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Whats the real deffinition of respect?

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 07:15:53 PM

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Date Posted:03/05/2009 2:10 PMCopy HTML

After taking a few weeks off to deal with some other  buisness and  because of a old injury and resting up from being on the road to Japan and other places doing what is more respected in Tag  team wrestling along with his brother the time was only fitting that it was time to come back and keep going  where  it was left off at. Inside the arena  and by the locker rooms the  door opens and D-Von walks in  pulling his bags  and  finally  heads down the hall to the locker room. He gets there and after getting ready he answers his cell sitting on a nearby bench. The camera crew catch up and he looks up  wanting a minute.

D-Von:  I hear ya my brother but you need to relax and  take it easy where you are.  Dont worry about me  ill be  fine ive  taken time to heal up and now its time for  buisness. So ill talk to ya  later.

He finally hangs up and  takes a breath  looking to the camera.

D-Von:  You know it's been what a couple months almost since i stepped foot back in the company? Ive been hurt but you know ive been pushing through alot of pain and  injuries  for  alot of years from  the beginning to ECW to  WWE and to here and honestly theres no other rush like walking back in to a place  my brother and i helped put on the map. Alot of memories always seem to be in fans miinds when you take a oppertunity to talk to them not over driven by your own hype and ego.

He laughs a little before looking  down then back.
D-Von:  Tonight first night back since  taking a little break and i go a challenge against someone who aint a stranger. Someone who  has proven  he deserves all hes got.  But you see Nick the trouble is you  got a bit of a  ego my friend you  think i gonna  be  like Logan and have a chip because of who i am what ive done and  who my family is. Come on you should know me better than that you said it best we  had up and down the road wars against eachother from way back. Ive  gone through seeral changes in ad out of the ring but in the end im still the same guy i was back in the beginning. Im the same D-Von i have always been and thats one wo  aint afraid to go throguh hell to be  where i wanna be and  get to where i need to be. I aint my brothers son  i have no idea what his deal is i know Bubba  aint  proud of  his ego and ow he acts  ive talked to Bubba about it. But i aint Logan and i sure as hell aint Bubba im myself and tonight  your challenge aint the guy from back then its the new  guy you  must face now.

He grabs a water getting a quick drink  leaning against the wall and  relaxes some.

D-Von:  I have also noticed you  say your gonna  put me in the same hospital room with him  then  say your the next world champion in the same breath.  Nick  youve changed.  From the guy in the past to now youve changed  your not the guy  i  use to  fight  your not the guy  bubba and i put over  when asked  on radio shows  or in  magazines your a diffrent  guy.  Guess what  im also diffrent i dont lean on my past as a crutch i dont need my brother to stand by me to make a  history  chapter in my career. What i need is for someone like you  to  prove the hype  your on as a title holder as a champion  in the making and as the future of the buisness. Your a young kid who still has plenty of time to be who and what you wanna be but  your getting a bit of a ego one major downfall and i plan on proving it tongiht.  So ill tell you what Nick  you bring your ego as well as what you have  and then  we'll see who  visits the hospital first after tongiht. Respect or no respect  tongiht  a new  fights opened from a old chapter  so  see ya tonight  and  by the way  dont forget  i know  you just about as good as you know me. You wanna be a  world champion  and you wanna kinda get a step up tonight i wanna be there as bad as anyone but you know  what i aint in any rush  Unlike a few  i plan on  taking my time slowing down and  having fun.

He  steps away from the wall and heads to the gym for a quick work out before the nights action

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