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Fulfill My Destiny!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 05, 2023, 05:41:51 PM

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Date Posted:22/04/2009 1:38 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Chris Orton that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The road to "Redemption" begins in San Antanio, Texas with the most talk about match featuring Chris Orton vs Scorpion fighting for SEF World Heavyweight Title on the line, and the question remain answer can Chris Orton fulfill his destiny become the new SEF World Heavyweight Champion beating Scorpion to become the top superstar in SEF. The scene opens up with Chris Orton with a smirk smile on his face hearing SEF fans going nuts for him, so Orton speaks about his upcoming match this Sunday.

Chris Orton: This Sunday is "Redemption", the feature match involes myself vs Scorpion for SEF World Heavyweight Title, so there one question been remain unanswer can I fulfill my destiny become the new SEF World Heavyweight Champion. Couple of years ago, I started my run in this company work my way up that ladder taking on very best that SEF has to offer, but one thing drove me to become top superstar in this business giving 100% effort in every match that I been in. I know there couple of SEF superstars who don't feel that I am ready to become the top guy haven't see anything to impress them, so what do I need to do to impress people huh? My wrestling ability has been doing all the talking for me, and I think everyone should be impress by that, or those SEF superstars still not impress do me a favor bend over kiss my ass. I been in this company for a long time work my way to get where I am today ready to take that next big step with SEF World Heavyweight Title around my waist and carrying this company on my shoulders.

Chris Orton lick his lips knowing he stating what he believes in, and he doesn't care if anyone not impress by him or not, so he started talking again.

Chris Orton: The champion is Scorpion the very same man who put me out for a while just to steal my spotlight, so he feels having Matt Ward by his side going to have upper hand on me, but he doesn't understand that I am ready to fulfill my destiny that every single person in that locker room will see just damn good a wrestler that I am just look what I have done in this company becoming a popular wrestler in the company very loyal to management also respecting those who gets in the ring with me. Last week on "War", I have lost all the respect for Scorpion beating me down having Matt Ward joining forces with him makes them as he says unstoppble forces which pretty funny if you ask me. I understand why Scorpin and Matt Ward attack me knowing I can very well pull an upset victory over Scorpion become SEF World Heavyweight Champion, but they don't want to see that happen more likely Scorpin doesn't want to lose to someone who is better than him in more ways he can't even think about. Let me ask you Scorpion, how are you going to beat me having Matt Ward get involve have him near ring side to make me focus on him instead of you, because if that your game plan the SEF World Heavyweight Title is no longer going to be with you. I know there is a lot of pressure on me winning this match adding another title in my legacy career, but the pressure is going away feeling pretty damn good going into this match to win. I know you are good Scorpion and you know I'm ready to give you a match of your life, so the question is who going bring everything they have in that ring, and who going to show who wants to this match more. I see this match more like "very best wrestler" vs "best wrestler" wrestling fighting for the title as "the best" in SEF period, so I know you and I will be fighting for that title as well, and I am counting the days, mintues, hours, and dreaming knowing SEF World Heavyweight Title could very well be mine to win. I have been a champion every company that I been in the reason working very hard to get where I am at, so this is only company I have not become top champion yet, and I plan on changing that this Sunday becoming the new SEF World Heavyweight Champion at "Redemption".

Chris Orton smiles knowing he made his points walks away, and the scene faded black.


This Layout Was Made For Chris Orton by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker

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