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Two Dudleyz In A Row (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 07:13:18 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:03/05/2009 12:38 PMCopy HTML

(Out of Redemption's triple threat match only one man remains in SEF and remains the International Champion and that man is Nick Torres. Last Sunday we saw Logan Dudley take a brutal fall through a table and result in him being paralyzed. Joe Dumar was the one who put him through the table with his Violent Impact move and he was so distraught over what he did to Logan Joe quit SEF, he gave up wrestling, he is done. Nick Torres however is not, he's seen a lot in his years and no matter how horrible or tragic he never quit this business. Tonight he gets to face another Dudley, Logan's Uncle D-Von, a man Nick knows all too well, a man he has went to w3ar with many times in SEF over the now retired Tag Team Titles. Back then it was either Cobra and Bruiser or Cobra and Skull battling the Dudley Boyz, proving what tag team wrestling is all about. Now their partners are all gone, its just the two men going to battle alone, no more to see who the better team is, but now to see who the better man is!)
(The International Champ is seen in the locker room wearing the usual black jeans and t-shirt, title draped over the bench he sits on and his bag at his feet. He leans back against the lockers all relaxed and cocky, typical view of Torres.)
Nick Torres: Me and D-Von get to clash tonight, a week after his nephew was put out of wrestling for good. Emotions must be overloading your body D-Von, unless of course you have no care for Logan. He was a big boy, he had a chip on his shoulder big enough to take care of himself, he'll be fine. Me and you though, we got huge history, we helped make SEF, and we got mad respect, at least I do and last time we talked I assumed you did too. Hell brother, we may as well be friends, the way you, Bubba, Storms, Bruiser, and myself used to beat each other to hell in the ring and then go get drunk the same night, unleash and have fun, I'd call ya a friend. We ain't best buds, we won't always have each others back, but we got respect and we got love for this business and we can go out to the ring and give them what they want to see, then head to the back and toss each other drink remembering the good ol' days!
(He pauses looking down and the fondness in his eyes, he is remembering those days now.)
Nick Torres: Its all about the better man now, no more teams, just you and I beating the shit out of each other to climb to the top on our own. You beat me, a chmpion in SEF, you could claim a title shot at me or higher and if I beat you, it means just as much. It pushes me up the ladder closer to what I want more than ever before, closer to what I need, the World Heavyweight Title! Every one of my clique has held the gold and now its my time to step the fuck up. Go though you or anyone elese, any of these young, rookie pukes coming into SEF, I'll go through them all and I will get my first World Title!
(His cockiness gone and Torres leans forward looking serious.)
Nick Torres: Seventeen years and not one World Title to my name, but this year that will change and Nick Torres will set his name into stone in SEF. I've already etched it, but I need to do more, I need that World Title. Chris Orton has it now, he and Scorpion got their date again, so I'll wait, but not too much longer. Tonight D-Von we got our date and as much respect as we got I have to say you haven't shown a lot of passion lately, but at least you are like original self instead some of your phases in SEF!
(He smirks and we all know what he means or at least should know.)
Nick Torres: Oddly enough, the way you acted during those phases is a lot like Logan acted when he was here...well, guess that's just genetics huh?! You guys are family after all. Maybe after tonight you can visit him in the hospital when you share a room with him! I am out to be the top dawg, I'm shooting straight and rising my ass up, no one is safe in my path to the World Title, not even a friend, hell, any of my boys from Da Gangstas would be in for the same treatment, so take no offense to it D-Von. I am the next World Champ around here, watch and see!
(Nick grabs his title and stands up slinging it obver his shoulder. He walks towards the door heading out of the room and the view and we soon fade to black.)

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