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I Never Claimed Shit (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 03:43:27 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:30/03/2009 7:49 PMCopy HTML

(After a hell of a war last night its time to keep on going cause we got WAR tonight and its time for Joe to break in yet another new kid as well as face a guy he had issues with, but hasn't done shit in a while. We open up in the boiler room and find Joe sitting behind some pipes holding something, a bat maybe, a kendo stick, something of that nature. His face isn't seen very well, but we know its Joe as he invited us down here to speak his mind, so lets listen up.)
Joe Dumar: I'll keep this short and sweet because after the hell I went through last night I have very little to say and a whole lot to give! Phoenix Winterborn, your pathetic and why your even getting any matches is a joke, you don't deserve shit around here and I hope you don't survive tonight!
(He pauses.)
Joe Dumar: Now Joey Drakmen, your and your brother come in here and your looking to make names for yourself, I got no problem with that! Your a brother team and we need some good teams in SEF, so I really got no problem with that, I love seeing that to be honest. What I have a problem with is you telling me I am the self proclaimed Messiah of Violence...
(Heavy breathing is heard from Joe now, he must be angry.)
Joe Dumar: I never claimed I was anything in this business except for a fan. When I debuted as a wrestler I worked my ass off, never had a lot of official training, I ain't the greatest technician, but I will give every ounce in my body to make sure my peers and by that I mean the other wrestlers and the fans, I will give my all to make sure they love the match.I instantly loved hardcore, from way back to attending ECW in Philly to stepping in the ring and brutalizing my opponents, I loved it and I was given the name, I earned the moniker of the Messiah of Violence, so Joey, fuck you!
(He shouts that out.)
Joe Dumar: All you proved in your comments on myself was that you have no idea who your stepping in the ring with, you don't know what I can do, you have no idea how violent I can get. You brag and boast your own ego, you claim your real violence, well we'll see who's real when WAR is all over with and the blood is spilling from both our bodies flooding the ring!
(He swings his object against a pipe making a clank.)
Joe Dumar: Wait and see Joey, wait and see...hahahahahaha...
(He just keeps laughing in a sick manner as we the camera backs away and fades out.)

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