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I'm taking over tonight

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 07:52:41 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:07/06/2009 11:16 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Suicide Hank that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

   Death Match God




The camera fades in with Suicide Hank sitting down looking around wearing a white t shirt and black shorts. He has a evil smile on his face like he is going kill someone. Who knows he might kill someone name Nick. His eyes are blood shot red after he smoke some bubble gum kush. He begins to speak...

"We are getting close to SEF monthly event Reckless Rebellion with great matches coming up, better then what we seen lately The Main Event is a DOGG Fight for the SEF World Heavyweight Championship Scorpion veers The World Heavyweight Chris Orton. Chris and Scorpion as been having beef the last couples months. Shit before that we had jobber Ravyn Crow try to get a title shot lets see what happen he lost and now he quit SEF and he quit The Domain to. Wow how he paying the bills... I don't want get started on that. I see his son in The Domain to he's not going make it either. I should stop talking shit making beef, HA fuck that dude. Anyways, The next match the pre-main event match Suicide Hank verses Nick Torres the five time International champion. Don't even matter he can be 100 times International champion that would he mean he would lost 100 times plus what ever he lost with other matches. It's not good to claim how many time you are champion. I see your not even a former World Champion, been in SEF for a long time and not got a title shot. I bet that was the reason you walk out of SEF. Now you return and what deal did you make nothing I bet. I mean you probably never had a World title shot, well if you did you didn't win. So don't even talk about me in 07 getting my ass beat real bad from Viper at Unscripted because I didn't even see you get a World title shot, you stuck in to the mid card. Fuck you haven't see really hit headlines to me your nothing. I fought better people then you, so when you find the best and fought them and beat them come to speak to me."

Hank stands there for a second with a smile thinking in his head that he's in a other world right now. He wants to start speaking again, but he laughs what he just said. As he continues to laugh and he looks in to the camera putting his hand right at the camera.

"Nick, I could keep going on you for real because I am better then you, I'm going beat you to night. Last week you might got a victory over me because of Chris you still can't beat me. I am undefeated in SEF. You know I know the fans know that match doesn't count against me. Go ahead and talk your shit how you are better, and I got beat a lot even in The Domain and their hold locker room hates me. I was MSN Most Hated 2005 to 2007. You hate me, Mack Hates me, fuck Chris hates me and I'm going get that World title when I get done playing with your ass and the title. The SEF board brought me back to SEF for ratings. Oh yeah you see Nick I might be hated but I am the MSN most hated plus becoming to become Aimoo most hated. Everyone watches me because they want see me get my ass beat it happens sometime but not all the time. Like this Sunday, Nick I'm going destroy you bad. You don't want make our match a death match you scare I'll end your career but guess what I am going end your career for a while. That is a fact, it's time to get rid of Nick he's becoming over rated. That is another reason I was brought in to SEF get rid of the over rated people in SEF. I am here to bring the rating up. It's no joke or a lie. Your boring the fans, they rather watch Leaky then you these days and that's sad. I know you hate the truth Nick but what can I say someone got tell you. So Nick go ahead and run your mouth because tonight you will lose."

Hank stands up looking into the camera putting his hands up telling Nick to bring it on because he's going take that championship belt tonight and nothing he's going do about it. He pushes the camera away and walks away by punching the wall letting Nick know.

This Layout Was Made For Suicide Hank  by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker

Suicide Hank 

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