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Exactly What I Wanted (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 06:02:04 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:24/04/2009 10:37 PMCopy HTML

(Nick Torres the ever so cocky and arrogant asshole is now a good hearted man giving those younger stars an opportunity of a lifetime...yea, right! The guy wanted a damn challenge and so after seeing two kids waging war and demanding a title shot he made a proper interjection and a challenge to which both of course accepted. We got Logan Dudley, a known liar, but rising up the ranks, so whatever works is what ya gotta do. Joe Dumar is the other, maybe honest, but not the best of records, he is damn passionate though. Nick Torres, he's got twice the experience than these two put together, nearly two decades in this business, he's seen a lot more and that's a shoot. Torres is standing around the back of the Freeman Coliseum, he sits on the trunk of a black limo, elbows on his knees and wearing usual, the usual smirk on his face as well.)
Nick Torres: Ya claim ya seen it all and done it all already Logan, heh, you got a whole lot to learn son. I roamed this world for almost twenty years now, like six times what you have to your name and I ain't even seen it all, fact is, no man or woman has ever seen it all in this world no matter what their profession. As far as your lying goes Logan, heh, it got ya into a hell of a fued with Joe, you two been talked about around SEF a lot, so it worked. I do find it funny that you always complain your stuck in mid card level like your supposed to placed somewhere else.
(He shakes his head and laughs.)
Nick Torres: Ya don't get placed or stuck somewhere, you make your career move where ya want it, so if your "stuck" at mid card you have one person to blame...yourself! You don't realize where your at, you don't get SEF cause this company is where you become what your skill alows you to become, its also a place that really helps you improve your skill, so don't ever act like your held down by anyone except yourself cause your not and you know it or your dumber than I thought. Someone stuck in somewhere wouldn't have been on the Wrestle X card by the way, so maybe there's a clue for ya. You got a huge legacy to live up to made by the Dudleyz, but being their kin and being the way ya gloat about yourself ya should have no problem right? We'll see Logan, ya got a long way to go to match your family legacy, a long way, so don't get a big head and thing your at their level already ro even close cause son, that ain't the truth at all. I expect you to make it here though, ya need to learn a lot more, learn from your mistakes, but hey, we all learned from our mistakes and we all keep learning. I made many in my life and so will you, its what happens when your stubborn and refuse to listen and learn, when ya would rather do on your own with no help. Some say it make sya stronger, maybe it does, but then again who's to say its not the person? It all depends on the fight inside ya to make ya strong. You and Joe been fighting like dogs for scraps, tooth and nail, now ya get to fight for something real, a gold strap, but ya got more than each other to deal with, ya got the Westsiders Edge to deal with, one of Da original Gangstas!
(He smiles.)
Nick Torres: Cocky and arrogant it may be, but my track record speaks for itself in this business and in SEF especially. Logan, your namesake is the greatest tag team of all time, well son, I've taken the Dudleyz to their limit with two different broihers of mine and proved were just as good as they arte any day of the damn week and also, we all got respect, lots of, tons of respect for each other from all the battles we been in. You come in here talking about what ya did here or there outside of SEF and expect to get thrust on to the main stage, heh, like I said, ya got a lot to learn. This is SEF, you earn everything you get and you Logan, you got a long way to go to get to the main stage. You and Joe both do, but the thing about Joe, he knows it, he accepts it, although he does go too far with it, lacks confidence he needs to make it. Joe, ya do have heart, you got a lot of love for wrestling and that's awesome, but son, it does take more than that to make it big. Ya know, if ya put Joe and Logan together, say merged the two bodies and minds ya would have a guy who could be headlining here in a month. Basically, Logan and Joe, ya two could learn a lot from each other, a whole lot, so maybe instead of bashing each other, lying and calling each other out on it, ya should be studying more, learning and adapting the others ways combing them with your own. If the two of you were a little more like each other I wouldn't have to search out a challenge for my title, I'd be given it beacause you two would have been stepping up to the plate!
(Torres smirks and slides off the trunk now, lets his hands into his pants pockets all relaxed.)
Nick Torres: As far as hardcore goes as well, Joe, you like it, Logan, you don't care for it, but claim ya can be as hardcore as anyone, heh, boys, ya got a lot to learn about hardcore as well. The whole scene of it, ya know, fighting deathmatches every night, it ain't my gig, but it don't mean I ain't hardcore, real hardcore cause to be that you don't need special stip or weapons legal or to bleed. You can make a man bleed by punching them dead in the nose, one hit is all it takes, so no, that ain't real hardcore. Its a mentality, its what ya can take physically. Lets say two half ass guys, not much care in them, but they like to wrestle, like to. Their in a deathmatch say and guaranteed they don't live up to the legacy that match has built because the legacy was buolt by the men involved. You take those guys who built the legacy, take any two guys who love wrestling, want to be the best over everyone else and ya put them in a regular match, standard rules, whatever, ya get a more hardcore match than the first senario and that's real ill, that is the truth whether ya can admit it or not. I'm not here to to a fancy twist or a swan dive, to be flashy, I'm here to be real and for seventeen years I've done just that. Logan, Joe, its wild and unpredictable for sure, everyone has said it and I can't argue that, a triple threat is the ultimate threat to the champion, so maybe I won't be walking out still a champion after Redemption?!
(He smirks now.)
Nick Torres: Then again I never have doubted myself and I won't now, hell, I wanted the match, so ask me several times and I'll tell ya what I tell ya now, Nick Torres is the Westsiders Edge and still gonna be your International Champion. Now that's all I gotta say, see Sunday chumps!
(Torres brings his left hand up grabbing his toothpick and flicks it to the camera, then walks off laughing and the view just fades to black as he heads into the arena.)

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