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Just Like His Brother *Chirs Orton Read*

Started by MattWard, April 05, 2023, 07:05:58 PM

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Date Posted:01/05/2009 1:42 PMCopy HTML

AS SEF is getting ready for Sunday Night Extreme as The Newly crowned SEF Champion Chirs Orton is out bragging about how he accepts the Challenge of Scorpion. The SEF Camera's are rolling as the camera's show SEF Biggest Free Agent Justin Cage, the Prime time player of Professional Wrestling has made his way to SEF, as he notices that Scorpion might be walking out the world champion after the pay per view, but if Orton does walk away still the champion, who will be the next contender for the title. as the cameras are with Smokey McWeed as he is with the newest superstar in SEF.

||Smokey McWeed||
 right now i am with the man that just signed with Showstoppa's Extreme Federation, so Justin welcome to SEF, what are your thoughts so far?

||Prime Time Player|| ||Justin Cage|| First off thank you for the welcoming, Second Chirs Orton i do not care if you are the King of the World let get one thing straight your are not the Supior Superstar in SEF, you want to know who is the supoir superstar in this company it is me the prime time player Justin Cage. you think just because your brother had Legacy help him take out Triple H so you can he could punt him in the head to win the WWE title. you are just like your brother Chirs, you have a championship and a woman, just like when Randy was IC champion and he was dating stacy kebiler, what happen after he lost the IC title, he RKO Stacy, so what you going to CKO Taylor if you lose the SEF title. speaking of the SEF Title, if Scorpion does not defeat you for the title i do not have no problem beating your ass for that title that you are shinning up for the Prime Time Player.

||Smokey McWeed|| Justin what are your goals for SEF?

||Prime Time Player|| ||Justin Cage|| just like every one else to become SEF Champion, Because im Ballinnnnnnn and your Fallinnnnnn just like the stock market Chirs you will become brankupt after i defeate you for your SEF title.

Justin Cage comes into his locker room after being interivewed by Smokey McWeed as he closes the door to his locker room the cameras fade

End of Thread.

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