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Taylor Responds

Started by UpsetPrincess, April 05, 2023, 04:04:51 PM

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Date Posted:06/04/2009 3:15 AMCopy HTML
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Warning: The Roleplay of Taylor Johnson that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The Upset Princess

 War was off and running and Taylor was in her l/r getting ready for her match and while she was working out a little to get loose she heard Cherry's music and Cherry went to the ring to bore the fans with what she thought she was going to do and just as Taylor thought she didnt give her any respect and her words were short and to the point! Cherry didnt give the match much hope but in Taylor's eyes this match was going to be good and it was going to be one that the fans injoyed!

Cherry spoke her mind and then left as after the break another great match took place and it went a while but after the pin fall the show went to a break and when the show came back on Taylor was in the ring as her music was playing and the fans cheered and Taylor smiled as she called for her music to get cut and then she asked for a mic as she wanted to speak.

Taylor:Well that was a hell of a match we just saw! (fans cheer) now Cherry you came out here and you had your say well if thats what you want to call it! You really didnt say much about the match and how you plan on winning it! Yeah I dont expect you to tell the world just what your game plan is but takeing me lightly is a bad idea! You see the fans came to see a good match and thats what there going to get! You might think because im new that I cant keep up with you or that I shouldnt be in the ring with you and thats all good,but the fact is I am going to be in this ring with you and you can bet your ass that im going to find a way to beat you!

You can walk around talking about winning the X women's championship or you can clear that head of yours and focus on the match you have tonite because if you dont then your going to fall to my last kiss! I also am in line for a title shot but im going to earn it! I am not going to worrie about who has the title because tonite I have a match with you! Cherry you dont know me and I really dont know you but if you keep thinking about that title then im going to clean the mat with your face! I am the upset princess and im about to upset someone that dosent think I have a shot and after I bet you tonite Cherry I will be one step closer to getting a shot to wrestle in a PPV or better yet a title shot of some kind!

I am focused and ready to go and now its only a matter of time until people start to see my worth and when that happens then my time will come! SEF is a proud and good fed that thrives on great talent and I plan to be something great so my path moves on as I face a diva that stands in my way! I will do what I have to do to win and then my path will be a little more clear and well Cherry for you it will be just another sad upset! Ok I am tired of talking you Cherry just bring your bitch ass out here and lets just see who can walk the walk!

Taylor rolls the mic out of the ring and she waits for Cherry to come out...

This Layout Was Made For Taylor Johnson by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker
Taylor Johnson


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Re:Taylor Responds
Date Posted:06/04/2009 2:27 PMCopy HTML

Cherry's music plays as Cherry comes out from behind the curtain. She stands at the top of the ramp and then speaks on the mic.

"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor. How dumb can you be. (smacks her head) Oh that's right. Your a blonde, that explains it. I guess selling yourself on the street corner didn't work out for you there, so you had to step here to try to think you can wrestle. I have watched your matches and you suck, worse then you sucking some guy's dick I might add. Your not better then me, EVER. I am the new diva that is going to take over the division and dominate and little miss Whitney is going to realize that I will be the next top bitch around here. Despite the fact I am a bit thick weight wise, at least I am not sticking my fingers down my throat to look pretty and all that. I am who I am and if you can't fathom that..then choke on this..."

I gave her the middle finger and then smirked.

"Bottom line Taylor...YOU haven't won any matches. I already beat some wannabe vampire bitch and even made this bitch crap her panties. Such a classic moment in her life. Makes me want to cry in joy of what I done. By the way, you might want to look up....NOW!"

Taylor looks up to the roof and a bucket full of cow manure falls on her face and body. It splatters all over the ring and Taylor starts gagging and wanting to puke. I laughed and then walked backstage as Taylor deals with what I just done with her.


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