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First Taste Of Gold Coming Soon (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 05:32:49 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:21/04/2009 12:02 PMCopy HTML

(Heading into another pay per view against rival Logan Dudley only this time they have a third man in the ring who defends his International Title. Nick Torres is the champion and he's no easy man to beat, but like any man in this business, he is beatable. In a triple threat he is not favored to win as only one fall takes the win and the champ don't have to be involved in it, but Torres was the one who made the challenge because he wanted a challenge, so either he is full prepared for the consequences or he just wants that, a challenge. He'll get it for sure and he may not get the title after Redemption, but who will is anyone's guess as a triple threat is too unpredictable to call. So we go to Joe who is kicked back on a sofa somewhere in a small apartment it looks like, surroundings ain't big at all, small, cramped kitchen is behind him and that's about it besides a door to a small bathroom and the main door. We focus on Joe though, his eyes as always tell a story, those dark eyes staring out showing his fight to rise up and be somebody, his passion to be recognized as top man in the business.)
Joe Dumar: It comes down to this now Logan, me, you, and Nick Torres, we both get a shot at gold Sunday night. After all the damn battles we fought, after the bullshit slung, we get a shot at a title, but will it make you accept your errors when showing up in SEF? I doubt so, I doubt anything I do can make you accept that. It will come with age and experience, you will one day realize your errors and accept that you were being a young hothead who has to prove himself, so he makes up lies to do so. I've accepted that is why you said what you said, I accepted it and I am ready to move on, to ignore your futile attempts of proving yourself by spewing shit. The sad thing for you is that you fail to realize I never once said you were a bad wrestler, said that you didn't have what it takes to make it here. Go back and review my promos, interviews, anything, go back and listen, shut up and watch, you'll know it to be true. I have and I do recognize you as talented and like I said, I accepted you lying to try and prove yourself and I am letting it go, I am being the bigger man and just letting it flow right on by just like the International Title will flow right on by you and go around my waist!
(His eyes grow intense now.)
Joe Dumar: I guess I shouldn't say around my waist because that is not my main goal in the match. I am coming for you Logan, I am coming to take you out, to make sure you don't hold gold, that the title doesn't find you. If I have to take you out and end up suffering a loss to Nick, so be it, I can live with another loss on my record, I am content with myself unlike some people. I tell ya though, the cliche of using the name of the event can fit so well cause it could be my redemption to put you down and take the gold, but as bad as I want to do that I want you out of it first. Go ahead Nick Torres, laugh and smile at me for saying this, for giving away my "game plan", but keep in mind, you will still be challenged. As bad as I want only Logan and to end him, I am a realist and I realize that in a triple threat its never one on one for very long if it even gets to that point. You knock one guy outta the ring and you always have him lurking and ready to strike behind your back while fighting the other guy, it is a true threat, it is a challenge, and it is unpredictable.
(His eyes are still intense as Joe leans forward resting his elbows on his knees.)
Joe Dumar: What else can I really say? I've never been a big talker. This fued with you Logan, its opened me up a lot, but really, what else is there to say? I'm ready for Redemption and I'm ready to wear gold, but first things first, its time to take you out at any cost. Triple threat has no rules, so it gives us the chance to get hardcore, it gives me the chance to show what real hardcore is, but I would rather show you in an actual hardcore match. You've boasted that you can go as hardcore as anyone, but you have never proved it here and until you do its all talk. Anyone who enters a new company and boasts, brags themselves up for something is all talk until they prove it, so c'mon Logan, prove it! Don't utter more lies, don't pretend any fans give a shit about you until you give a shit about them, prove yourself cause face facts son, you have to!
(Joe stands up now looking down at the camera.)
Joe Dumar: I haven't and I won't forget about you Nick, I can't because you hold the gold both Logan and I want. Only question is can you survive us...can you survive my real violence?
(Joe breaths heavy and reaches down to the camera and fade to black.)

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