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Breaking In The New Kid (Hardcore Haz)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 12:28:45 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:02/03/2009 8:23 PMCopy HTML

(Haz is standing outside the arena, out in front with a bunch of fans around him, cane in one hand and beer in the other. He slams down his beer and crushes the can to his head while raising his cane in the air. The fans cheer him on and then Haz lowers his cane and sneers at the camera.)
Hardcore Haz: Ya hear that, these fucking fans came here to see a goddamn fight and tonight Chase Jackson, I'm a give them just that!
(A loud roar from the fans is heard.)
Hardcore Haz: Last week I faired none to weel against that douchebag Liz Hyde, fucking whore disrespected me, then her big, bad asshole Viper physically disrespected me. She told me I was not Sandman, but ya see Liz, I never claimed to be, these people know what my gig is, and The Sandman himself knows my gig. He helped train me, I know more about Sandman than you will ever know, so Lix Hyde, fuck you bitch! Ya disrespect me again and I'll tear my way through Viper's fucking ass and I will have my way with you, I'll use this cane in a way you won't, well maybe ya will like it!
(Loud cheers are heard and the fans starts chanting Haz...Haz...Haz...Haz...and then settle down letting him speak again.)
Hardcore Haz: Back to you Chase. You I don't know, I have no idea how ya think of me and I don't care. Like I said, I came here to fight and fight I will. Yea, I want Liz again, I want to teach that slut a lesson, but instead I got you, so son, I'm a use you and abuse you, hell, maybe I'll use this cane on you the same way I'm thinking of Liz, heh, sick shit yea, but then maybe you'll like it like she would!
(A loud EEEWWWW from the fans.)
Hardcore Haz: No shit, its sick! Don't worry either, only place this cane is going is right up against Chase's head, into his ribs, around his neck, smashing his legs and arms, crippling that bitch and then later on I'll pay a visit to Liz and use it to penetrate!
(A huge roar from the fans again.)
Hardcore Haz: Yea, well maybe not, but we'll see. Fuck that bitch though!
(Haz turns around and looks at all the fans, yanks out another beer and opens it, then screams.)
Hardcore Haz: FUCK YEA...FUCK 'EM ALL!!!!
(Haz tosses back the beer and throws the can out to some lucky fan, then makes his way inside the arena through all the fans making his way past some security to get backstage and we lose him as the cameraman remains stuck in the crowd.)

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