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its been a long time (phoenix)

Started by karmenmoore, April 05, 2023, 01:00:43 AM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:14
  • Posts:10
  • From:Japan 
  • Register:06/02/2009 9:15 PM
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Date Posted:08/03/2009 5:31 PMCopy HTML

Warning: What you are about to read may not be for the innocent or people under the age of 13 that have very fragile minds. This roleplay will mention sex, drugs and anything that may contain violent thoughts that would not be thought up be the corrupted media who spread lies into your head.If you think you are going to lose it, hit the back button or hit the "x" button on the corner on the screen. If you can handle it, move on but I warn you that you made your deathwish.
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karmen is walking around backstage alone, her headphones in her ears, everyone standing in the hall karmen walls past a locker room she looks at the name, and it was phoenix winterborn, karmen takes her head phone out of her ears and knocks on the door.

Phoenix: its open

karmen walks in he is siting on the couch he looks at her, he begins to talk.
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