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A Real Champion Returns (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 11:03:25 AM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:20/03/2009 2:15 PMCopy HTML

(He finally captured the big title...again and now Scorpion heads to Wrestle X to face longtime rival Whitney Marret for the title he never held, the MCW Title. At Wrestle X the two titles will be merged, so two champions will walk in and only one walks out...who will it be? Will history repeat itself and Whitney Marret continue her dominance or will Scorpion finally get that one win that has eluded him? We still have a little over a week and one more WAR where Scorpion looks to capture more gold. He and Nick Roland team up to face Destruction and even with the boss on their side they are the underdogs against the monsters of mayhem. As sneaky as Scorpion is can he manage to escape with the titles or even his life?)
(Down in Georgia and with spring here today its nice and hot down south. We find Scorpion relaxing poolside at a hotel wearing some white shorts, a drink next to him on a stand and his arms behind his head. He gazes out, a grin on hi face and then he speaks.)
As you all witnessed the greatest wrestler of all time returning to SEF and capturing the World Heavyweight Title you got to see history made, you were there to witness the biggest moment of the year and probably the decade. Well, maybe that moment will be Wrestle X when I finally put Whitney to rest and take the title that was mine last November, the title I was screwed out of, the MCW Title. I will unite the two and continue holding the World Title for the rest of this year and beyond!

(He flashes a cocky smirk.)
Monday night I get to capture more gold because myself and Nick Roland will be the ones to put down the almight monsters called Destruction! Thrash and Slash are powerful beasts, but they have nothing on the real superman of wrestling, the ultimate sinner himself. I took down Storms with SIN and sure as hell can do the same to Thrash or Slash, so mark my words Destruction, your reign comes to an end! Richard Martin put his faith in me for a reason, he wanted me as the champion of SEF for a reason...because there is no one else better than me! Chris Orton stole that line from Chris Kanyon, but neither of them could put any truth to the line. I however exemplify that line, no one is better than Scorpion. I proved that last Monday, I'll prove it this Monday, and I'll prove it at Wrestle X and beyond that when I beat every single challenger to my World Hevayweight Title!

(His expression is turned straight and he just stares coldly into the camera.)
Ain't no one better than me and anyone who dares challenge that is in for a humiliation because that's what i do to you in the ring, show you up, slap you down, humiliate you, expose you for the frauds you all are! I am on top of SEF where I rightfully should be and no one is knocking me down....NO ONE!

(He started to sit up some, but relaxes leaning back, grabs his drink sipping some of it and sets it down. He puts his hands back behind his head and shuts his eyes now, so the view pans back and fades to black.)

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