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karmen moore is here

Started by karmenmoore, April 05, 2023, 12:54:23 AM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:14
  • Posts:10
  • From:Japan 
  • Register:06/02/2009 9:15 PM
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Date Posted:07/03/2009 8:41 PMCopy HTML

Warning: What you are about to read may not be for the innocent or people under the age of 13 that have very fragile minds. This roleplay will mention sex, drugs and anything that may contain violent thoughts that would not be thought up be the corrupted media who spread lies into your head.If you think you are going to lose it, hit the back button or hit the "x" button on the corner on the screen. If you can handle it, move on but I warn you that you made your deathwish.
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it was a long day for karmen comeing back to wrestling, not knowing who she will see agian, and when she will see them agian, she walks into the arena and goes to take her stuff to her locker room. she sets her stuff down and walks out walking down the hall she say hi to all the superstars and staff that she walks past, she walks to the ring area.

"afterlife" hits the lights turn lime green. karmen walks out on the ramp, all of the fans cheering beacuse they know who it is, she walks down the ramp slaping the fans hands, then she gets in the ring and grabs a mic, and begins to talk.

Karmen moore: its so good to be back in wrestling

the fans cheer

Karmen: i know that some of the superstars and divas back there dont know who i am, so let me introduce my self, im the princess of punk karmen moore, i am shannon moores sister, but lets get off of all that stuff, im back into wrestling to win, its been a while since i have been here so i will be looking for a match soon, there is one person back there that i know, and that is phoniex, but im not looking to talk to him.

she stops for a min

Karmen: im here to challange anyone back there for a match, guy or girl i dont care anyone, so if you want to fight me or just talk to me, come out here now

karmen stands in the ring waiting for someone to come out
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