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Left 4 Dead// Noncompetative

Started by drakmen, April 05, 2023, 02:59:54 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:13
  • Posts:9
  • From:USA 
  • Register:26/02/2009 10:31 AM
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Date Posted:26/03/2009 7:23 PMCopy HTML

Roleplay Title// Left 4 Dead
People Mentioned// Yep just ME
Out of Character// I was pretty much just bored

The scene opens to lockerroom that has obviously seen better days, garbage is tossed onto the floor, old food is starting to rot in it containers left on tables chairs and even in some of the lockers. There is an old beat up brown couch sitting in the middle of the floor placed in front of a television set. On the couch with 360 controllers in their hands are Joey, with a cigarette between his lips and Josh Drakmen, shots, grunts, growns and screams can be heard from the game they are presently entertaining themselves with. On the floor next to Josh's feet is a box for 'Left 4 Dead' and on the screen zombies are dropping like flies. Josh begins talking to his brother without taking his eyes from the television.

[Josh] You know, those Smokers remind me of you in so many ways.

Joey looks over to Josh only for a second before returning his attention to the game.

[Joey] Fuck you, those fat fuckin' Boomers are exactly like you.

Josh shakes his head and concentrates on the hordes of undead rushing him on screen. He suddenly hops to his feet and steps on the couch excitingly yelling.

[Josh] That's right motherfuckers, I am the Undead slayer...I am GOD of your world.

While Josh is distracted Joey reaches up casually and pushes him over the back of the couch. Josh screams like a girl as he tumbles onto the floor, making sure to keep shooting virtual zombies as he does. After a moment Josh gets to his feet holding a moldy burrito in one hand, he looks at the back of Joey's head and a huge smile crosses his face. He takes the burrito and smashes it to Joey's mouth laughing hystarically...
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