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universal6 star tag team

Extreme Ha

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 07:34:03 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:47
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:26/05/2009 9:45 PMCopy HTML

Extreme is coming soon and we got the team Scorpion + Matt Ward + Suicide Hank facing team Chris Orton w/Taylor Johnson + D-Von Dudley + Nick Torres. Two champions on a team the World and International championship belt which Suicide Hank will take at Reckless Rebellion.

The camera opens in moving around where no one is around, the room is quite and dark inside. The fans are wondering whats going on like is anyone going come out and shoot a promos. Out of a no where Hank pops out.

"Ha D-Von you don't forget my name in your promos bitch. I will destroy you. You claim you and Bubba Ray are the best tag team in the world bitch please, Let me tell you I hold a lot tag titles in my time you back on top bitch please. I'm going whoop that ass you will not be on the top or will ever be. Stay with the tag team please, that all your good with. HA. I will beat that ass. Now Nick just wait till Reckless Rebellion. I'm going leave a ass beating on your ass. I will make sure you can't show up to SEF lease for a while. That is not a threat, that is a fucking promise. Your a little piece of shit thinking your the best. I'm the best, I'm going get that title trust me on that. Chris your a bitch and always be a bitch."

Hank pops away and camera fades away.

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