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universal6 star tag team

The Only Real Team Left (Xanthus & Corez)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 07:57:43 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:07/06/2009 9:31 PMCopy HTML

(Smokey McWeed stands in front of the camera holding a mic all baked as usual and then the view widens and to his right stands Corez, to his left is Xanthus, the two men known as The Hardcore Connection, the last real tag team left and the two men looking to revitalize tag team wrestling once again.)
Smokey McWeed: Yo people, I'm here with X and Corez who got a big tag matahc tonight, its a triple threat against um, those Drakmen's and the team of D-Von Dudley and Cage something or other. So my brothers, how ya feeling? Ready to whip some ass as usual?!
Corez: Hell yea Smoke, the Drakmen's, D-Von, and Justin Cage, heh. The Drakmen's first, their a fucking joke of a team, their pathetic, and anyone who considers them a tag team is a joke. They never did shit here, they never stepped or proved shit, and tonight their gonna get their asses handed to them with some good ol', real, hardcore wrestling.
Xanthus: Oh yea my brother...testify...that was no disrespect to you D-Von. I did it to pay homage to one of the best tag team on the world and I appreciate your respect to me and my bro. You see the light, you know what's up, you realize that THC is gonna bring back tag team wrestling and as far as tonight, were doing it by winning. Your one half of a great team, but you and Justin Cage are no match tag team wise for myself and Corez, though ya too are more of a match then them pathetic Drakmen's bitches!
Corez: You got it right brother, D-Von and Justin are the better team, the bigger hallenge for us tonight, but even with D-Von's past accolades his team doesn't have what we got, the greatest trust and knowledge of one other!
(X and Corez knocks fists together.)
Smokey McWeed: So you two pretty sure your gonna win huh. Ya planning a big celebration tonight?
Xanthus: Don't we always Smoke?!
Smokey McWeed: Yea ya do and I'll be there with ya, ya always bring the good shit!
(X and Smokey slaps hands together.)
Corez: Its gonna be a party no matter if we win or lose though, c'mon, we always do that shit regardless.
Xanthus: That's true as well, but tonight we'll have a big reason to celebrate. Hope them Tag Titles get brought back soon.
Smokey McWeed: You guys spoke to Whitney about it? Seems like she would bring them back considering it was her dad who got rid of them.
Corez: We soke with her actually, but she don't want to yet. Wants to do our thing for a while and try to make people step up, so that's exactly what were gonna do.
Xanthus: Yea we are and not too long from now its gonna happen, so we'll catch ya later Smoke.
Corez: Lets go show the world who the last real tag team is brother!
(X and Corez move nose to nose now, then shove each other and slap hands before walking off camera leaving Smokey smiling, then the view fades to black.)

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