead of the other way around.
MACK: That's true bro.
Xanthus: Maybe its just me, but I don't really get that a lot. Guess I just ain't reached that level.
MACK: Fuck that, you have X, hell, SEF wants you here and I know other places do, but the business ain't same as it used to be. Last good year was probably '03 maybe, then it went downhill, sorta slow through '04 and '05, but it went down and then with MSN closing up shop, this business is not the same. Most promoters don't value all talent, they work more with kiss asses, politics is what consumes it all now.
Viper: It really took a dump didn't it? Business always changes and slumps happen, so hopefully this one ends soon.
Xanthus: Yea, I hate some of the people out there, fucking assholes, ignorant muthafuckas. Ya bust your fucking ass for a company, give your fucking soul to them and they don't give a shit. They do exactly what ya said, give to the kiss asses and shit on the work horses, fucking assholes!
(X gets all crazy eyed, grits his teeth and looks at the floor sneering.)
MACK: I feel ya bro, but don't let it stress ya, just keep on working and you'll be recognized eventually. Takes longer nowadays cause of all the kids out there thinking their bigshots, thinking they don't have to earn anything to be someone, that their a legend before their even well known, kinda like Liz's sister we were talking about earlier.
Xanthus: Oh yea, that chick who thinks she's a vampire, damn, ya outta hook me up with her, she'd be fun to bang!
(Mack and Viper laugh as Liz just looks X like he's crazy, well she don't know, but he is.)
Elizabeth Hyde: I don't think you'd like her or vice versa.
Xanthus: I don't care about liked or being liked, I just wanna bang her!
MACK: X, dawg, there's plenty a fish out there, so go swimming bro.
Xanthus: Easy for you, mister playa slaya, I ain't got what it takes to get any chick I want.
Whitney Marret: Neither does Mack!
(Mack looks at Whitney and pulls her down on him tickling her. Liz laughs and reaches over tickling Viper, so he responds doing the same to her. X just reaches over to a minifridge grabbing abeer and cracking it open. As he takes a drink Smokey McWeed walks in with a mic all slow cause he's stoned. He walks up across the table from X and sits on a chair, looks around until X notices him.)
Xanthus: Yo Smoke, what up my brother?!
Smokey McWeed: Yo X, just saw the door open, figured I'd come in and see what ya all up to, maybe get some words about the rumble. Plus Dick just yelled at me, said to do my job before I'm fired, so I came here cause ya all cool as fuck.
Xanthus: Alright man, well ya want a beer?
(Smokey nods yea, so X pulls another out and slides it across the table to him. He cracks it and drinks up. The other four settle down now seeing Smokey.)
MACK: Smoke, what ya doing, here to get a little Smokey!?
Smokey McWeed: Well I came in, uh, yea actually, ya got some?
MACK: Its me brother, I always got the smoke.
Smokey McWeed: Ok, well lets do it. I guess though, well ya roll I'll interview. So Mack, no wait, yourbusy. Viper, you and your new girl both in the rumble, along with X and Whit, how ya four gonna cope being your the legendary Impact X?
Viper: Whoa, legendary, didn't we just discuss this earlier, were not there yet, close though.
Xanthus: Huh?
Elizabeth Hyde: Yea we did, but he wasn't here.
Smokey McWeed: What ya talking about man, IX is legendary, ya all made SEF, everyone knows that or they outta. Anyways, how ya gonna cope or just gonna go out and let the best one win?
Viper: Seriously Smokey, its the latter one, were just gonna out there and beat the hell out of tweny six other people and if it comes to IX against IX, well ya know, we gotta do what we gotta do. If its me and Liz here or Whitney or X, whoever, were all pros, we know what's at stake, but also, we know that if one of us wins its a win for Impact X!
Whitney Marret: Very well said, very well indeed. It is true, as bad as I want to win and face that bastard Tor, as bad as i want to be the one who puts his ass down, if its not, then I hope its one of my partners here.
Smokey McWeed: Yea, that's cool.
Xanthus: Yea, you know how it is Smoke, family, sometimes this kinda family is some of us got!
MACK: Alright, enough with this shit, lets get on with our, uh, oh yea, our pre match, the Impact X pre match ritual, so yea, LLLLLETS GET READY TO RUM....no, crap, oh yea...KISS THIS!
(Then Mack kisses the end of huge spliff before sticking it in his mouth and sparking the other end up. Damn, thing's like a blimp, what's in it, like an ounce? He passes it to Smokey who inhales like a hoover, then off to Viper who, oh my god, we can't show this, no, what's going on, cut, cut, cut...damn it...CUT...and then the scene fades to black.)

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