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The Other Sister (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 12:24:37 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:02/03/2009 3:22 PMCopy HTML

(He had a good outing in the rumble, but Joe didn't win it and the next night he faced newcomer Midnight in a good match, a challenge for both and he again he lost. Joe finds himself this week facing the sister of Midnight, Elizabeth Hyde, though the sisters have proven to not be on the same page in SEF, Liz has found friends with Impact X, notably Viper who she is dating. Joe has to contend with not just Liz, but the outside distraction and probably interference of Viper and who knows if more of IX will show up. Joe is standing around the back of the MCI Center now, wears blue jeans and a black sweatshirt with a beanie on his head. He leans against the building staring up at the sky.)
Joe Dumar: So I've had some losses racking up and many may think I'm a pushover, that I'm no threat or a challenge. Well last week I proved how much of a challenge I am, I made Midnight earn her way into SEF, I made everyone in the rumble earn their way through it. I may not have an impressive win streak, I may not have a resume of championships, but I have love for what I do, I pride myself on always giving my all and being a worthy challenger no matter if I may usually lose. Being able to do what I do is a blessing for me, so losing is not a big deal, its how well you work and I know I do well. I have the respect of my peers and of the fans, that is all I truly want.
(He smiles now.)
Joe Dumar: I will admit that it would be my greatest moment to become a World Champion, I can't stand here and shoot without saying that. Holding gold would be great to do one day, but it may not be for me and I have accepted that. I am the guy who welcomes the new stars to SEF, the first level of the measuring stick you could say. Its not a bad thing, not in my eyes and that's what matters is if your happy with your situation. I am happy, happy to be here doing what I love and tonight Liz, you may beat me, maybe fair, maybe not, hell, maybe I'll win, who knows. Regardless of the outcome you will not be in for an easy night, you will not walk through the park, you'll be going through one tough obstacle course. You will be challenged no doubt about it.
(His smile is gone.)
Joe Dumar: Be ready for a challenge for if your not you will end up beaten. I'm not the greatest and probably not near it, but I fight my heart out, will you?
(Joe pushes himself off the building and walks towards the employee door heading inside the arena.)

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