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Before The Gang There Were Only Two (Mack & Viper)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 03:19:36 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:29/03/2009 11:13 AMCopy HTML

(The day of Wrestle X and the wolrd is a buzz with the huge event some hours away from beginning. Everyone is prepped and ready, well, as ready as they can be, the locker room is tense, butterflies in every single wrestlers stomach, the staff running around, its crazy, can't even begin to describe the behind the scenes of a wrestling event, so we'll leave it there and go to a local diner somewhere in Miami, small place where the food is good and will fill you up without draining your wallet. There we find the two men who many feel will steal tonights show, two men considered to be the biggest stars of SEF, two friends as close as brothers, Mack and Viper. They sit in a booth across from each other, water in front of them, there near the back of the place to keep their privacy as much as they can in a public place, to get a little well deserved relaxtion before the big array of Wrestle X. Mack sports the usual jeans and a shirt while Viper sports the usual leather pants and a shirt, both their shirts are the classic Da Gangstas shirts...available on SEFZONE where you can also purchase the brand new SEF WAR: The Video game for sixty dollars exclusive to the Playstation 3...ok then, so the two men are talking and we pick up on it.)
Viper: The memories huh, find joints like this before a show and just bullshitting some, going over ideas, we came up with some doozies here huh?!
MACK: Yea we have, something about these places lets ya really relax and think or maybe its just the two minds like ours being used as one.
(Viper laughs a little.)
Viper: Well least were good for something huh?!
MACK: Yea, not much else besides wrestling!
(They both laugh.)
MACK: Been a few years, damn, almost fifteen now is it?
Viper: Believe so, yea, been a few years, heh.
MACK: Many titles and rivalries later and here we sit still shooting the shit and who knows what ideas we'll think up.
Viper: Who knows, who knows how many more, certainly this is the last time for SEF...
(He trails off and the two glance out the window, then back to each other and Viper takes a sip of water.)
MACK: Crazy idea to make the winner of us retire, what idiot came up with that anyways?!
Viper: Well actually, I believe that idiot is your father in law, good ol' Dick Martin!
MACK: He is definitely a dick...
Viper: Who loves cock!
(They both laugh and Mack takes a sip of water.)
Viper: Oh well, fuck him though, if one of us gotta go, then we go out on top I guess.
MACK: True to dat bro, he wants to stick to us, then we stick it right back and own Wrestle X, make it the night that Mack and Viper collided, not anyone else's night, but ours!
Viper: Its a shame to do it with Torres, X, and Whitney in big matches, but hey, can't expect us to hold back huh?
MACK: No way, we never have before.
Viper: Well I have a few times against you just to make ya feel good, let ya win sometimes!
(He grins showing the heavy sarcasm.)
MACK: Well thanks buddy, I needed all I could get huh, I need to be carried.
(Sarcasm from Mack and the two just bust up laughing now, must be an inside joke here, hmmm.)
Viper: It is gonna be crazy though, one of us done with SEF for good, no coming back here bro, damn.
MACK: No doubt, its impacted both our lives, we gave so much to SEF, hell, the two of us carried it through its early years with our rivalry, man we owned the place.
Viper: We had a damn good run against each other, that fued was easily the best I ever had and I know its gotta be one of the top in this business.
MACK: I'd hope it gets the recognition it deserves, it was my best too. Though, look at wrestling still today, no matter how big it gets with the fans its still looked down on as all fake.
Viper: Its a shame its not recognized for being a sport, but at least we don't get as hot as we used about that subject. Remember the fights we used to get into early on, back in the nineties especially, goddamn!
MACK: Oh my god, were full of it weren't we, had to prove ourselves in and out of the ring, we woulda took on the whole world and it seems like he did one country at a time.
(They both laugh.)
Viper: Growing up in the business sure helped us grow up quick though. Here we are not even thirty and were acting like ol' pros, guess we are really, but we got so much more to offer still.
MACK: For real dude, its crazy to think about us as being bigshots, veterans being so young still, but yea, the business does that.
Viper: Wonder what's next for us, for all of us, the whole gang, maybe another SEF?!
MACK: Ya never know, ya never...
(He trails off seeing the waitress walk over and she's carrying a rolled up poster. Mack and Viper just sit there and look up, she smiles to them and says.)
Waitress: Hi, I have a question?
MACK: Shoot!
Waitress: I hate to bug ya, but the cook is says he's a huge fan of you two and was wondering if you'd autograph this poster of his...
(She unrolls it and lays it down with a marker, its a poster advertising Wrestle X.)
Waitress: He didn't want to come out here and cause a commontion for ya and was shy about asking when your out to eat, but I guess he's a huge fan, said he's going to an event tonight.
Viper: Oh yea, well tell him its not a problem and to whip up something real good!
MACK: Hell yea, tell him thanks too!
(They both sign the poster and the waitress rolls it up and sticks it in her apron, then pulls out her order pad.)
Waitress: So what can I get ya?
MACK: Well ya know, tell my boy back there to give us what he thinks is his best dish, sound cool bro?
Viper: Yea man, I don't mind being surprised.
Waitress: Ok, well I'll tell him, need anything more to drink or the water fine.
MACK: I'm good.
Viper: Same here.
(She walks off now taking the menus.)
MACK: So what ya got in mind for tonight brother?
Viper: Well...
(The view pans away now leaving the two men to their privacy, can't spoil the show tonight and a show its gonna be. Mack and Viper for the first ever at Wrestle X and the winner must retire from SEF, huge, the biggest showdown on the card easily and yes, the showstealer. With the main event being Whitney Marret and Scorpion putting the MCW Titles and SEF World Titles on the line and merging them, it is huge. Mack and Viper made SEF, but now only one will remain, which one will that be?)

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