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Time For A Change (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 03:11:13 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:28/03/2009 12:59 PMCopy HTML

(Tomorrow is the biggest, baddest show in SEF, hell, some argue in the entire wrestling world, tomorrow is Wrestle X and we all have been hearing the rundown of the card, who is featured there. From the two title matches to the two biggest names in SEF clashing, plus a couple kids getting a chance at the big spotlight and a hardcore war coming to a head, Wrestle X is looking to show the world how a real show is done. Mack and viper clashing may be considered the biggest match in many fans eyes, but they are not the main event and Scorpion will be damned if they steal his show...his spotlight! He gets his last shot at the MCW Title and he's gonna make it count, he is taking it off Whitney, count on it! Scorpion lost to her back in November under controversy, though Whitney proved she was a champion beating him a few times after that Scorpion never let that one night go and he will get his redemption, he will get his title if its the last thing he does!)
(We find Scorpion sitting in a dark room somewhere, the light of the camera barely shows his face, his expressionless face, his head hung low, so his eyes hidden and he begins to speak now.)
"Whitney...you really need to forget about your father, his girlfriend, they should not be in your head now because if your entire focus is not on our match tomorrow night, then you will lose! I am not saying that to feed my ego, I am saying that because it is true. This is Wrestle X, this is what matters, this night can be my salvation, my night to take that title you hold and finally etch my name into its history with the other greats who have held it. In a way that belt is as big as the title I hold, the SEF World Heavyweight Title. MCW may have only started last August, but that belt Whitney, it dates back to 1999 when Wrestling Underground began. I wasn't there then, but I came in a few years later and it was a fun place, lot of talent, unrecognized talent by the bigger companies. I never held that title and then it was merged with the SEF Title, so all hope gone until MCW opened and used the same title. I entered hoping to capture it, but was screwed last November, I pinned you Whitney, I knocked you out, I had that match won, but the lame referee made a bogus call and I got screwed!"

(He lifts his head, anger in his eyes.)
"I never forgot and I will never forget! Sure, you may have beaten me afterwards, I got no problem admitting your a worthy champion, but the fact ius I should have won that title in November and you know it. That was the past and it is time to move on, to tomorrow night at Wrestle X when I take that title, finally putting myself in the league of legends. You see Whitney, I too am working the next and in the same match as you, opponents two nights in a row, but unlike you I don't care about what happens in that match. Not to say I don't care about the match as in I don't want it, no, I just don't care if I lose or win. I'll try to win, but my match I focus on is the main event tomorrow, not Monday. You can tell me I don't deserve shit for aligning myself with the boss, with your father, but your wrong Whitney. Just because I chose a side you don't like doesn't mean I don't deserve to take your title. Admit it or not, it is my time to be top draw and I've already proven I am, so now I just gotta take the MCW Title and merge the two, unify them at the biggest stage of all and show the world why I am the real, the originalsuperman of wrestling!"

(We all know who that is a shot on, that big, fake spic calling himself supermex after Scorpion started using that moniker.)
"You are right...in a way...Whitney. I do want badly to touch you, to to touch your soft, pretty skin...to bruise that skin, cut that skin and watch your blood flow, to leave you laying broken and battered in the ring, in defeat! That is how I want to touch you Whitney, I want to rape you...of your pride, your dignity, and most of all your title!"

(He smirks in a sick manner now.)
"You can say your ready for me, but I see it in your eyes Whitney, your not ready. You want to scare everyone, tell them your dominant and can't be beaten, but if you are that you'll destroy them, make their lives a living hell, well Whitney, I dare you to try that with me. Your father nor your "daddy" will be able to protect you, no one will stop me, no one will prevent me from taking what I want. Like it or not your looking...the whole world is looking at the unified World Heavyweight Champion and Whitney...if your not down with what I said, then I have one word for you, what beat you once will beat you again...SIN!"

(He stands slowly now and pulls off a microphone tossing it down, then turns and walks away leaving us to film darkness, so the scene now ends. What an event tomorrow will be, Wrestle X, SEF Champ versus MCW Champ in a unification match, who will walk out the real champion of champions?)

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