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universal6 star tag team

Bad Move (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 03:12:17 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:28/03/2009 2:33 PMCopy HTML

(Somehow Nick Torres conned his way into an International Title match at Wrestle X, though for doing so he has to put up his and Xanthus' World Tag Titles against Nick Roland, but if ya think that bothers the always cool, confident, and relaxed Nick Torres, think again. The man is laid back on a beach down in Florida, pair of blue shorts with hawaiin print on them and nothing else except a pair of dark sunglasses. He just lays back soaking up the sun.)
Nick Torres: I tell ya, Miami is nice, if I ever decided to move this would be the place I'd come to. Sunny days all the time, well except for when ya get the hurricanes whipping through here, but meh, its not so bad. I tell ya what's bad, what's bad is Nick Roland, he made a bad move wanting to beat me, he made a bad move teaming with Dick Martin, he made a bad move screwing my partner Storms, so Roland, its gonna be bad for ya! Me and that title you hold got a lot of history, I was the first man to hold it and I've since held it just a few more times and one more is just gonna be that much more sweet, especially knowing I kicked your ass to get it. As for the history making part of our match, the Tag Titles on the line in a singles bout, well I do like to make history, so successfully defending the belts will do just fine!
(He reaches over grabbing a bottle of Heineken and takes a drink, then smirks.)
Nick Torres: We get to set the stage at Wrestle X, me and you Rokand, yea son, we get to open the show and I think, nah, I know everyone is wanting it to open with your ass getting handed to ya and I will be happy to oblige! Ya see, I'm not just some chump who rolled up in here for the first time, I been around the block more than most on the roster, aside from my friends, though I even been wrestling longer than they have. I got the most pro experience in SEF today and when I'm done with you Roland, I'm going for more gold and it ain't hard to figure what that is!
(He keeps smirking and takes another drink of his beer.)
Nick Torres: Ya shoulda stuck to refereeing or interviewing or whatever the hell it is you do better cause as a wrestler your just gonna get your ass beat. You don't deserve that title nor to be in SEF and I'm gonna make sure you don't have either one. For my boy Storms, fro the rest of the ol' school crew, and oh yea, for myself, Nick Roland, your about to become history!
(He laughs and does a half a crotch chop, then drinks up and motions for the camera to scram, so we just pan away and fade to black.)

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