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Offering an Alliance on Redemption(Drakmens/Pyretta read-reply only)

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Date Posted:21/04/2009 4:52 PMCopy HTML

The scene is in the present time, where Ravyn is in a cemetary not far from San Antonio, Texas. He is lurking through the shadows and pondering about thing of the past that he was had and how times was very much different, so much different that Ravyn has had to keep up with it mostly. Ravyn wasn't much into the mortal world but he did use some of their modern day stuff, like cellphones and computers and even owns a car now. Ravyn misses the old world but realizes that now is not the time to go backwards, but forward and capture a SEF title, mainly the SEF World belt. But he doesn't mind along the way being the first vampire in SEF to capture the International title.

Ravyn sat upon a tree stump that was barely together, let alone fit for the grounds, as it was rotting away slowly from the ground up. Ravyn sat there and looked into the camera and had an evil tone to his smirk as he began to speak. The sound of his tone was seriousness.

"I realize that now is the time to show my opponents the true meaning to the word fear. Fear is something that most seem to not act like it doesn't faze them but underneath that bold swagger and tough exterior, lies a frighten person who is afraid for dear life when they stand before me. Matt Ward..You made two mistakes in your promo, one being that you think that I think I am a bird. I believe you have been not paying very close attention to details mortal, because last time I signed my contract, it read "The Vampiric Asshole" Ravyn Crow. The second this is..you compared me to the likes of Hank, an opponent that has been beaten by me several times over and yet will not ever get that win on Monday. Hank..we been down this road kid, and frankly you haven't changed one bit. Your still the snot nose thug who thinks drugs are a good thing. Well this beating you will recieve will be a quick and painless one, although I have pondered the thought of slowly and painfully ending your career the best way I can..by snapping your fucking NECK boy! Even when we was in Lee Spawn and Whisper's federation, you still couldn't beat me. So yes Hank..Monday is going to be a very bad night for you. As for the Drakmens..(bows in front of the camera out of respect) I humble you with a good luck, to the greatest most talented tag team to walk into BUD and SEF. You boys got your hands full and yet I offer you a chance to be an ally to me if you wish. Hell boys, I will be so glad to side in on the Dark Carnival and help you become even greater. Even Pyretta is willing to join you as we have talked about siding with your group and reforming Dark Carnival. Think about it, a vampire, a firestarting bitch and two juggalos running amok in SEF. Sounds like it's the perfect plan. Oh and Matt..the Drakmens are not wannabe JUGGALOS..they ARE Juggalos. They are true to their selves because at least they are not punks and druggies like you and Hank are. They kick ass more real then you will ever know and I think if I do not win this..they will..at least one of them. Good Luck Drakmens and I will be in the shadows with my cousin in law if you boys decide to come visit."

Ravyn lifts up from the rotting stump and walks into the dead of the night as the scene fades.



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Re:Offering an Alliance on Redemption(Drakmens/Pyretta read-reply only)
Date Posted:21/04/2009 6:16 PMCopy HTML

Shut up, Go dress like a girl and be a it. Your a lame and a nobody. I'm cooler then you ever be you it


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Re:Offering an Alliance on Redemption(Drakmens/Pyretta read-reply only)
Date Posted:21/04/2009 6:55 PMCopy HTML

Pyretta comes into the scene and hears on the monitor what Hank says and replies to him.

"Oh wow Hank...what an insult. I mean..my cousin in law Ravyn is going to be so hurt by that..NOT! Hank, if anyone is so lame and pathetic.. is you. Who runs around shooting off one liners anymore. Sounds like to me that your butthurt that Ravyn kicked your ass so many times in the past. Get over yourself, Ravyn does. He gets over himself everyday, and yet you Hank, are nothing more then a wannabe thug. My cousin will take great pleasure in smacking the taste out of your mouth and ripping you to shreds with his bare hands. Your not so tough Hank..your weak..always will, always be weak. Trust me Hank, my cousin is far more superior then you imagine. Specially the time he put your dumbass in a dress at a department store and had a sign up reading: Bitch for sale...two cent whore and loves the cock. I laughed when I seen Ravyn do that to you. You deserve it. Sides, I think you need to shut up anyways because after years ago, you told my cousin Midnight that you hoped her unborn child dies. That was bullshit, so I don't blame Ravyn for destroying your ass. But Hank, it's been real fun..(rolls eyes) but seriously..be a good bitch and shut up for once. Oh and do us all a favor..and KILL YOURSELF.

Pyretta fades off the screen.

TBC BY DRAKMENS, ME AND RAVYN ONLY!!(Reply in your own thread HANK)


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Re:Offering an Alliance on Redemption(Drakmens/Pyretta read-reply only)
Date Posted:21/04/2009 7:51 PMCopy HTML

I do one liners because I'm cool like that and don't have enough time to fuck around with lames who want be goth and wear make up all the god damn time. So I'm outtie 5000 on your asses... Go die





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Re:Offering an Alliance on Redemption(Drakmens/Pyretta read-reply only)
Date Posted:21/04/2009 8:06 PMCopy HTML

Oh by the way, what you say about imagine. Specially the time he put your dumbass in a dress at a department store and had a sign up reading: Bitch for sale...two cent whore and loves the cock. That wasn't me and I can prove that whore

Fade out


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Re:Offering an Alliance on Redemption(Drakmens/Pyretta read-reply only)
Date Posted:21/04/2009 11:06 PMCopy HTML

Ravyn meets up with his cousin in law Pyretta down the street from where the cemetary that Ravyn was at. Pyretta informs Ravyn on Hank and what he has said recently. Ravyn chuckles and then responds.

"I am sure Pyretta that Hank just mad because he became a sore loser when I beat him many times in the ring. Sad that he won't win on Redemption. What I can tell you though..is that if he wants to show me the proof then fine. Let the poor thug wannabe try to show me something he can produce. If he was smart like he claims to be then he would realize that all records of past federations and anything to do which Spawn and Whisper..are in their possessions, meaning that he have to go through them to get it, and both of them hate his fucking guts as is. Besides cousin, if I wanted to, I can contact Whisper and have her to fax me over the proof and I am sure she would do that. I think Hank personally...is an EPIC FAILURE."

"Yeah Rav. But the fool thinks he's all bad when in reality he is and always be a jobber, a nobody, a loser and someone's personal bitch. I mean remember when he got fired that day of the event? He pulled that gun on you and tried to shoot you but Spawn was there to throw his ass out. How many times Ravyn did he get shit canned for his immature whining and bitching?"

"Too many Pyra..too many. Even they banned him from ever coming back, which he weaseled his way in. Hank has never learned that I am more better then him and at least I know who I am. Not sure what he is. I think he should have just not come back. No one wants him here or anywhere else."

Ravyn and Pyretta start walking as they meet up with the Drakmens to discuss business.


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