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Taylor Johnson The Upset Princess Is Here

Started by UpsetPrincess, April 05, 2023, 12:47:24 AM

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Date Posted:04/03/2009 9:49 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Taylor Johnson that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The Upset Princess

 It was another night of great action as SEF had another show going on and the fans were getting there moneys worth as there were a lot of high level matches on the card and for one person that was watching it was a first glance of what a real wrestling fed was all about!

The matches were great and it was almost the end of the night and as the show came back from a break "Spirt" hit and Taylor Johnson made her way to the ring and the fans didnt really know to much about her but thery knew she had come from TNA and they knew that she was a hard working diva that was doing her best to make a name for herself. Taylor got in the ring and did her norm and she smiled as she was pleased to be in the ring as it had been hell waiting for her contract to end. She smiled as her music ended and she reached out and called for a mic.

Taylor: Wow,so this is SEF! (fans cheer) I have heard a lot about this place and I watched a lot of shows as I am a fan of Whitney Merrit! I learned a lot about this place because of her and I leaned how to face the wrestling world as well because of her! Yeah we are two difrant divas but we both love to win and thats why I came here! Whitney told me that she could get me a contract here and when I asked if there was something I can do to come here then things opened up and so here I am!

Now I know people come and go but I plan on being here a longtime and I want to take myself to the next level! I have shocked a lot of people in the wrestling world since I have been around and here I plan on doing more of the same! They call me the upset princess and thats for a reason! When epeople say I cant win or I have no shot I use that as fuel to fire myself up and you have all seen the results of some of that already! Now I am not going to come out here and bore you all with how I am going to do this and how I am going to do that because lets face it thats lame and boreing and you guys paid way to much money to hear that! When I am out here I want to all to be glad you paid to come and when I am in the ring you will get the best each and every week!

Now I came here to win a championship and also to manage like I did when I started! I want to do all of that and more so in the weeks to come I hope to prove myself so that I can have the top matches on the shows here and I also wanted to get noticed here! I dont expect to be placed at the top I will earn that myself! I just need a good start and a good match to get myself going and after that the rest will all just fall into place so all thats left to say is divas beware because the upset princess is here!

Taylor smiles and lowers her mic as the fans cheer...

This Layout Was Made For Taylor Johnson by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker
Taylor Johnson


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Re:Taylor Johnson The Upset Princess Is Here
Date Posted:04/03/2009 10:38 PMCopy HTML

l_961994cd75b7408492e046bacc5ff4b9.jpg picture by SMWE_PHOTOS_798

.::. As the fans keep  cheering all of a sudden Just to get high hits and  a flash of green and white lights hit the  entrance as Logan walks half way out to a mixed reaction from some people.  More cheers from those who knew about him and what hes done in other companies still showed they respected him for all hes done  in the buisness being young. He stands  on the  top of the stage a few seconds ad  then starts walking down to the ring high fiving a few people with  Logan shirts on as well as  a little kid. He finally gets in and  looks around for a few seconds before  walking over and grabbing a mic  of his own and soon the music dies down .::.

Logan: So this is what all the hype is about huh? A building with people filled to the rafters and  just making it a hot night.  I get that i also get what it takes to make you people show up  at each and every single show. What like some  high school  kids trapped in mens bodies wanting in  every girls bed make you people love them. That makes me  sick and you know it wont be long til the same  old tactics start up again and eventually they fall upon someone new to  prove a point use and lsoe em. ANd with that im meaning you.

He turns his focus to Taylor and just looks at hr a second.

Logan: How long do you think it will take before a certain  group who never grows up tries   to get you  in bed?  These people love that because they can say oh its diffrent there the top  guys in the company. I say bullshit  i was raised the right way in life and usuing people aint the way i was  trained in the buisness or in life

Some of his fans from  other places  start a few logan chants followed by a few sucks  chants after his name. He rolls his eyes and looks up   at them and chooses to ignor them.

Logan: Look at you, I mean your a young girl in a bisness where its about one thing for any of the guys in the back. Me im in the business for what you are to get somewhere to be somebody and to win titles. So Instead of  kissing up to these people and to those who obviously have things there way  why dont you  wipe the slate clean and  forget your idols they do nothing but  let you down. Become an idol yourself and stand beside me  and who knows go to the top  together  and  find out what everyone here is  made of. The new  era can be started  the dominate couple  could have a run for there money and  i cant do it on my own  so  im asking you right now  are you gonna stand by  me or be against me in this quest. You get nowhere following in people you look up to because youll always be known as a shadow  next to them. Step out and become your own personal standard in the company. So  which way  are you gonna take because if your with me  youll go to the top like everyone else i had beside me. You let me know the answer  and  either way  your gonna go .

He stands  looking at her lowering the mic waiting for a answer


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Re:Taylor Johnson The Upset Princess Is Here
Date Posted:05/03/2009 4:34 AMCopy HTML

9 PM)

Warning: The Roleplay of Taylor Johnson that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!


The Upset Princess


Taylor hadnt been here long in SEF an already someone had come out to confront her about something and she didnt mind that he came out but she was shocked by hes words and yet it was cute that he seemed to have her best intrest at heart it still made her think about how guys could take her kindness as a weakness.

Taylor stood there and thought very hard about what Logan was trying to say and hes words did spark a few thoughts and she knew he did have a point so she smiled and she took her mic and put it back to her lips and she started to speak again.

Taylor: You know I know your trying to be nice by telling me to becareful and all that good stuff but I have been in a few feds now and I know whats out there! I respect wrestling and I have the passion for it! I know the good from the bad and I know what I should and shouldnt be doing! Yeah there are a lot of guys that use women and well so far I havent had that problem yet!

I plan on keeping it that way and thats why I pick carefuly who I manage! I am here to wrestle and to do well and thats my goal! I will only manage someone that has the same passion that I do and one that will be as hard working as I am! We can talk all night about whats good and whats wrong but the fact is your only as good and you prove yourslef to be!

I have heard all the people who backed me and I heard from all the people that told me I couldnt do what I do but yet here I am today in the best fed going and now I have a shot to make a good name for myself! I never have slept my way to the top and im not about to start now! So Logan I respect your words and thoughts but dont worrie about me!

Now you asked me to stand by your side but I really dont know you! Why should I belive your someone I should manage? Why should I put my faith in you to be someone I can win with? I need to know more then just you worrie that I might get used here! I need to know just how deeply you fill about SEF and yourself! I wont manage anyone who doesnt have the drive I do to get to the top or to please the fans! If your really want my help then tell me why and tell me why I should manage you!

Taylor smiles and the fans cheer as they agree and Taylor lowers her mic...


This Layout Was Made For Taylor Johnson by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker

Taylor Johnson

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