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Last Week Was A Fluke (Staci Sparx)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 04:10:19 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:11/04/2009 4:10 PMCopy HTML

(A repeat of last week except two differences, a steel cage and the Diva Title is no longer vacant. Last week Whitney Marret scored the victory and won the Diva Title, but a one week wonder is all Staci Sparx is looking to let her become. The two women will clash inside a fifteen foot high steel cage, that unforgiving steel is going to hurt, but what will hurt worse is Whitney losing her title so soon. Staci is mad about last week, but regardless we see her all smiles as she sits on the desk of the boss Richard Martin, her legs crossed. She wears a tight, black mini skirt with a matching business type of coat, picture the Debra outfits. Her blonde hair lays on her shoulders.)
Staci Sparx: You upset me last week Whitney, your win was a fluke, but this week will be by revenge, my redemption. I am the dominant woman now, I am your father's new favorite woman, I am "daddies lil girl" and your out of the picture and you will most definitely be out after Redemption and I will stand by Richard's side wearing my Diva Title!
(She smiles big picturing it.)
Staci Sparx: Blondes are just plain better in every way Whitney, your done with SEF, your finished. There is a new bitch around here and your looking at her. I am going to defigure you rpretty little face with that steel cage. When I'm done Mack is gonna want nothing todo with you, he will be crawling back to me, begging at my feet, but I will just kick him away because I have my real man, your father! He and the Diva Title is all I need and I will have them both. You can't do anything about it Whitney. First I show you who the real dominant woman is, then your father makes you quit, and then we run SEF as the real power couple, the dominant couple, oh, I guess were actually the extreme dominant couple because were better than you and Mack could ever be as a couple!
(Staci smirks like a chesire cat.)
Staci Sparx: You can go back to Detroit or Kentucky or wherever you want with your little boy Mack, you two go off and leave the company to us who know how to make it great! Its time you got displined from your new mother Whitney, though I look younger than you anyday, I am going to be your new mother. On WAR you'll feel what a mothers wrath can do and you'll begging me to stop, crying and pleading for mercy and don't worry, I will leave just a little bit of you for your father to finish off. I am taking the Diva Title, I am the true diva of SEF, your nothing Whitney!
(Staci raises her arms gracefully in the air praising herself as the scene fades to black.)

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