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Out To Lunch (Da Gangstas)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 01:48:38 AM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:15/03/2009 1:24 PMCopy HTML

(So here we are with the entire, original gangstas all sitting around with Whitney Marret chilling out at a small diner somewhere. They occup a couple small tables pushed together and sit around them shooting the shit drinking some soda.)
Storms: So where's Liz at Viper?
Viper: Ah shit bro, she got all clingy and upity, so I ditched her, sorry Whitney.
Whitney Marret: Why sorry to me?
Viper: You and here been teaming up, got a match tomorrow, just she was too into herself ya know.
Whitney Marret: Forget about it, I'll take of her if she shows her face tomorrow.
MACK: I bet ya will, but how about ya take her to our hotel and we get a little busy?!
(They all laugh and Whitney elbows Mack in the ribs.)
Whitney Marret: I don't think so.
Xanthus: I'd pay to see that shit!
(Whitney shoots X a glance of "I don't think so" and they laugh.)
Torres: How about our match tomorrow boys, me, Mack, and Viper, still don't get why we couldn't get the five of us against some five chumps?
Storms: Who knows what Dick has up his sleeve.
Xanthus: Probably figured I couldn't make the show cause a last week, he left Orton off too, damn it, I'd like to show him up again.
MACK: That was a brutal match bro, wicked move off the semi too.
Torres: Yea, that was crazy, your little ass probably need the time to recover!
(Torres who sits next to X grabs him in a headlock, X pulls out of it laughing.)
Xanthus: Fuck that, I'm ready to do another cutta off a semi, fuck Orton!
Viper: He was pretty good last week too, maybe not the greatest like he claims, but Orton's doing good for himself.
MACK: Yea he is, like we always said about him, too bad he had to take our words the wrong way, but doesn't that always happen?
Storms: Yea, no one likes to hear the truth, can't handle it.
(A waitress comes over with a tray of food setting it on a nearby empty table.)
Storms: Alright, food, I'm starving.
MACK: Whats new ya big ape!?
(Storms punches Mack and they all laugh, even the waitress who begins handing out the food, so now we fade away leaving the group to eat.)


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Re:Out To Lunch (Da Gangstas)
Date Posted:15/03/2009 3:11 PMCopy HTML

The scene fades back in. The group was still eating and cutting up when a commotion from the back interrupted their meal.

"I told you, you piece of monkey shit, do not ever lay your hands on me again. You feel me?"

The female grabs him by the balls and lifts him up by it and drags his ass outside and kicks him in the mouth before returning back inside. Da Gangstas watch this going on and was shocked to see this female do all this to the poor guy. Just then they quickly turned away fast and acted like they was still eating when the female approached them. She was 5'6 and 120 but mean as ever and had attitude that match her looks. She reminded you,in attitude, of Stone Cold Steve Austin of the WWE. She lean over and eyeballed the fellas and then spoke to them.

"Anyone of you guys wants their balls ripped off next? I got nothing to lose. I'm itching to kick someone's ass still."

Viper chimed in with "I do!" which had the other guys nudging him and giving him dirty looks. Whitney stands up and starts to say something but the female sneered at her as she spoke.

"What? You want some of me bitch? You want to leap at me and be all hard and shit? Well what's stopping you. Come bring me some of that. Unless your a chickenshit. Oh I get it...you have to ask your man here for permission huh? I see."

The waitress comes over and begins to speak. She is a bit pissed off.

"Damn it Triple B,Jenny...who's going to clean up this mess?"

Jenny laughed.

"I reckon you. Afterall it's your job, you get paid for this shit. Now scram before I send you to the hospital with a tube in your ass,cause that is how you will be sipping your food bitch."

She walked off mad as Jenny was interrupted by Mack.

"Jenny, Triple B, whoever you are, maybe we can come to some compromise here. I mean, I don't know about the gang here, but...maybe we work something out."

Viper chimed in again.

"She has a nice ass Mack. And her tits...mannn..I would love some of that shit."

Jenny goes over and grabs Viper by the crotch. She squeezes enough to where he feels some pain and she smirks.

"The next time you want to do that...have fucking respect for a woman. Aight?"

TBC BY DA GANGSTAS(Sorry for such potty mouth..but it's her character and she is a bit mean to people. Forgive me and I will try my best to tone it down some.)

Taylor Andrews

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Re:Out To Lunch (Da Gangstas)
Date Posted:15/03/2009 5:52 PMCopy HTML

(Da Gangstas just watch this commotion from where they sit which happens to be in the back of the diner as said before, so how Jenny could be in the back is an odd one?! Anyways, the chick with the 'tude is grabbing some dudes crotch as Viper continues to crack jokes about her ass and tits, Whitney just looking at him and shaking her head. They all just continue to eat not really caring about the chick, I mean hell, nothing special considering the attitude of being rebellious is mild compared to everyone around the table. Jenny realizing she doesn't have a hold of Viper lets go of the poor dude she had a hold of and he runs out screaming and crying, what a douche! She finally sees Viper and heads over near him, reaches down to his lap and Viper jumps up grabbing Jenny by her crotch causing her eyes to widen.)

Viper: Yea baby, ya ain't the only one who can play that game and you ain't anything new seen by my eyes or by brothers...and sister. We got no beef with you, we got no opening for a member, we just sitting down together like ol' times, so cruise or bruise!

(Viper lays a kiss on her, a rough one at that biting at her lip, then pushes her away and sits back down. Jenny looks at Viper like she's not sure what to do, get mad or get horny. X looks over to her and Whitney does to.)

Whitney Marret: I dare ya to jump my bro cause it'll be your last move.

Xanthus: Yea and I'll be all over yo ass too, I got no problem smaacking ho, so ya think your tough, then jump one of us and find out you can't take any of us let alone all of us.

Viper: Easy girls, don't sweat her.

(Mack, Storms, and Torres ain't as they keep eating. X and Whitney go back to their food while Jenny just stands there still unsure of what to do.)

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